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What part of "private property" do you not understand?

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  • What part of "private property" do you not understand?

    For some reason, people who live around my community think our parking area is a public parking area (and the board is too scared to actually tow these vehicles).

    So, now there are some landscapers not working on our property but parked on my community's grass and they have garbage dumped all over the place.

    I took pictures of their truck, license plate, their equipment and all of their garbage and then told them that they had 5 minutes to move or else their truck is getting towed and they better take their garbage with them. I don't think their English was too good or else they would have argued.

    I don't know why people think that it is OK to park on someone else's property (it is bad enough with our own residents parking on the grass).

    I've applied to be on the board but I know that if it is up to our president she will do everything in her power to not allow me on the board, she knows I won't put up with any BS nor will I be a puppet like she's been trying to get on the board. Our elections are in a few weeks but several residents are tired of what is going on (well, lack of anything going on that is) so hopefully we'll have some serious changes.

    The city also decided to move a bus stop from a mini mall (laundromat and a bodega) about 250 feet down the street to our property meaning that the people waiting for the bus wear down our lawn, sit on people's front steps, and leave their garbage wherever they want to. Every other bus stop has a covered bench and a trash can except ours.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    Well, if you really want to get on the board. The next election vote that comes up, get at least 51% of the members to do a write in vote for you to be president. That'll solve the issue.

    Check your by-laws for the specifics and rights for officers, board members, and members. Most likely, it's not in the president hands but the secretary to make the ballots and put people on it. At least that is the case with my HOA, the board members are responsible for putting people on ballot for the board member and officers positions, not the officers (i.e. president). The board members tell me (the secretary), who they want in those spots and I make the ballots. And I'm fair, I tell members if they want to run for a spot. Let me know in writing and I'll put them on the ballot.
    I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


    • #3
      To give you a hint at how f-ed up our board is:

      We haven't had a legal election in over 2 years. 2 years ago there wasn't even an election and last year not enough ballots were collected and there was no re-election.

      It has just been our president. She's gone though so many management companies that I've lost count, our attorney is a general practice attorney (and a real @$$hole). We also suspect that the president has been doing something to the financial books or else why would she still be president if she didn't live here (someone put her name on their title so she could stay on the board).

      I was on the board before but was pushed out because the president tried to blame me for the lack of maintenance on our roofs (yea, I did all that in the 3 weeks I was on the board). They sat on their hands while the insurance company f-ed us over after Wilma (took over 3 years to get our roofs repaired).

      I've also noticed, and mentioned, that the amount of funds that "didn't come in" from association fees was the same as six units (out of twenty nine) not paying any association fees.

      I submitted my application via certified mail so if I'm not on the ballot there will be hell to pay.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        Sounds like you need to take a copy of the bylaws to an attorney and let them know what's been going on. If the bylaws have certain rules then they have to follow them.

        Our Board has 7 members, can't have more or less, and 4 have to be at each meeting (once a month). We serve 3 year terms though.

        Ironically I'm the secretary for our board too. But on ours I'm 4th in command.


        • #5
          Not only that, florida has a whole lot of laws on the books regarding HOAs. Including requiring to provide access to records within a few days upon written request.

          If you really think there something fishy going on, demand to see the financials.
          I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


          • #6
            Quoth LostMyMind View Post
            If you really think there something fishy going on, demand to see the financials.
            They should have them available anyway. That's another thing with our HOA, we have to have the financials reviewed every 2 years by a CPA (our treasurer actually is a CPA, but someone other than him), and we have to give a detailed report to the community once a year at the annual meeting (when the elections are held) and we put brief financial info in each quarterly newsletter.

            Our only issue is getting people to care. Out of 220 homes we cover, I think about 15-20 come to the annual meeting (sometimes more, sometimes less).


            • #7
              My wife and I are fully aware of the rules and have been in contact with the appropreate department with the state of Florida. It's gone on for too long. The financials are available but we'd have to drive about 45 minutes to the accountant and then we have to submit a formal request in writing and then they need to get confirmation from the boiard (meaning 2 to 4 trips).
              Quote Dalesys:
              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


              • #8
                What??? the accountant's office is the official record holder of the HOA. That can't be right, the records should be at the legal designated office (most have the secretary hold it).

                There should be one trip and nobody should be talking to the accountant but the treasurer. Make the request directly to the treasurer for a copy of last year and 2 years ago records.
                I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                • #9
                  This is why I refuse to live in a neighborhood that has a home owners association...

                  I've heard so many horror stories (never a good one... actually)...

                  All they do is tell you how to live. "You can't have this" "You can't do that" "You must do this"... it's all BS....
                  <Insert clever signature here>


                  • #10
                    I'm not a homeowner yet, but I've heard of problems with HOAs. Last year I was renting a place, the condo was in a HOA. Nothing but problems regarding stupid things, and my neighbors acted like entitlement whores who got pissed off over little things. They'd never actually come knock on the door to ask me, they'd leave little notes on the door. I can't stand notes.

                    Luckily where I would possibly get a home, HOA's don't exist. Kinda hard to have a HOA when you're living outside of town with a barn full of animals and dirtbikes.
                    Gun control is hitting your target; recycling is reloading your brass.
                    "It's not our fault the Business School makes you buy those crappy Gateways!"
                    "The queue is..."


                    • #11
                      Well, not all HOA are created equal. Yes, there are HOA who have their permanent stick up their behind.

                      Some HOA exist only to collect fees to keep electric running for the sewer pump (and maintenance) and pave the roads. Other exist to keep everyone who don't have the same stick up their behind out of their neighborhood.

                      Apt and condo HOA are the worst. Everyone who in the HOA is trying to keep that place "a nice place" so they can keep the rent high.
                      I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                      • #12
                        Home Owner's Association (note the singular possessive)? That's DH and me! I bought my place out in the boonies specifically because there are no covenants or restrictions, besides state laws. If I wanted to have a hog farm, I could; but then so could the "neighbors." I love it!
                        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Primer View Post
                          Home Owner's Association (note the singular possessive)? That's DH and me! I bought my place out in the boonies specifically because there are no covenants or restrictions, besides state laws. If I wanted to have a hog farm, I could; but then so could the "neighbors." I love it!
                          I would have loved to have a place like that.

                          But to do that I would have had to either a)spend a lot more money or b) spend the same money and get a small house, or a house in desperate need of repair.

                          I never wanted to live with an HOA, but I do now so I make the most of it.


                          • #14
                            Doesn't a registered letter count as written notice? That doesn't require a 45 minute drive.
                            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                            • #15
                              good sirmartoin

                              Quoth draggar View Post
                              I took pictures of their truck, license plate, their equipment and all of their garbage and then told them that they had 5 minutes to move or else their truck is getting towed and they better take their garbage with them.
                              we need good people like you in this day and age
                              Last edited by Ree; 09-01-2008, 02:05 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting

