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Hey, Guys, Sometimes a "No" Suffices.

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  • Hey, Guys, Sometimes a "No" Suffices.

    Don't know how many of you have had to deal with Mall Security. I tend to have to do so a lot, when scheduling sign work in a mall, and just like anything else, there's a 50/50 split. You can deal with the nicest Mall Security person, or you can deal with the "I flunked police academy, so now you get to bear the brunt of my agression" type.

    One of my vendors was doing work in a mall. Usual standards is, as long as you're out of there around 30 minutes before opening, you're fine. But not this time. They were working on some signage, with my contact inside the store checking out internal wiring, and his brother on the ladder checking and pulling some burnt wiring from inside the sign.

    Brother turns around at the tromp of feet, and sees, from the top of his ladder, a bunch of security guards running at full belt in his direction. He calls out to R, my contact, that there must have been a robbery somewhere.

    Instead, the surround R's brother. Tell him to get the hell off the ladder, he can't do any work at this mall after 7:30am (Mall doesn't open til 10). R's brother asks if he can pull out this last piece of wire - it's a fire hazard, needs to be sorted out. He doesn't get an answer.

    Security pulls him off the ladder, and slam him to the ground. Breaking the guys arm. Because, of course, they couldn't just tell him, "no sir, you'll need to come down now." Because they needed to feel like they had a lot more power and control than they actually do.

    So, now they have a lawsuit against them, and I very much doubt a single one of the guards involved in the incident will have a job for very much longer.

    R thinks it's something to do with the hats. Everytime he's met Security with those rigged, state trooper style hats, they've believed that their authoritah must be respected.

  • #2
    Great, the kind of idiots that give other security workers a bad name. I hope they never work that kind of job again.
    Low lie the Fields of Athenry/ Where once we watched the small free birds fly/ Our love was on the wing/ we had dreams and songs to sing/ It's so lonely around the Fields of Athenry


    • #3
      Wow. Yeah, that definitely deserves a goodbye to their jobs. Hope everything gets sorted out.
      "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


      • #4
        They deserve to lose their jobs, the mall needs to lose a LOT of money (incentive to avoid hiring dolts like that in the future), and the "guards" also need to lose a bunch of money personally.

        And that's just the civil case(s) ... criminal charges anyone?
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          Heh, unfortunately, I likely won't find out how this ends. R was just telling me to demonstrate to me why it was important to leave the ladder when the stiff brimmed guards showed

          (I trust the guy, so all he had to say was security turned him away. Still, I'm all for a good tell-again story)


          • #6
            I think I know (knew) that guy.

            He married my wife's best friend. He was a small man, maybe 5' 6", but fit and 'beefy' for his size. He had a hard on for being a cop something fierce, and had an enormous chip on his shoulder. He ALWAYS spoke in that clipped, efficient cop-speak, used cop terminology as much as possible, even to the point of having a code for one of his young kids crapping their pants. His hair would have made a marine proud, but he never served.

            His real job was....electrician? Line tech for the power company, maybe...something like that. He made good money, had a nice house, etc. His side jobs included mall security, bounty hunting (no kidding - just like Dog the Bounty Hunter, minus the hair. And minus the comically busty wife. And minus all the jalied family members. And...ok, so not much like Dog the bounty hunter...) What else - bouncing at bars, any kind of security, I think he worked for a private security company that handled concerts and events, etc. He eventualy quit his high paying real job to pursue 'law enforcement' full time. Lost the house, lost his wife, his kids hate him, etc.

            He was the type to beat the shit out of loitering kids at the mall (he had a mildly disturbing story about waiting for a group of twits out in the parking lot and 'teaching them a lesson off the clock,') or pull a guy off a ladder like that.

            Last I heard, he made it as a cop in the smallest podunk town in Indiana, where he is more likely to be helping herd livestock across the street than to handle any bad guys.
            Hmm...more zombies than usual...


