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The Incident Report...

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  • The Incident Report...

    So, I had to file a report with Wal-Mart. What fun that was, being glared at by this lady and her idiot spawn of a kid. A child, that after it's all said and done, will be lucky to live to adult hood should he continue in his ways. Correction, should his MOTHER continue in her ways.

    I was at Wal-Mart yesterday (Friday) to pick up an RX of my mother's. (There's another story there, but I'm not up to writing that one yet. It's REALLY long.) While waiting in line, I find myself standing in the back of an aisle that's very near the main "dual" aisles that Wal-Mart uses. You know, the ones that look like a series of H's on their side with displays in the center? That kind of aisle.

    While standing there, bored out of my wits waiting on my name to be called (again, other story involved here. Will tell later) I look up to see this hispanic lady and her kid. Now, normally I wouldn't have paid them any mind at all, but I see that the lady has apparently decided to buy a bmx bike for her kid. Rather than rolling it out herself, she lets her kid ride it to the front. That struck me odd, since 1.) Kids aren't allowed to ride in the store, and 2.) Typically they only let the parents move the bikes around.

    So, I was curious. Watching for some time, I thought to myself "That kid is gonna end up in a bit of trouble if he isn't careful."

    About the time I thought that, the kid had reached where I was. He was trying his best to ride along side his mother's cart, with one hand resting on the cart itself while he steered the bike with the other. (He couldn't quite pedal it for some reason.) Whatever the case, his mother wasn't paying attention, and I doubt he was as well. As they passed this display, I watched as the handlebar of the bike caught the end corner of the display. This caused the handlebars to suddenly snatch to one side, and that kid and bike came crashing down like a house of cards in a earthquake. He even hit with this really meaty "THUD".

    You know, it's a good things kids bounce. This kid could have been hurt much worse. All he had though, to tell of his ordeal, was a small scratch on his middle finger where the bike had pinched him as he fell.

    The story should end there...but no, it doesn't. More in next post.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    So, where we left off was the kid standing with his mum, and a tiny cut on his finger.

    I happen to know the SM of this store, and decided to give him, or his ASM a heads up about what had happened. By this time I'd gotten my RX...well most of it...for my mother and started out. Speaking with a CSM, I told her what I'd seen, to which she asks "Hispanic woman and kid?" I nodded and she gestured for me to follow.

    Off we went, heading back to the dressing rooms. There I discovered A. one of the ASM's trying her best to figure out what had happened. I could also see the lady and her spawn, and that's where I noticed something curious.

    The kid had this HUGE ice pack on his head, and was being tended by who I guessed to be an older sister. The mother had this really odd look on her face, glaring right at me as I approached. It's curious that she suddenly forgot to speak english by then, (she'd spoken with the boy when they had the "incident") and spent much of her time staring right at me.

    Apparently, in the time that the boy had left the end cap with a minor injury, he'd gone from having a tiny cut on his hand, to a concussion, split scalp (which curiously wasn't bleeding. (read my note on that at the bottom), two missing teeth, and a possible broken arm. (left).

    I got asked the usual questions, rattling off what I'd seen. When asked about the visible injuries, I noted that all I had seen was a tiny cut on the kid's hand, and nothing else. The ASM gave me a funny look, asked a few questions, to which the answer was simply "he was fine other than that little cut." She then gave a very curious look to the mother and kid. We've seen that look before. It comes right when you realize you've been had. She knew. Oh she knew.

    Signing my report, I turned and left, checking out and meandering on my way. As I was leaving I noticed the woman and kid checking out (yeah they bought the bike). She didn't look happy in the least, but she was speaking english again. I didn't hear what she called me, or much less said, but I don't think it was a compliment.

    Note: Scalp injuries, even the smallest scratches, will bleed like a massive cut. Lotta vessels in the scalp. Meaning that if the boy had cut his scalp as the mother was suggesting, there should have been a lot more blood. It's interesting to add, that the kid looked none the worse as he and his mom were paying to leave...
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


    • #3
      I bet she had dollar signs in her eyes when she realised her and her child's unsafe behaviour could turn in her favour.
      Good thing you were there to thwart her possible scamming ways.


      • #4
        Do you ever go to Wal-Mart and not come home without having some catastrophic or post-worthy event occur?
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          Couple times. The one I'm trying to figure out how to post isn't totally mine. It's my mom's. It's really massive though, so I've gotta sort out how to do it without uber spam .

          (It's major league suck on my and her part too :P )
          Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


          • #6
            Should've stopped at the concussion. Yes, heads bleed. Prolifically. Freely. Easily.

            Not at all surprised that they tried to turn it into a "my kid got hurt in your store - sue sue sue!" incident.


            • #7
              and kids with broken arms usually make lots of noise
              it's called screaming in pain.

              bet he rode the bike in the lot on the way to the car too


              • #8
                Quoth repsac View Post
                Note: Scalp injuries, even the smallest scratches, will bleed like a massive cut. Lotta vessels in the scalp. Meaning that if the boy had cut his scalp as the mother was suggesting, there should have been a lot more blood.
                Damn straight, they do.

                Got my scalp busted open as a kid, twice in 6 months* in fact (one front, one back), and all the adults were scared shitless because I was gushing all over the place, but the first time (the back-of-head one) I was all "I'm fine, it just kinda stings!" until I took my hand away and it looked like I'd stuck my palm in a tray of red paint. After that I was just very calmly freaked out. Second time, I busted my forehead open to the point you could see bone, giving me a scar years before Harry freakin' Potter and leaving my right eyebrow permanently less mobile than my left, but it still didn't really hurt that bad. Nearly passed out from blood-loss, though.

                *Mom got totally grilled over it by CPS, too... which is ironic when you consider she's a social-worker doing research in how to prevent abusive and dysfunctional households.
                And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                • #9
                  Quoth repsac View Post
                  Note: Scalp injuries, even the smallest scratches, will bleed like a massive cut. Lotta vessels in the scalp. Meaning that if the boy had cut his scalp as the mother was suggesting, there should have been a lot more blood. It's interesting to add, that the kid looked none the worse as he and his mom were paying to leave...
                  You aren't kidding! I remember working in a warehouse and I was putting trash in the compactor, when I bent over to pick up some more trash at my feet not realizing the compactor door had swung back until my head collided with it while I stood up. I got a good sized cut on the top of my skull, and boy did it bleed! My manager was freaking out because of all the blood.
                  The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

