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  • #16
    lol. I'd pay to see some perv get his block knocked off. i can understand some people who have trouble in social settings (Really, I do, I'm awkward around people all the time due to some...things in my past :P), but the people who do things like this on purpose, simply because they like it...those people deserve a good beating, IMHO.
    We Pick Up the Pieces


    • #17
      I have a phobia of being touched by other people. My personal bubble space is pretty big and I will not tolerate someone in it.

      I once had a teenager (probably a senior in high school or a college freshman) smack my ass in a gas station with my boyfriend a few feet away. I was angry as hell and embarassed. I didn't know what to do. The cashier behind the counter didn't know what happened but I ran to my boyfriend who went from happy to angry in one second flat.

      Had the ass slapper not been a kid, he would've been really sorry. My BF and I didn't know how to handle it. The kid in question said "sorry" after (him and his two other buddies laughed it up) but there is not sorry when there is a slap. But I let it go. I should've yelled at him or something.

      But personal space is your property no matter where you are and I think now I would've yelled at him. I don't like the heavy breathers. Or the creepy old men who say: SMILE! I want to slap their teeth right out when they say things like that to me. I just glare.


      • #18
        Ladies and Gents... I live and teach in Japan. I can get *that* close to my students before they realize I'm there because they have *no* personal space issues (I like doing this to those who goof off in class, I'll read the note they're writing and then ask the teacher loudly what such and such means; they've stopped ). It's especially bad in Tokyo on the trains and buses because during some times, there's no space on the trains at all. In some cases during rush hour they have people who's job it is to *push* people into overcrowded cars! My mother once rode a train like that when she was 12 and her feet didn't touch the floor for two stations it was that crammed!

        Now I am an American. I try my best to not be the annoying, loud, violent American that some of the Japanese stereotype me as, but there was one time when I did turn into that stereotype. It was on a train to my boyfriend's home. I had just been to the bookstore and I pulled a book out of my bag to start on when I got this *feeling*. I glanced about and there was this skanky guy staring at me, or rather at my book, which was blocking his view of my amazing cleavage. I shift around and away from him and look back down at my book. My creep radar gets stronger and I look up and he's closer to me than before trying to get a look over my book and down my blouse. I think he's hoping that I'll be like most Japanese women and not have that personal space issue so he can get closer and maybe cop a feel. Wrong assumption on his part as I give him the full-on Gaijin Glare of Death that says, "Touch me asshole and I'll be beating you with your own arm." straight into his eyes. He cowers and beats a retreat into the masses.

        What happened after left me shaking with rage for days after it happened. I cried that night too. I spotted him pressing his disgusting crotch against the backside of an *Elementary school girl* whom he'd trapped in a corner by the doors. But before my stunned and shocked mind could come to grips with the sight and decide what I should do the train had stopped and he'd gotten off. I'm just waiting for the next guy to try something... he'd be in for a BIG surprise. 132lbs of PISSED OFF American Gaijin with martial arts training launching at his head screaming like Xena. I'd lose my job and be deported, but damn it would feel good!

        If someone, particularly a guy, is standing *that* close to you and you don't like it, don't be nice about it. Give him the Gaijin Glare of Death or start a scene. Don't take it as it will just make him think he can do it to others and get away with it, in his mind at least.
        "There is a sadist inside me. She likes cake." - Krys Wolf, my friend

        In a coffee shop in Whitehouse, Texas: "Unsupervised children will be given two shots of espresso and a free puppy."


        • #19
          I accidently plowed down some little old lady who was standing too close to me the other day. I was standing in line, fidgeting, and suddenly remembered something I had forgotten and spun around real fast to run and grab it, and WHAM, tiny old lady flat on the ground. She was so short that I seriously didn't see her, I just felt something collide with my rib area and then there was something at my feet that turned out to be human.

          I actually didn't mean to do it, but it seemed to be an effective method.
          "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


          • #20
            heh, I've had that happen before. I turn around only to find someone whose standing just millimeters from touching me. It's fun because I do a half eye roll and they move out of the way.

            Though I will admit, one time I was feeling cruel and I felt someone standing really close to me(this was back in middle school =P and he was trying to make me uncomfortable -_-) it was right around this time where I started to really just hate people for no apparnt reason, so I pretended I'd forgotten something and made a quick step back, and brought my foot up a bit farther than neccesary. Kicked him in the shin. He never did it again.
            We Pick Up the Pieces

