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Sort of a Telemarketer Sighting

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  • Sort of a Telemarketer Sighting

    Well, not exactly. I'm not complaining about the telemarketer, cause I never answered either of the calls I get - don't recognize the number on my cell, don't answer, simple as that.

    But anyway, this morning I get into work and I get the Emergency Pager (it's actually a blackberry now, used to be a pager) handed to me. (Side note: Hooray, it's my week to take calls about signage causing hazards, it's Labor day weekend, and a doozie of a storm is due to hit. I was supposed to be going camping). The way this emergency system works is you call in on our main number, select emergency, and you're transfered to a voicemail. The voicemail calls the Blackberry, I get someone out to your site should there be an actual danger, or say "no, sorry" while secretly laughing at you if you call up saying a light pole out is an emergency.

    Basically, there's no other number that should ever call this phone other than our main office. Main office starts with 440. Number that rang this morning? Started with 505. So I ignore, turn around, and go back to work. Tell my wife about it (she works with me), because 505, New Mexico, is where one of our bigger clients are located, who she deals with.

    Few minutes later, my personal cell rings. 505 number. Well, hell, that's a little odd, I think, but ignore it. My cell is pretty similar to another guys, so I get a lot of calls for him I ignore (doesn't help this guy has the same name as me).

    Course, this leaves me with a niggle in the back of my head, so I look up missed calls and... they're the same number. Googling the number leads me here, which shows me that yes, it's a telemarketer. One who's most likely randomly dialing cells to get an answer.

    Now, that's not the suck, it really isn't. I don't care who calls me, you don't read as familiar, you're getting hung up on. It takes maybe 5 seconds out of my day, and doesn't bother me (unless, of course, you're rude to me. Then I'm bothered). Call me at home, I'm not interested, I'll firmly say no thank you and goodbye.

    I would never, as many of the people at the above link are doing, threaten to sue, threaten class action lawsuits, threaten FCC followups because it's not worth my time. It just amazes me how many of these folks think that because you get called, you're suddenly entitled to something.

    Sure, it's wierd to have a computer calling you and asking you to get sent two DVDs. First, why did you answer a number you don't know? Second, why would you even consider giving additional numbers, home address, anything to someone you don't know? You don't get to do that and then complain that you've been wrong.

    And if you did none of those things, you certainly don't get to turn entitlement whore over the fact that you spent 15 seconds on the phone with someone you didn't want to talk to.

    Sigh... people.

  • #2
    We got some interesting, presumably telemarketing, calls a while back. You'd answer the phone and hear something like (pre-recorded voice) "This is Company X and we have a fantastic deal to offer you. Please stay on the line to talk to one of our operators!"

    Uh yeah. That's gonna happen. *Click*.


    • #3
      Really? Sometimes I wish I had caller ID solely for the purpose of reporting DNC violations.
      Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


      • #4
        I find them mostly amusing... the call I get most often is the "we can cut your credit card payments in half"... and I always respond "oh yeah, I can do that already if I don't want my card to be paid in full at the end of the month like it is now"... shuts them up right quick.
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          i hate that they've been calling cells now. i despise having to pay for their crap.

          and a lot of them show up as phone number "unavailable".


          • #6
            Cold calls to cell phones are garbage. Sorry, "I'm just doing my job" is garbage when it comes to that. People have to pay for some of those inbound calls.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              I hate it when people call or text my cell phone with their junk...
              Not only do I have to pay for the call (pre-paid phone, as I maybe talk 90 min a year when I'm talkative), but I have to pay for the text messages as well! So all text messages are deleted without opening to save money.

              But I've known a few in my town that get text messages frequently, or just have a lot of calls (or out of habit) so they answer.... some people had over $50 of telemarketing calls to a phone that was only given out to a handful of friends and relatives. The cell company was nice and refunded the money, and blocked the number from being able to call ANY of their phones in the area lol (as they said).

              Spam faxes are about as bad.... I swear.... what company would ever call a 800 number -- and try to sell them things??? I get tired of having to pay money just to hear their stupid computer talking to the voicemail, or them if I'm in, or even having to download their fax.


              • #8
                Annoying, and also illegal in the states.
                Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


                • #9
                  Quoth JLRodgers View Post
                  Not only do I have to pay for the call (pre-paid phone, as I maybe talk 90 min a year when I'm talkative), but I have to pay for the text messages as well! So all text messages are deleted without opening to save money.
                  If you don't text, just have your carrier block all text messages to you. I had to do that when I had a boss who loved to text. Sorry, 10 cents per message adds up quickly. And while I'm willing to answer a phone while on the road*, I'm not willing to try to read a screen while driving, or answer back.

                  * Not in heavy traffic, places with lots of lights, or any time I need full concentration for the road, before anyone jumps on me. Mostly while on long stretches of interstate where having something to listen to** helps keep me awake.

                  ** Talk radio doesn't work, because I'm smarter than the idiots on it.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                    If you don't text, just have your carrier block all text messages to you.
                    I just follow an easier policy, if I text someone, I'll read a text message that comes back within 5 min. If not, it's discarded. Plus they've seemed to of stopped texting lately -- someone probably got them banned or something.


                    • #11
                      I love that feature that allows you to block all text messages, it's something that came with my new phone when I renewed my contract.


                      • #12
                        If you feel like taking the time report the number to the FCC, telemarketing calls using an autodialer made to cellular phone are illegal.


                        Here is the link to a past post with the information.


                        • #13
                          I actually reported an illegal telemarketing call to the FCC (they were trying to give us a great loan for our houseboat in Florida! No boat? We do ___, no ___? We do, etc, etc).

                          FCC replied to me saying "after investigation we concluded that you signed up to be contacted by these people".
                          My report to them outright said "I have no idea what the company is because they've falsified their caller id information, business information, etc (none of it matched -- I looked it up), but according to x, y, z, a, b, and c [some being links on govt. sites] they are telemarketers that operate under numerous names and do cold calling with autodialers".

                          It took me about 6 hours to compile all the information that proved without doubt they were guilty -- and they did nothing about it.

                          Sadly I think some of the autodialer things might be immune to calling cell phone numbers as I've known a few people that have a "used to be landline" number for their cell phone now -- and there's no way to tell by the number what it's connected to.

