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  • #31
    I just can't help myself. Its absolutely a train wreck sort of way. But I'm not at all bringing in CS with any of my comments. For all she knows I'm just one of the many, many people who have called her out on being an EW.

    I'm curious as to what sort of thoughts are going through her head. What sort of madness would compell someone to act in such a way, even to the point of demanding that waitstaff buy her things out of their own pockets, such that they might be blessed with a tip of 14%.


    • #32
      Don't worry, i didn't mention cs in any way or use my username for this site
      I am but a tiny, barren, insignificant rock caught in the glorious orbit of your shining sun. Gravekeeper.


      • #33
        Quoth Evil Queen View Post
        Wow, it says in an earlier comment that saying "please" is a form of begging. I thought saying "Please" and "Thank You"s were being polite?

        Boy, was I brought up wrong or what?
        Wow, that's pretty dickish. I guess Barney was full of it when he said "Please and Thank-you are the magic words."
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #34
          i couldn't finish reading that because i am so angry
          ugh.... people... wtf?
          sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good. - Kusanagi


          • #35
            Rarely in my lifetime have I seen someone raise such a big stink over something as trivial as lemon water. Seriously is it that hard for her to just set it aside and not drink it if she doesn't want it? It doesn't even take up much space on a table fer chrissakes. Talk about picking flyshit out of pepper. If dealing with sort of thing is so traumatic for her, then she's had a pretty good life. Too good if you ask me.
            "In nature, stupidity is a capital crime; judgement is absolutely impartial, there is no process for an appeal, and the sentence is carried out immediately." -- Anon


            • #36
              i thought of going back to see what has happened there... but ... then I got smacked with a giant wave of apathy.

              *wishes her / him much lemon water though* ... just cos i'm a brat


              • #37
                Quoth Hyndis View Post
                IWhat sort of madness would compell someone to act in such a way, even to the point of demanding that waitstaff buy her things out of their own pockets, such that they might be blessed with a tip of 14%.
                Say what? I couldn't get through the whole thing because it was putting me to sleep. When did she say that?
                "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                • #38
                  Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                  Say what? I couldn't get through the whole thing because it was putting me to sleep. When did she say that?
                  Post 402. Servers should pay for any billing errors out of their own pockets for a meager tip. Bask in the insanity:

                  "She COULD have received 13% or more depending A. If she would have apologized at all B. Apologized by saying "I'm so sorry" so profusley is what I mean since YEAH, it's a more time major mistake than a side of ranch to fix is missing, or C. Getting something comped OR PAYING for something THEMSELVES to get a good tip. Honestly, if she would have taken apon HERSELF to PAY for something OUT OF HER OWN POCKET, she would have received at least 17% of the ORIGINAL BILL BEFORE THE DISCOUNT. Today, servers DON'T even take CENTS out their pocket for OVERCHARGES THEY could have NOTICED."

                  Last edited by Hyndis; 09-08-2008, 10:24 PM.


                  • #39
                    and here i was just thinking "i haven't been over to read xkcd in a while...


                    • #40
                      Sorry, I don't have a Yahoo account, so you all get to see what I wrote for her.

                      Dear Lady,

                      I agree with these:
                      1 - Greet customers quickly
                      2 - Customers should have utensils
                      6 - Bring drinks from bar first. I don't care about this one.
                      7 - Write down every order COMPLETELY (every detail, pssht. I write down what's important for the cooks to know, and enough to make sure I can recall your order. No server needs to write a novel and it's a waste of time)
                      8 - Don't return to the table to ask for an order repeat.
                      9 - Know the menu perfectly. (Cut a break, hon. Learning the menu takes a little time, even with studying. If they don't know the menu, it's not like it's on purpose. Anyone who needs to ask is new at the job. Get over it or go classier.)
                      14 - Bring enough of what the customer asked for.
                      15 - Check the order to make sure it's right before bringing it out (an eye scan should cover this)
                      16 - Make sure the condiments are with the order.
                      17 - Help the customer when you bring out the food, even if it isn't your customer--or get the server who is working that table asap. (Although the preaching is not needed)
                      18 - If it's your table and you didn't bring out the food, come around to make sure things are right. (this is a really, really good idea)
                      19 - Apologize for mistakes.
                      21 - Apologize if there is a mistake.
                      22 - No means no, so listen when customers say "no" or "no thank you."
                      23 - Make sure you are charging the right check to the right table. (A quick scan should be fine, but making sure it's the right table is a good idea.)
                      26 - Charge the card and return the slip/change quickly.
                      27 - Give back change unless told otherwise (Yep. I totally agree with this one.)

