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two stories that explain why im using the F word alot in my head

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  • two stories that explain why im using the F word alot in my head

    Slow week lol

    Poor Doggie
    theres a place i go on occasions and in the apartment below where i go theres this dog.
    Ive seen her before, and she recently had puppies. She thin, is tied up on a short rope and ive never seen food out for her. The last time i was there there was no water so i called the cops.
    I hope she was taken care of because she looks cute, and sweet and puppies! i love puppies.......

    Are you simple!!!!
    So i go to the laundry mat to do my laundry. I have 4 loads to clean, and and one load of all whites to dry. i set a good portion of my laundry on a table, run next door, while my sister is starting so of the laundry, to grab some drinks cause i need to break a 20. I get back at at my table theres a woman with two little kids eating a big red shazed ice. RIGHT INFRONT OF MY WHITES! i set down my drinks glare at her to give her a hint that the full table was in fact taken and to move to the empty table. I go to start my wash loads get back and shes still there.
    So i snap.
    Me- yeah me woohoo
    IW- Idiot woman
    Me- Excuse me the laundry right in front of you is clean.
    IW- Oh you dont have to worry
    Me- Well no offense id rather you kids not get it dirty.
    IW- well why dont you move it over alittle.
    Me- Because i was using the table (btw me and my sister where planing on grabbing lunch and to play cards so yes i did need a table)
    IW- But its a table
    Me- Yeah and theres another Empty one on the other side
    IW- *blank stare* yeah........
    Me- *doesnt want to start filling the air with my curse words because she looks like a fighter* What ever ..... bitch
    i have my sister grab our stuff while i finish off the rest of my laundry.
    good thing too because those kids start throwing their shaved ice around.
    Seriously!!! You come in and you see a table covered in stuff and you deside to sit down there?
    that wasnt even a viable opition!!!!!
    you had opition A and opition B- A- Ask the people using said table if you can sit your kids there so you can keep a better eye on them because you dont belive you can trust them on the perfectly good bench right next to us. or B which is the best opition, go over to the other table set them down, and then come check on your laundry.... for the love of god... if i didnt have a good filter your kid would have learned new words
    oh and before i forget, it turned out she was an off duty attendant, who has seen us there before, using the table, to fold eat and and play cards, and has seen us enough times to recongize our baskets and bags, infact once someone pointed her out to me i reme,bered her, shes the type of woman sho doesnt under stand excuss me you need to put and out of order sign on that dryer... cause theres no power going to it.... also mops the water from a leak, during a monsoon rain storm... instead of trying to close the laundrymat, when its flooind like crazy
    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 08-21-2008, 08:47 PM.

  • #2
    Oye. I hate laundromats. The apartment we're in now, we live right above the complex's mat, so I don't have to lug the laundry too far, plus there's no attendants to hover around me while I'm washing my underwear.

    However, because there are no attendants, and the people who work in the office of the apartment complex are less-than-helpful about things, people who use the mat tend to take their anger towards broken machines out on said machines.

    I went down the other day and someone had written "DOES NOT WORK, FIX IT!!!" in big, black, permanent marker ON TOP OF THE 7 or 8 BROKEN MACHINES!!! They actually wrote it ON the machines. I was like: I at least have the courtesy to TAPE a note up.

    Anyway... bah I hate laundromats. I feel your pain, Sliceanddice.
    I work at Walgreens.

    (I'm just tired of mentioning it every time I want to relate to a story. )


    • #3
      Quoth IEatCustomers4Breakfast View Post
      I went down the other day and someone had written "DOES NOT WORK, FIX IT!!!" in big, black, permanent marker ON TOP OF THE 7 or 8 BROKEN MACHINES!!! They actually wrote it ON the machines. I was like: I at least have the courtesy to TAPE a note up.
      That sounds like a laundromat I used to visit. People would scratch a big "X" on top of driers that no longer dried properly. Same ones every year four summers running...
      My NaNo page

      My author blog


      • #4
        Quoth Kheldarson View Post
        That sounds like a laundromat I used to visit. People would scratch a big "X" on top of driers that no longer dried properly. Same ones every year four summers running...
        Ugh. So rude. But I can understand the frustration of losing a buck in a machine.
        I work at Walgreens.

        (I'm just tired of mentioning it every time I want to relate to a story. )


        • #5
          I hate laundrymats. Yeah I've had people move my dryers before they were done.Also people touch and move my laundry and basket/soaps.I dunno people have no condiseration

