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Since I haven't had my own customers lately...

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  • Since I haven't had my own customers lately...

    I, of course, get the joy of witnessing customers and employees in other environments who suck.

    I can't read receipts! Rabble rabble!
    So I went to the bank to deposit some checks into my mom's bank account because she is awesome and helped me out with some things lately (so when I got 660 worth of checks from my previous apartment landlord, it naturally went to her). Beside me, one poor clerk was dealing with a woman who apparently couldn't read her name on the receipt for her deposit and so kept yelling at the clerk. Her husband kept trying to telling her that the receipt was right, but Bitchy Bitch continued to freak out.

    BB: This isn't right! You put this in the wrong account, this isn't my name!
    BB's Husband: Honey...honey that is your name...
    BB: This idiot got it wrong! This is all wrong!

    The clerk finally asked for her license and held it up to the receipt.

    Clerk: See, ma'am? The names are the same.

    And my clerk and I lawled forever.

    Do you work here?
    So I went into work to get my schedule during week 1 of my mono adventure. I wrote it down, and was looking through our DVDs because I wanted a movie to watch while I sat at home doing the prescribed nothing. At my work, our dress code is business casual along with a nametag. I was wearing the ultimate comfort gear of tattered sweatpants and a hoodie. I was looking as trashy as possible, definitely not work-gear.

    So of course I'm approached (he came in after I wrote my schedule down so did not see me interacting with my coworkers). "Do you work here?"
    "No," I replied. "Not today I don't."

    Hey, idiot, how about the two associates standing behind the counter doing nothing? How about you ask them? DEATH GLARE FOR YOU.

    Math is fun!
    My credit card bill never came in the mail. I put in my change of address when I moved last month, and I got my checking and savings statements just fine. But not credit card bill...which worried me, because I pay it on time every month and I'm super paranoid about that.

    So I called my bank, went through the usual procedures, and asked if they could send a statement to the correct address and asked what my balance was.

    BPG: Bank phone guy

    BPG: $4,124
    Me: That...can you add that up again?
    BPG: No, it's right. $4,124.
    Me: That seems awfully high. It shouldn't be more than $3, fact, it should be right at $3,000.
    BPG: Nope, I'm right.

    So onto the good sightings and the conclusion of my credit card adventure...

    Math is especially fun WHEN YOU DO IT RIGHT.
    So the same bank clerk I lawled with earlier? After I deposited the checks I asked her about my CC balance. She added it up, and present me with a $2,976 balance. Because she knows how to do her job, and didn't add in the months of June and July into what I owed, because I already paid that. Very helpful, too. May she never have an SC.

    Free beer!
    I'm not sure why (maybe because we're there all the damn time...I love playing pool), but the bartender at my regular bar only charged me for 1 out of 4 Corona's the other night. I pointed it out. He said, "I know." He got a very large tip.

    Happy birthday to me!
    Here's a thanks! to the gas station clerk who sold us the beer on my birthday last week and sang to me. It was beautiful and brightened my day. May she never have an SC either.
    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    A belated happy birthday to you.
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