                      I disagree with these:
                      3 - Bring extra napkins always. What a waste of paper. Have napkins available, and maybe yes with ribs, but I don't want my kids playing with napkins. If I need them, I'll ASK and I expect to do so.
                      4 - Don't upsell during orders. Servers are required to upsell. They don't get to choose, so just get over yourself here.
                      5 - Don't bring anything to the table unless asked, including water. I shouldn't have to ask for water, that's stupid. If I don't want it, I don't drink it. It's water. If I specifically don't want water, I am an exception and I should act accordingly (ie request as much) Also, calm down about lemons. I hate them too, but if I don't want them I know enough to ASK, lady. With everything you want a server to do it's a miracle you get food in 20 minutes instead of 2 hours.
                      10 - Double check, reaffirm, and make certain of everything. Yeah, and make business 20 minutes slower because of all the clarifying. You want 'em together, get 'em together.
                      11 - 2 for 1 drinks could be brought out one at a time. Title is fine. Asking if this is what the customer wants is not necessary. Nice, but not necessary.
                      12 - Run-on sentence: "Immediately put the order into the computer right after you take the order unless there are food or drink orders that were ordered before the customers that you just got the order from that are ready, then obviously, bring those customers their food and/or drinks they ordered first, then put the order into the computer." So, do it first thing, unless there is something else to do first.
                      13 - Bring out condiments before the entree arrives. That's just dumb. Why would I want a bunch of condiments seeking room temperature on my table before my food arrives? Bring the condiment WITH the food, yo.
                      20 - Get a manager over mistakes. If a manager is needed, sure. Don't bother the poor guy unless you need to.
                      24 - Never ever bring the check unless it is asked for. This is the dumbest request I've ever heard. I find it very poor service to have to ASK for my check, and I hate doing so (since she feels the opposite, I guess this is a matter of opinion). Waiting until after dessert, maybe, but I want that check after I'm done eating, not when I ask for it. What. The. Crap. It does bother me when the check comes in the middle of my meal, but seriously? Bringing it with dessert is cool with me.
                      25 - When the customer asks for a check, get it immediately, do not stop and check on other tables on the way. Yeah, because you are the only customer in the whole restaurant. I doubt you would like it if the server walked past your table without saying hi, so why are the other tables different?

                      Also, CAPS are not impressive. Use words to express emotion instead. It's much harder and more rewarding. I realize I'm being hypocritical, but lady. Chill pill.

                      Thus ends my too-long rant.
                      Last edited by Balgram; 09-09-2008, 06:49 PM.
                      If there’s one thing women love, it’s the guy that just can’t seem to find the line that divides “Ha Ha” and “Stacey, get your purse, we’re leaving before he comes back.”.



                      • #41
                        This "lady" is well known to me from my time on Which, btw, is not long AT ALL, that should tell you something. They banned her over there, I am pretty sure, but Springs seems to be like a mold ... hard to get rid of. She really thinks this stuff is right, too. Kinda sad really.

                        *hops off to BW to share this outrageous sighting*

                        p.s - is it okay to link to this board over there? I will post just the link in the OP at first, but I am sure some may want to get in on this discussion.
                        "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                        • #42
                          "5. Never bring any food or drinks to the table without knowing if the customer wants it, even if it's just water."

                          wtf? ummm even if it's just water? OMG wow what an "insult" to the customer that they might bring them COMPLIMENTRY drinks! Oh the HORROR!

                          this person is a twat!

                          I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha


                          • #43
                            Quoth Megg View Post
                            p.s - is it okay to link to this board over there? I will post just the link in the OP at first, but I am sure some may want to get in on this discussion.
                            Sounds like it won't start a fight, so fine by me.



                            • #44
                              Quoth Megg View Post
                              This "lady" is well known to me from my time on
                              I popped over to the site a bit... Stopped when someone complained about a twenty-two dollar tip. Yeah sure the group was a few adults and a bunch of kids, but how long were they there? An hour, hour and a half tops?

                              I wouldn't be inclined to complain about making ~15-24 an hour.

                              Comments like that are why trolls like that linked in the OP exist.
                              Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.

