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Still So D**m Angry

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  • Still So D**m Angry

    Today I was at Costco with my sons. It was around 6:00 pm when this happened.

    We were close to leaving when we noticed that there was a vendor with sugar free chocolates. We stopped while I read the ingredients. They seemed nice and I thought spending a little extra on them for the kids could be a better choice than the usual Hershey bars. In the meantime, the vendor was talking to some old geezer (yes, he earned that title) who kept talking on and on about nothing in particular.

    We waited a couple of minutes then the OG finally decided he would buy a box of chocolates. My older son, who exhibits many symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome, finally said, before he realized that the OG had finally asked for ONE box of dark chocolates bars, "Excuse me, sir, could we try the chocolate?"

    The vendor was, by now, finally filling a box with the requested chocolate bars. In the meantime, another mother, with her young daughter, was also waiting for attention.

    I told my son, "Honey, just wait a minute. The man is buying a box of candy. When he's done you'll get your sample." So the boys continued to wait, I thought, pretty patiently, as OG continues to run his mouth and the vendor keeps talking with him.

    Older son waits until the box is almost done (in the meantime, the vendor had not bothered to take even a second to acknowledge me or the other woman waiting), to say, "Excuse me, sir . . . "

    The vendor then snaps, "We're closing shortly and you'll only have time to try one sample."

    OS says, "That's all we wanted to try," very matter of factly, but politely. I started to get pissed, but the kids wanted to try the chocolate, so I waited.

    Finally, the vendor finishes filling the ONE box the man had originally requested. Seeing this, my son says, "Sir, we'd like to try . . ."

    He is immediately cut off by the vendor, who is now filling a second box of candy for OG. "When I'm done, I'll get it for you. Don't be smart."

    At which point I wanted to reach across that table and smack him so hard his head would spin. Instead, I thought it better that I not make a scene in front of not only my kids but the other child, so I said loudly, "Let's go. He had no right to say what he did to you, OS. You're my son. He has no right to speak to you that way."

    My younger son didn't say anything, just followed me. My older son said, "Why? What did he say?"

    I told him that the way the vendor had been speaking in a short manner to him, and then saying, "Don't be smart," was completely wrong, that OS had been nothing but polite. My son still didn't understand. I wanted to start crying right there. I explained that the vendor meant that OS should not be a smart ass, but that OS had been completely polite. The vendor should not have spoken that way to him or to any child.

    I ended up buying them their choice of candy bars and we left. I was still so angry, and I almost turned around to go back, but I didn't want to leave the kids in the car and I didn't want to explode in front of them or anyone else.

    As I drove home, I finally called the Costco store. I spoke to a woman in the admin office, explained to her that I didn't want the vendor fired or anything like that, but that he had been completely out of line and what had happened, starting to cry in my anger and frustration. She had been kind of listening with a "Uh huh, okay," attitude, until I mentioned the "Don't be smart," comment. At that, she seemed to finally snap to. She apologized profusely, and told me the store would be contacting the vendor and the company about his behavior. I repeated that I didn't want him fired. She told me that vendors practically beg for space in Costco stores and that behavior like that was not tolerated.

    We got home and I was still crying. I told my husband and now he wants to go back to the store tomorrow to confront the vendor. I told him we didn't even know if the guy would be there, but if it made him feel better, then fine.

    I'm sure that the vendor was tired and probably sick of kids begging for samples. My husband agreed. But he could have taken five seconds to acknowledge those of us who were waiting while he waited on OG. He could have stopped after the first box and told OG that he would be just a minute and gotten everyone their samples. But he chose to be a dick to a child.
    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
    HR believes the first person in the door
    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
    Document everything
    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

  • #2
    I think you were right to complain, WG. Your son was polite, he didn't scream and yell and say "GIMME SAMPLE NOW WTFBBQ!!!"
    I wish more kids could say "Excuse me..." when wanting to grab someone's attention
    Give yourself a squish from me, k? You took the high road and were the better person in this situation. If I were the vendor, I would've thought "Bargain! More customers! More sales! Wheee!" He obviously doesn't feel the need to be at least civil to potential customers.
    Granted, he may have had people begging for samples the whole day and not made a sale, but it doesn't pay to tar all people with the same brush.
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      At the very least, the absolute minimum, he should have acknowledged customers waiting with a smile, nod, or "I'll be with you soon".

      He will deserve whatever comes of it.


      • #4
        Brilliant vendor ... pays attention to blathering OG rather than more potential customers.

        Vendors beg and donate their college-aged daughters to get space in Costco ... if they lose the space because of this incident, it's highly likely that the vendor in question will be fired. Frankly, he deserves it.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          at Costco we tried one sample and threw the garbage from several other samples into this guys garbage can and he came unglued on me for "filling up" his garbage with 2 napkins and a spoon?

          I did not report him as in my experiance Costco employees are not allowed to help customers,if you ask them for help finding an item they say well if you can not find it we probably do not carry it any more, then they tell you to stop by customer service, who will pretend to look it up on the computer , saying they do not carry it, during that time my husband has actually found the item we were looking for

          no other store has so many employees we dread dealing with ,I have to shop there as part of my job or I would just not go there but I can't


          • #6
            Let's see, he repeated ignores paying customer so he can loaf. He was repeatedly rude to your child. He said something totally innappropriate to your kid, IN FRONT OF YOU, no less, which completely disrespected you both.

            Why would you care if he gets fired or not? He's a dick. He was appalling to your children in front of you.

            Forget wanting him fired, I'd want him pile-driven into the linoleum.


            • #7

              You have far more patience than I. You can sleep well at night knowing you did the right thing.

              It's bad enough the state messes around with families and such. (Don't get me wrong, I know the government wants to protect children, but sometimes in their zeal, they do things that are neither necessary or warranted) However I am a firm believer that parents should have the sole responsibility of rearing their offspring. Your children executed manners, and demonstrated patience. The very least the vendor could have done was return the favour.

              Fired is the absolute minimum the vendor should face. Had that been me, I know I'd have spent the night at least in the Grey Bar Motel. You just totally rock!
              Windows Operating System is an oxymoron."

              Oh, You want instant Gratification? Go f*ck yourself then!
              I found the problem. /dev/clue was linked to /dev/null


              • #8
                See, I would have wanted him fired, if he had spoken any family member of mine who was being polite. That guy is a jackass, plain and simple
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  Quoth simpleyme View Post
                  at Costco we tried one sample and threw the garbage from several other samples into this guys garbage can and he came unglued on me for "filling up" his garbage with 2 napkins and a spoon?

                  I did not report him as in my experiance Costco employees are not allowed to help customers,if you ask them for help finding an item they say well if you can not find it we probably do not carry it any more, then they tell you to stop by customer service, who will pretend to look it up on the computer , saying they do not carry it, during that time my husband has actually found the item we were looking for

                  no other store has so many employees we dread dealing with ,I have to shop there as part of my job or I would just not go there but I can't
                  Apart from working for a different chain, you just described exactly why I never shot at Costco. My one experience in a Costco club was just so awful I swore never to go back there. I go in just to buy a phone card.

                  First I get stopped at the door by their LP guy, whom I now refer to as the Costco Gestapo. I didn't have my own membership, but had borrowed my mother's. Now, apparently they only check to see if you have one, i.e., you flash your card, you get let inside. This guy actually stopped me, checked the card, and then gave me this Look. I just tell him, "Look, I'm only here to buy a phone card, and it's my Mom's card." He grunts and waves me through.

                  So I go into the store and I'm trying not to browse too much, as I can see it's busy, and I just wanna get my phone card and go home. One problem. None of the aisles are labeled. All there is is a number denoting each aisle, but not what's down that aisle. So I'm having to guess where the phone cards are. Nope, not by electronics, nope, not by that display, not apparently at the registers either.

                  So I'm wandering around for a few minutes, then spot someone wearing a Costco vest.

                  J2K: "Excuse me, where are your phone cards?"
                  Costco Employee: *barely even looking up or at me* "Over there." *gestures vaguely*

                  So, slightly grumpy at the dismissal, I go in that direction, but still can't find the phone cards. I'm looking over in that area for ten minutes, still can't find them. I go up to another Costco employee.

                  J2K: "Excuse me, where are your phone cards?"
                  CE: *exasperated sigh, drags me over to an unmarked endcap* "Here."

                  I thank them, take the pick-up tab, and go get in line. By this point, given that I had some classes coming up, I'd grabbed a 3-pack of spiral notebooks as well. So I'm standing in line for another ten minutes, and have to wait as the cashier has to summon a manager to go get me the phone card out of the lock-up cage. The cashier has barely even looked at me as well, much less smiled.

                  So I get my phone card, take my notebooks, and stop for the mandatory receipt check by the grumpy Costco Gestapo man at the exit door, take my stuff and go home.

                  I know this may not have been a standard Costco experience, but they were so unhelpful, unfriendly, and the place so badly organized that I refuse, to this day, to shop there.
                  PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                  There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                  • #10
                    Costco has some of the most unusual business practices I've ever heard of. I had a roomie who worked there. She made bukoo bucks as a receiving clerk, and she loved it.

                    She explained to me that part of how they keep their costs so low is to have very little customer service. They focus on repeat, regular customers, people who go there often enough to learn how their local store is laid out and can find things without needing someone to show them. Mostly these are either large families or small business owners, and the average household income of Costco customers is around $70,000 (IIRC). In other words, they specifically target the upper middle class, not the working poor or lower middle class, as most other big boxers like Wal-mart do.

                    The employees have extremely physical jobs---most of them are kept so busy running around they barely have time to stop and breathe, let alone show customers around the store. That's no excuse for being rude, but it does explain why it's so hard to find anyone to show you anything. Most of them are simply way too busy, and they are instructed not to focus on helping customers. Customers are encouraged to go 'treasure hunting' instead.

                    They specifically set up their stores to encourage what they call 'treasure hunting'. They get a small amount of special stuff---interesting or unusual goods they do not normally carry---and put it in random places around the store, instead of on endcaps or in the very front near the doors, so that people can walk throughout the entire store and look for these special items. Apparently a lot of their customers specifically go in every week and wander about just to 'treasure hunt'. These customers think it's exciting and fun.

                    Some other interesting facts---The Big Wigs who run Costco do not get multimillion dollar salaries. They get paid maybe 10% of what other chief executives make. They feel that having an executive who makes 100 or 200 times more than the average person working on the floor is wrong. The bigwigs are also expected to regularly spend a little time working in the stores directly with the employees, so they can be right in where stuff is happening and tailor their policies based on those real-life experiences on the floor.
                    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                    • #11
                      Well, I can kind of agree with that. Big box stores were never meant to be the same shopping experience as, say, the local grocery. They assume a basic level of product knowledge in the customers. I don't mind it, because I (gasp!) learned the layout of my local warehouse store, and I can eat well for 2-3 weeks on less than a hundered bucks. Plus, they do have some good deals on odd stuff sometimes.
                      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                      Hoc spatio locantur.


                      • #12
                        Where I live there is a Sam's Club about 4 minutes from my house. One thing I learned from buying from those places - have some willpower, otherwise you'll be going in expecting to spend $50 and come out spending 3 times that!

