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Gyah...cabbie come-ons...

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  • #16
    Ugh...public come ons are the worst. Before I worked graveyard here at Phone Hell, I had a job working the day shift, and rode the train into the city early in the morning, when it was full of professionals in suits. There was one guy who used to come on to me all the time. Even when I put headphones in or started reading a book, he'd interrupt me and try to engage in conversation; I think he thought he was being "smooth". What he was was annoying and creepy.

    I finally got really mad at him one day and yelled at him in front of a bunch of passengers who had watched him stalk me every morning for weeks. He called me an uppity bitch and slunk off, and I noticed several of the women were smirking at him. After that he'd sit at one end of the train and watch me the whole time. God, he was creepy.

    Now I just have to deal with the old man at the Winco down the street. He always, without fail, tries to look down my shirt when I go through his line. I need to buy a damn turtleneck for grocery shopping.
    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


    • #17
      Dollar-store hair spray or nail-polish remover in a spray bottle works as well as or better than pepper spray, and it's perfectly legal. Who questions hairspray in a woman's purse?

      Alternatively, whether you're grabbed from behind or face on, step hard on their instep and put your other foot on the knee of the same leg. Push really, really hard on the knee. They won't be following you after that.
      What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


      • #18
        Quoth mharbourgirl View Post
        Dollar-store hair spray or nail-polish remover in a spray bottle works as well as or better than pepper spray, and it's perfectly legal. Who questions hairspray in a woman's purse?
        Or, you could go the extra mile, and make it aerosol hair spray and a lighter....instant flame thrower, and perfectly legal. (for women)


        • #19
          Quoth dendawg View Post
          Or, you could go the extra mile, and make it aerosol hair spray and a lighter....instant flame thrower, and perfectly legal. (for women)
          Only if you smoke...
          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

