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I think I'm in love...

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  • I think I'm in love...

    I was in line at my local non-member big box store (whose initials are the same as my own) when I saw the following and fell in love with a lovely woman of advanced years.

    C- poor overworked cashier
    BRAT- Basic Really Annoying Teen
    M- yours truly
    SG- a Senior Goddess

    This place can never seem to keep enough people on staff, at least they always have up 'Help Wanted' signs and lots of young people come and go.
    There was only one register open and the line was long which was no big deal.
    At least until the BRAT got in line. She pushed her full cart up, hurrying the last 10-15 feet to beat out two others approaching and proceeds to whip out her cell and share her conversation, full of complaints about having to wait, about how they don't know to run the place, etc.
    That, while a bit annoying, is, these days, just par for the course. But she added a special twist- she started tap-tap-tap-tap-tapping her keys against the steel cart.
    Okay, not too bad for the first 5 minutes but by the time I finally reached the cashier I was ready to see if I could throw those keys across the parking lot.
    The cashier and I exchanged a look and I softly whispered, for his ears only, "Boy, that is pretty annoying, don't you think?"
    He agreed enough to say to the BRAT, "Miss, that's a very annoying sound. Would you please stop doing that?"
    Of course this set off the mini-EW and she exploded:
    "Who the F--K do you think you are? I'll do whatever I want and there's nothing you can do about it!"
    (It was a few months ago so I hope you'll excuse my inability to recall every word of her rant.)
    When she finally ran out of steam the kindly little SG leaned forward and said, just loud enough for the rest of us to hear, "Sweetie- remember, you never want to be a bitch by accident."
    C and I both had to cover our mouths to stifle our laughter but our eyes met and did it silently.
    The BRAT lost it, slammed her full cart against the candy stand and stomped out, promising to never shop there again!
    The cashier commented, amidst our group laughter, "I'm not that lucky."

    I promised the Goddess that I would quote her often and was going to post the story on this site.
    Last edited by StanFlouride; 08-27-2008, 10:34 PM. Reason: removed smiley
    "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
    -Eric Foreman That 70's Show

  • #2
    "Sweetie- remember, you never want to be a bitch by accident."

    Perhaps the greatest quote I have heard in years!
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3

      Glad you shared it - now I'M gonna use it too.


      • #4
        Do I smell a Tshirt in the works?


        • #5
          Nice pwnage there!
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #6
            That is some of the best advice I've ever heard. *filing it away for future use and consideration*


            • #7
              mom giggled.

