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Mom and AT&T..

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  • Mom and AT&T..

    More AT&T troubles.....

    I didn't get a new phone with our new plan, but my mom and brother did. They got brand new phones. Their voicemails do not work at all. All I got was a new SIM original greeting got deleted, but my voicemail works just fine.

    Anyway, Mom called the 611 number for when you can't get into your voicemail (I never knew about this, I always figured just go to the store and see what was up) and she nearly blew a headgasket.

    I was washing my face in my parents' bathroom and I heard her yelling over the running water. When I was done, I eavesdropped.

    My mother was literally screaming at the top of her lungs to this rep. She was using typical SC terms like "I'm so fucking sick of this runaround" and the "You WILL do this!" threat.

    Apparently, they need a password or whatever to get into her voicemail and activate it or fix it. Mom says the password has ALWAYS been the last 4 digits of Dad's's usually that anyway with most cell phone companies.

    The rep kept arguing back that the password was wrong. Mom said it's either hers or dad's......but it's been the same since we got our oldest plan years ago. Then the rep started arguing that they needed to have gotten a new password when the phones were activated. Mom said that they were never given a new password or code. They were told that everything was still the same, etc etc etc.

    So the rep wasn't going to fix the issue and Mom would NOT stop yelling. She even tried the "I'll get my husband to reason with you" card, and had my dad talk to the rep. Even though Dad is a lot more reasonable, even he lost his patience a bit, but didn't yell.

    So Mom has to go back to the store again.

    I do not advocate yelling and swearing. I think my mother was being completely immature and out of line. I understand how she feels though. I know how it feels to be at your wits end at a company......oh trust me I know (*cough cough, cable company, *cough cough) but you are not going to get anywhere acting like a crazy lunatic on the phone or screaming at high volumes at a rep.

    AT&T really sucks. No two reps or associates know the same things or policies or procedures. No two reps give you the same answer. It's just amazingly stupid. Just like one rep assured my family that we could change our plan no problem, another associate said "NO NO NO!", the rep who activated the new phones said everything was good to go and nothing needed to be changed, another one swears up and down that they need new codes and passwords...UGH!
    Last edited by blas; 09-05-2008, 04:39 PM.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    So what you're really saying is that nothing has really changed with AT&T's wireless service. Not that I'm surprised. Nothing has really changed with their other services either. We're just forced to tolerate them here because they are unfortunately the only company that services our area if we want high speed service that is not cable company related.
    Random conversation:
    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
    DDD: Cuz it's cool

    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


    • #3
      I've been going through something similar (although not quite as frustrating, considering I don't *really* use my voicemail) with Verizon.

      I'm on a family plan with three others, and my phone started going wonky about 18 months ago. One of the first things to screw up was my ability to get into my voicemail, which, granted, was probably due to the number keys having problems. So I stopped using my voicemail. Wasn't able to change the greeting, either, because it wouldn't accept my password.

      Well, I got a new phone (sorta, it's my mom's old phone, I'm due a new one, but haven't brought my arse down to the store to deal with it), and the voicemail *still* didn't work.

      The reps reset voicemail and added my greeting back in.

      No dice, the voicemail still says 'full,' even though there are no messages there.

      Tried again.


      Third time.

      Nope, and now my greeting is missing.

      Fourth time.

      Ah, there's the greeting again, but it's still saying 'inbox full' and I still can't access it. Lovely.

      I gave up. So I just don't use my voicemail.

      The Verizon reps were mostly good, but I really wanted to yell. I didn't, but I wanted to.


      • #4
        I'm done with AT&T. They tried to double charged me as in two family plans.The bill came and it was 300.00.And I had the same problem as your mom,I never got into my voice mail so I never called about a password.My problem was that it wouldn't let me set it up or connect into it. It only took the rep over an hour to set it up. UGGHHHH!!!!!
        And I never seemed to have any signial anywhere I went.Never again!!!!


        • #5
          generally the default password on most voice mail systems are the last 4 digits of your phone number.

          dunno if thats the case here but give that a whirl.


          • #6
            I've never used Cingular/AT&T, etc. Because my wife had it years ago (under her parents plan) and it was terrible.

            Another reason is a friend of mine went to Cingular, and he had to go to the Cingular store in order to get his Voice Mail set up. Couldn't do it himself, no password, etc.

            Verizon, Nextel & Sprint (and back to Verizon) have always let you call the VM from your phone, push a button, and set up your password, greeting, etc. Why is that so hard?


            • #7
              Now I have no voicemail at all. I'm not sure what the hell happened. My parents won't answer their phones, and it's too inconvenient with gas prices to just drive 10 miles to their place.

              I tried to go into my voicemail and my phone prompted me "No voicemail number exists" or something like that.

              Garrr...what next.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                now i'm even more glad about using tracfone. it took me ... all of 10 minutes to set up the voice mail and i didn't have to call them for help.

                i can understand her getting upset tho... from what you've said they'd been doing with the accounts.... heck, it sounds like stuff that would even drive a *saint* insane, let alone us mortals


                • #9
                  I hear such a big difference when individuals report on the quality of customer care on AT&T Wireless. From what I can tell, the difference is in whether you are average-joe calling the normal customer care, or if you are calling the business customer care (for business accounts).

                  The reps I speak to on business customer care have never been nothing but cheerful and helpful, helping me find discounts, waiving fees, calling back (when they say the will) with information when they get it, etc....

                  If you're on AT&T Wireless, I definately suggest looking if your university/institution/agency/company gets a discount on AT&T. When you change your account from a personal account to a business account, the difference is night and day in quality of customer care.

