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The Two for Three Deal of Suck

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  • The Two for Three Deal of Suck

    Two days, three encounters with suck.

    Day 1: Skin Cream Kiosk near my otherwise favorite store

    To be fair, I'd run into this company before in another mall, and I don't know why I didn't learn from last time, but I guess I was expecting the hard-sell suck to be a one time thing. I mean, I was over 30 miles away. SURELY the company doesn't train these people to be annoying as hell.

    I shouldn't have called him Surely, apparently.

    So I'm walking to the Game Store, and a guy comes up to me and says, "Sir!" in a very insistent but helpful tone, the kind that makes me think I just dropped my wallet or something. He then proceeds to ask "Sir, what do you use on your skin?"

    Whoops, I'm caught off guard. I thought he was asking something important. In the moment, my honesty reflex kicks in and I say, "Uh, well, a prescription." Then it dawns on me. It's them.

    A warm smile lights up his face, very inviting, very good. "Well sir, if you don't mind, I'd like to show you-"

    "Sorry, not interested." I cut him off. He's good, but Republic Credits will not be fine.

    "Sir, wait!" Again, the tone. I hesitate for all of a split second, then give him a brief wave without even looking back.

    "Not interested," I call out, "Good bye!" With that, I was in the store, though I could see him in the window halfway to me in a vain attempt to catch up with me. A few minutes of perusing the games and I was done, heading back outside. I saw him start up again and try to get back to me, but I cut behind another person and shot him a look of warning. Luckily for him, he took it.

    Man I hate those kiosks.

    Day 2 Part 1: Ruminate, Laminate, what's the difference?

    This one is short. I needed posters laminated, so I went to my local office shop, signed off on the forms, was told I'd need to wait, and on the form, I left my phone number and checked off that I'd like to be notified when the laminations were done.

    Fast forward several hours, we're approaching on closing time. I call up the shop and see what the status is on my order, since I had received no calls. It was finished hours ago, though one of the posters was too large for the machine. I guess they were going to order a bigger laminating machine and call me back when they got that one done?

    Day 2, Part 2: The almost walk-out

    So while I was waiting on my laminations, I decided to go out to dinner with my parents, who are always insisting on such things. I go to one of my local casual restaurants and we order. We get two of our drinks and are assured the rest of it all is on the way soon.

    Soon turned out to be about 40 minutes. Minus refills. Minus the third drink we ordered, and minus any updates as to our situation.

    Now, on a normal day, I'd be more understanding. You know, the place is popping, people are everywhere, and when it's busy, you'd expect things to be a little slow. It's cool.

    Mid-week. Barely 1/6 capacity, but what looked like darn near full staff. Several staff members were seen standing about and chatting, and no food for 40 minutes with no updates from our server, who by the time our food had come, had gotten our order mixed up with another table's (we had three meals, they had two, and they were completely different).

    And, on a completely seperate note, I know that there are a bunch of laws that say meat has to be cooked at least a minimum amount, yadda yadda, but really, why bother asking how I'd like it cooked if all you ever do is well? Medium is supposed to have at least some pink in it, dangit.

    It's mediocre suck, all things considered, but come on Demon Lords of Suck, at least wait until I've got one major suck excised from my life before piling on.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.

    SG-14: Moving forward because everything behind is rigged to blow.

  • #2
    The mall kiosks are starting to get out of hand. It seems they are being pushed to use agressive marketing to get sales. You just need to complain to the right people. Let the mall manager know that they are driving cusomers away from the regular stores and at some point they will ban the agressive pitches. If we can pass laws against agressive panhandling, then something can be done about this.
    I feel crazy. Like I'm drunk and trapped in a water globe and someone won't stop shaking it.
    -The Amazing E
    Zonies social group now open!


    • #3
      When I went to New York, one of my friends (a local) gave me a bunch of tips for not looking like a tourist. One was to just completely ignore all panhandlers, pitches, and basically anyone who tried talking to you. Don't even make eye contact...

      That tip makes getting through the mall SO much easier.
      "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


      • #4
        I never have trouble with those kiosk people. But then, I never have trouble with people blocking the aisles who refuse to move to an 'excuse me', either. Or crowds on BART. I don't think I look intimidating, but apparently there's something about me.
        The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


        • #5
          The two for three deal of suck

          Went into town in my lunch hour stupidly leaving my name badge on, this guy comes up to talk to me, says he is looking for Louise, and he had a religous pamphlet under his arm, I was not impressed and shot him the look, the look that can still terrorise my kids tho the boys are both 6'7 and in one is in his late teens, the other his early 20's. The guy leapt back and disappeared into the crowd - I should patent the look


          • #6
            Quoth rae6684 View Post
            Went into town in my lunch hour stupidly leaving my name badge on, this guy comes up to talk to me, says he is looking for Louise, and he had a religous pamphlet under his arm, I was not impressed and shot him the look, the look that can still terrorise my kids tho the boys are both 6'7 and in one is in his late teens, the other his early 20's. The guy leapt back and disappeared into the crowd - I should patent the look
            you were able to scare off the proselytizers you must teach us the look oh great master

            oh, and OT, but both are 6'7 holy crap... that makes me feel short and I'm 6'1
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              usually i find not making eye contact with the kiosk people helps quite a bit
              and when they do approach me i just smile and say no while still walking away
              usually they don't bother following me.


