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customer totally owned!!!!!!

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  • customer totally owned!!!!!!

    I don't know about other hotels,but at our guest treat our housekeepers like shit,plain and simple.The housekeepers have been cussed out,spit on,knocked down and called every name in the book. Hell we were all sitting eating lunch and on the walkie the manager came on and said room 125 wants her room cleaned now. She doesn't care that you're at lunch.I mean really who do these people think they are,kings and queens.

    Anyways on to my story:
    There is a housekeeper in her late 50's and she's the sweetest and most gentle woman you'll ever meet.Also she is completly deaf in her right ear.She also has had a bad life.(abusive ex husband and etc).
    So she was cleaning one of the random queens room one day and the "queen" wanted something done and the housekeeper didn't hear her(shes deaf remember).So the "queen" screams WHAT ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING,RESPOND TO WHAT I SAY!!!!!
    So the housekeeper looks at the lady and says "why yes I'm am deaf"
    The woman's mouth drops and hits the floorand she hightells it out of the room. So why is it okay for her to say it to the housekeeper until she finds out she really deaf.I am 29 years old and I have never spoken to another human being like that,and I can honestly say I never heard my parents say those things either.
    Last edited by Ree; 09-17-2008, 09:41 AM. Reason: Removing offensive term

  • #2
    It seems that it's appropriate to say "What are you - deaf or something?" when someone doesn't hear you. I say that only because in practice, it happens so often, rather than implying any moral normalcy to it.

    Be careful what you wish for - you just might get it, eh?

