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Who's the Moron?

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  • Who's the Moron?

    About two weeks ago I decided to treat myself to lunch from the local gyros restaurant. It's hard to get lunch for cheap where I work; it's a very expensive area and there's no fast food nearby.

    Just as I get in line to order, two men in front of me, an older man (SC) suddenly gets up from the table behind us and starts doing the rabblefoammutter in a heavy accent, then slams his receipt down on the counter (really slammed it), and demands his money back. A woman was with him, I believe his wife. They had ordered the adana kebab platter (yummy stuff). I was worried that there was something wrong with the food, so I try to hear what's happening without getting in the line of fire.

    The SC goes back to the table to get his metal cane and comes back up on my other side. The owner/manager (I'm not sure) said something to him (in another slightly less heavy accent) that he would refund his money as soon as he had finished waiting on the guests in line. SC starts stamping his feet rabblefoammuttering. He would have embarrassed a screaming toddler. The O/M asked him what was wrong. The SC rabblefoammutters, then yells that there was no drink with the meal. The O/M pointed at the menu above out heads and pointed out that there was nothing on the menu to indicate that a drink came with meals; that drinks were sold separately. The SC then screams, "Moron!" The O/M apologizes to those of us waiting, takes the SC's receipt and does the return.

    The SC then starts yelling about wanting his money back. The O/M gives him the receipt and tells him that it's done. Of course, the SC won't leave. Thankfully, a cashier literally walked through the front door in the middle of this and went to work helping those of us waiting. She didn't even take a minute to change to her uniform shirt.

    The O/M finally walks out the front door (which was propped open; it was a gorgeous day) with the receipt, so the SC and the SCW, who has not said a single word during the whole tantrum/tirade, follow him out. The O/M walks them a few feet from the door, so I couldn't hear what was being said (darn it), but I can still hear the rabblefoammutter, and occasional screams of "Moron!"

    Suddenly I hear the SC yell, "Get the hell away from here," and I turn toward the front to see some poor older man, his eyes huge, coming through the doorway very quickly, staring back at the SC, with a "What the hell is that all about," look.

    Just as I finish my order, the O/M comes back in and lets the cashier go in back to change her shirt. He then gives me my receipt and apologizes for the floor show. I told him, "I'm sorry you had to go through that. Don't worry, with that behavior his heart won't last."

    The O/M actually smiled and said, "Thank you." What was funny was I'm sure he was referring to the thought that the SC could drop dead soon.
    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
    HR believes the first person in the door
    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
    Document everything
    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

  • #2
    Did you mention this site to him?
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Yeah totally, 'whos the moron?' because I can't STAND people who won't read signs or menus. Least the man made a stupid fool of himself but he doesn't see it like that.

      Reminds me when I worked at Quiznos. We have these subs that come on actual sub rolls, they were the value subs. Like, 3.99 or less. Anyone familiar with Quiznos is probably familiar with the Steakhouse Beef Dip. Thats just a fancy name for it, and on our menu above our heads and the paper menus, the ingredients are Roast Beef, French Onion sauce, and Swiss. 3.99 for a 10 inch. Not too shabby.

      This table of 3 older people proceeded to order one of those (along with 2 other subs). They ate in and after they were done, the one came to me to complain there was no STEAK on the sub. "WHY IS IT CALLED 'STEAKHOUSE' THEN?" "umm, thats just the name for it and the ingredients show roast beef" *points to sign above* "WELL I WANT ANGUS"

      Angus is obviously more expensive, and since I knew the owner and he didn't want any real trouble, I remade it with angus with a side of grrrrrrr. She ate that. All of it. She brought her EMPTY tray up AGAIN and said it STILL wasn't steak. IT WAS ANGUS! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY EXTRA! Maybe it was a scam. But they were 'never coming back! false advertising' blah blah blah crap.

      Yes, false advertising. We made the product that was shown on the menu. Hurrrr

      Wow that was long, my bad.


      • #4
        He ate his full meal, wanted a refund because it didn't come with a drink ... and GOT IT?!


        • #5
          Quoth One-Fang View Post
          He ate his full meal, wanted a refund because it didn't come with a drink ... and GOT IT?!
          He only took a bite, I think. That's why I was worried that there might be something wrong with the food.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            Quoth Meegz View Post
            They ate in and after they were done, the one came to me to complain there was no STEAK on the sub.

            I remade it with angus with a side of grrrrrrr. She ate that. All of it. She brought her EMPTY tray up AGAIN and said it STILL wasn't steak. IT WAS ANGUS! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY EXTRA! Maybe it was a scam. But they were 'never coming back! false advertising' blah blah blah crap.
            And I would hav etold her the first time that she ate the entire sandwich and would, therefore, have to pay full price for a new sandwich with Angus. And after the second time, I would've told her, sorry, the menu clearly states what's on the sandwich and if she wants steak on her sandwich, she'll have to pay full price for that too. Assuming the store even had steak. No freebies. Especially no freebies that are extra-expensive.

            Steakhouses serve more than just steak, fer cryin' out loud.
            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