            • #7
              Quoth Gruesome View Post
              I think I know (knew) that guy.
              We had a guy like this dispatching for us. Not quite as bad but made all the cops cringe (and laugh at him at times) because of the stories he told. Every time he applies for our department Chief just laughs because he knows the last thing guys like that need is a badge and a gun.
              "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


              • #8
                There's a security guard at the local mall (where they all wear the state trooper hats) with what appears to be a similar mindset. This woman scares the hell out of me because every time someone approaches her, like to ask directions, for help, etc. she automatically reaches for her tazer. I started noticing it when I found car keys a while back and she was standing about 10 feet away so I walked over and turned them in to her. But she went for the tazer the moment the words 'Excuse me' left my mouth. I didn't think much of it at the time. I see her everytime I'm at the mall and whenever she's talking to someone she's got her hand on the tazer ready to draw. The more I see it, the more she worries me. That is just not a healthy attitude...


                • #9
                  Yeah... Gerringson... you MIGHT want to put an annonymous note into mall management. You'll feel terrible if you findl out she hurt some dumb kid who trips into her.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                    There's a security guard at the local mall (where they all wear the state trooper hats) with what appears to be a similar mindset. This woman scares the hell out of me because every time someone approaches her, like to ask directions, for help, etc. she automatically reaches for her tazer. I started noticing it when I found car keys a while back and she was standing about 10 feet away so I walked over and turned them in to her. But she went for the tazer the moment the words 'Excuse me' left my mouth. I didn't think much of it at the time. I see her everytime I'm at the mall and whenever she's talking to someone she's got her hand on the tazer ready to draw. The more I see it, the more she worries me. That is just not a healthy attitude...
                    I'd report that to someone. You're right it isn't a healthy attitude and she might end up hurting someone by being too trigger happy.
                    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


                    • #11
                      ugh. I know this prick who wants to be a cop. He's constantly talking about it,, however, due to his file he likely won't get the job, which is awesome. This guy isn't the type to give a gun and badge to. Like was said before, not a very healthy mind, some folks. this prick I know actually pretends to be other people and then he ends up hurting people he calls friends. (He does this online.)

                      There are some people who just shouldn't be allowed to be in any sort of security job, as they feel it puts them above the law. Too bad the screening process is so slack these days. :/
                      We Pick Up the Pieces


                      • #12
                        Quoth Dilorenzo View Post
                        Security pulls him off the ladder, and slam him to the ground. Breaking the guys arm. Because, of course, they couldn't just tell him, "no sir, you'll need to come down now." Because they needed to feel like they had a lot more power and control than they actually do.
                        Say WHAT?
                        Aw, hell no. My ass would have next been on the phone to a) an ambulance and b) the REAL law and a subsequent filing of charges.
                        I know you're saying you prolly won't find out what happens and all, but should you do, I'd like to know.

                        As for people who want to be cops but really shouldn't be them, the best example in my mind is this dude online who's gone by several different handles. The most recent one was Lovecrafty. I first encountered Mr. Lovecrafty online in alt.gothic about a decade ago under a different handle. You can find his profile here.

                        What made him scary? Specifically for me, it was assertion that all men have a "rape instinct" that makes them unable to help it. To quote:

                        Females evolved pleasurable response to sex as a survival mechanism to deal with rape, much as males evolved the same to encourage it -- certainly long before humans ever arrived on the scene. It's pretty ugly yes, but it's there. And if you don't understand that men (all men) have that drive to varying degrees, to just take and let the consequences sort themselves out, then you'll never understand why men can get so angry at women that they will beat them to death for not consenting to sexual relations.


                        the worst expression of this, you get teenage boys whose instincts are telling them "go for it" when the girl's insticnts are saying "Come get it!' but her socialization is telling her "Nononono!" and so she says "no", but he can smell yes, so he thinks "She doesn't mean that." and he pushes, then her will to resist breaks, and sex happens.

                        Most people go at this point, but yes, he really believed this. And he believed also that he was PERFECT for law enforcement.
                        Pity he could never pass those mental screenings...


                        • #13
                          Um ... "race instinct"? That guy is messed up.

                          Regarding the guard with the taser ... report her. That is NOT what you need at a fracking mall.
                          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                          • #14
                            yeah. i can just see it now.... someone says to her "excuse me" all politely and she reaches for the taser. what will she do if he says, "Um, would you mind putting the taser down? I'm starting to feel threatened."

                            would she then taser him? It's not like she's national defense security. it's a mall.


                            • #15
                              Quoth d962831 View Post
                              There are some people who just shouldn't be allowed.
                              There, corrected that for ya.
                              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                              HR believes the first person in the door
                              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                              Document everything
                              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

