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I seem to attract them

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  • I seem to attract them

    Ok, I got back from my family reunion just a few days ago. I had a blast, great trip. But there were still the wackos following me.
    So the first was from Willits... I'm in McDonalds with my mother (she's able to eat almost normally again... hopefully this lasts). We had just finished eating and were talking, mainly reminiscing about how much Northern California has changed sense the last time we had gone there. Anyway this guy, not very clean, very obviously escaped from a mental institute, walked up, leaned over the table, looked at me, looked at my mom, looked at the tray, took a bite out of his burger, chewed and swallowed, and said "fuck you, why didn't you save any food for me" and walked off.

    Seriously, why do I attract these people?

    Oh and the only other thing really weird on the trip (by my standards) was when we stopped for fuel in Clear Lake on the way back, while in the store waiting for the restroom to open up the couple in front of me was talking about how they only had $30 to last them the next 6 weeks... and that they would have to chose between smoking and eating... they actually came to the mutual conclusion that they were better off giving up food for 6 weeks ... oh and cigs aren't cheap... they won't last 6 weeks off of $30 anyway.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    Hey, I have family in Willits, and my Dad has a Tshirt with Willits, and some bizarre slogan, emblazoned upon it... (like... Gateway to the Redwoods, I think...) such that, any time he wears it, the family absolutely HAS to ask him where Willits is. It's gotten to the point he just frowns at anyone who looks like they're about to ask.

    Now, did the big, smelly guy take food from your guys' tray? Or was it his own hamburger?
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      Quoth Juwl View Post
      Now, did the big, smelly guy take food from your guys' tray? Or was it his own hamburger?
      it was his own hamburger... but you could tell this guy was upset that we didn't have anything left on our tray that he could have taken.
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

