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It's only a penny - turned out to be longish

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  • It's only a penny - turned out to be longish

    While it's not super important to the story... Boyfriend (BF) and I bought a house last Oct. Bank foreclosure, so the house was bought as-is. Recently discovered that the master shower was leaking into the basement causing drywall to get mildewy and misshapen. We tear out the tile to find the leak and instead find that the walls are completely soggy through with mold. Ew.

    Yesterday BF goes to Lowes first thing to get tile and all the other tools and supplies needed to redo that part of the bathroom. I had initially wanted to go, but opted to sleep in a little bit longer. He comes home after his shift and doesn't mention anything until we're making dinner at about 7 PM. Even then, he mentions it by saying "Wish you had gone with me. I know you would have said something. Maybe we should make a complaint on the website?"

    He tells me that he chose plain white tile that was marked at $.13/tile. When he was at the register, he was rung up at $.14. He mentions this to the cashier (who he described as possessing a "heavy accent" but understanding him perfectly) and she replies "Oh, it's only a penny difference. I can't change it. It's only a penny."

    Now, he only bought 125 tiles, so it was only a difference of $1.25, but it got me thinking of all the horrible customers BF could have turned out to be. So instead of making a complaint on the website, I take the receipt and call the branch in question. I don't want anything, but since we LOVE this branch, I wanted management to know so they could prevent future horrors. Ultimately I was thinking of every horrible story I've read on this site.

    So the manage picks up and was a perfect gentleman. I let him know what happened, that I wasn't seeking any kind of reparation (he asked "What can I do to make this right?") since it was barely over $1, but that I genuinely hoped he could retrain this cashier. He informed me that she did in fact have the ability to change a price for that small of an increment and should have, and that with the info from the receipt he knew who it was and would talk to her. He then asked that I seek him out the next time I'm in the store and he'll "do something nice for me." Which I just might as the way this house is going, it's quickly turning into a money pit, but that's beside the point.

    I'm just surprised with the attitudes of all involved. The cashier for being so blase about a penny. What if we were buying 1000 tile? Or 10,000? Or what if BF wasn't so nice about it? What if he had been the kind of guy to freak out about 10 cents, let alone $1.25? Then especially the manager. He was so nice! He even laughed at my joke about his name being like the Ancient Culture (I wanted to be sure I'd heard him right). He sounded like he was bracing himself for a horrible phone call. With a cashier like his, I can't say I'm all that surprised.

  • #2
    My dad had a similar rant one day at home. He works for the shipping branch of Coke. Or something like that. He keeps getting moved. I don't ask anymore.

    Either way, there was a guy hired to run their computer system. One of the things he had to do was change the amount the company paid for the gas the truckers use each week. The price change was usually a penny.

    Guess what this guy didn't do? Dad figures he cost the company a good couple thousand if not more. Guy was eventually fired.
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    • #3
      The only thing I could think of while reading this is: "What if he was buying like 1500 tiles?"... that's not "just a penny" ...that's Fifteen Bucks!

      I would probably said something to management when i was there... sure it was only a $1.25 ... this time... but when you're buying a lot of little things that penny can add up FAST.
      <Insert clever signature here>


      • #4
        A penny may be only a penny, but they DO add up.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Well handled
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            You BF did a good thing to not be a SC but maybe next time needs to see a manager before leaving the store. Either that or you go with him all the time.

            A bit OT, how did you find your place?


            • #7
              BF was looking to buy a house in the area nearish my school, or at least on the Light Rail line. So rather than do my homework (heh) I was "helping" the Realtor search for a house. I found the listing for this house, but was skeptical about certain details of the listing that didn't seem to match up to the single photo provided.

              We came out and took a look and were pleasantly surprised at the huge, airy floorplan and all the light. Made an offer, got an inspection, and closed on Halloween last year. Unfortunately the inspector wasn't as good as he should have been as we're finding all sorts of things he would have noticed had he done his job, but that's a rant for another day -=coughUnusedFurnacePilotOnButNotLitLeakingGasBenea thHousecough=-

              So long answer short: stroke of luck. Seems we even snatched it out from beneath some other buyers who went on vacation to make the bank "sweat a little." Pff. House had been on the market 10 months at that point. I don't think a few extra days was going to really hurt them.