              • #8
                Why is it that you can't just simply walk down the mall without having to run a gauntlet anymore?

                I decided to go have a wander down the mall since I hadn't been in a couple of months. Walking along, minding my own business, looking at a new store on the right. One of the "ladies" from the kiosk (I don't even know what it was for) over on the left, decides to ask me, "How are you today?" Now, years of customer service take over and I automatically reply, "Just fine" and keep walking. The other decides to say, in a really snotty English accent, "Miss, Miss, you seem to have dropped your smile on the floor!" That earned her a laser death glare and a "bloody Sassenach".

                One - Harassing potential customers - how's that workin' out for ya?
                Two - Sorry, but I don't walk around with a smile pasted on my face all the time. I've seen women that do and, frankly, they scare me....a lot.
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #9
                  Quoth Pagan View Post
                  The other decides to say, in a really snotty English accent, "Miss, Miss, you seem to have dropped your smile on the floor!"

                  *Blinks again*


                  My riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibs.
                  Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                  Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                  • #10
                    ooh...don't even get me started on those kiosk people. I worked at the mall over the Christmas holiday one time in a store right next to them. On top of them coming into MY store to grab customers (I complained and it stopped), they never figured out that I was an employee and would try to stop me EVERY. DAY.
                    Got to the point where I stopped responding to them all together. Which was kinda funny because then they'd chase you for a half a mile going "MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS"


                    • #11
                      oh thank you for reminding me, i need to make sure i have masks is i go to the mall, cause im allergic to perfume, and just it air borne will make me sick.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Pagan View Post
                        Why is it that you can't just simply walk down the mall without having to run a gauntlet anymore?[/I].
                        Because they're based on other types of markets and guess what happens there?

                        Some of this stuff is the reason why I always have my headphones in my pocket... even if I'm not actually listening to anything sometimes it's enough to be looking like you are to get some of the more persistent people out of your face... and it sends them a clear message that I'm ignoring them.
                        Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart!


                        • #13
                          Don't get me started about the Dead Sea Salts guy in the Galleria...I'm tempted next time to fake allergies (I'm not actually allergic to the majority of perfumes, but they do give me huge headaches very quickly).
                          Quoth videodrone View Post
                          then they'd chase you for a half a mile going "MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS"
                          Hahahahaha A guy was doing that to me the other day in a semicrowded mall...I was tempted to turn around and watch the fun, but didn't want to let him know I'd heard him at all.

                          I was running some errands in Harvard Square last week, and had to use one of the payphones in The Pit (for some reason, my cell phone was reporting "network busy" no matter where in the Square I tried to call from). Some canvasser--I now suspect it was one of the sketchy-clipboard brigade--actually followed me to the payphones after being pointedly ignored (I never saw him originally, making me nervous will get my attention but NOT in a good way). I was ready to either scream or deck him, but there was a cop hanging out at the newsstand so the dude ran after spotting him.

                          I don't see why an "I'm not interested/get the HELL out of my face before I call security" is even needed. Usually, if someone is ignoring you that is a sign they do not want to be bothered. Any actual reaction you get out of me after trying for two minutes will not be good.
                          Last edited by Dreamstalker; 11-21-2008, 03:40 AM.
                          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                          • #14
                            The kiosk people drive me nuts. Once when I was a nicer human being, a person working for Cingular approached me to tell me about the rollover plans (new back then). I told them I wasn't interested being as I paid for a 1000 minutes for 39.99 and only used about 300 of those minutes anyway. This guy kept trying to argue with me "but what if you go over your minutes?!" Not gonna happen champ... Plus I was still under 18 so it's not like I'd actually be able to get the contract, not that they listened to that logic either.
                            "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                            ...Beware the voice without a face...


                            • #15
                              Logic does not seem to compute with them...dude, if I have a prescription product for my skin/hair/whatever, I'm sure as hell not going to ditch it for something I never heard of until ten seconds ago. How do you know your whatever wouldn't react badly with what I already use? Unless you're the doc who prescribed it to me, you don't, go away kthxbai.

                              One good thing about the kiosk pushers...they managed to break me of the habit of acknowledging everyone who tries to get my attention.
                              Last edited by Dreamstalker; 11-21-2008, 07:16 PM.
                              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

