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How I was almost arrested/shot by the police

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  • How I was almost arrested/shot by the police

    Not sure if this belongs in this section, or even on this board. Mods, move/delete if you feel it necessary.

    This happened early Monday morning. It was one AM in the morning, and one of my favorite hangouts had just closed. As I'm leaving I decide I want a soda and some cigarettes, so rather than drive straight home I stop at a nearby gas station. In the parking lot of this gas station is a police cruiser with its lights on. The cop is standing next to the open window of a parked car and is apparently writing the driver a citation of some sort. I pay them no mind as it doesn't concern me and continue into the store.

    Now, before going any further I need to explain a few things. I am a gun owner. I also have a Carry Concealed Weapon(hereafter referred to as a CCW) permit. It is mid-October. I wear a trench coat when it is cold. My handgun is in a holster on my right side. My wallet is in my back right pocket. Any guesses what happened?

    So I go in and grab a soda and walk up to the counter and ask for a pack of cigarettes. After the clerk scans my items I go to grab my wallet. Reaching for my wallet requires me to brush my coat aside, and I guess the clerk thought I was going for my gun because when my hand is halfway to my wallet the clerk starts screaming bloody murder. In the split second from the moment she starts screaming to the point where I actually grabbed my wallet I realized what had happened.

    I pull out my wallet and hold up both my hands and try to tell the woman that I was just reaching for my wallet. She keeps screaming. The officer outside obviously heard her screaming because suddenly the door bursts open and in rushes the cop, gun drawn and pointed at me since I'm the only one in there other than the clerk. As soon as the clerk sees the cop she starts shouting "He's got a gun! He's got a gun!"

    So now the clerk is screaming and pointing at me, the cop is yelling at me and has his gun pointed at me with his finger on the fucking trigger, I might add, and I'm scared out of my mind. I start rambling to the officer that I have a CCW and was just reaching for my wallet.

    The cop yells at me to put both my hands on the counter. Of course, I do so. He slowly approaches me, still with his gun drawn, and pulls my coat aside, revealing my weapon. He takes it from me and takes several steps back. He holsters his own weapon and proceeds to unload my gun. As he works the slide the chambered round clatters to the floor and ends up rolling right next to my feet.

    Have you ever been in a high-stress situation and for some reason the stupidest thought enters your head? Well, that happened to me. When the bullet stopped inches from my foot, my first thought was: "Hmm, I don't want to lose that, I should pick it up." Fortunately for me, before I could move the more rational part of my brain screamed: "IF YOU MOVE, HE COULD SHOOT YOU. Don't pick it up! Don't pick it up! Don't!" So I just stood there, still with both hands flat on the counter.

    Apparently the cop had at some point called for backup because two more officers enter the store. One of the new officers pulls me to the side and begins to question me. He also searches me and finds my extra magazine and takes that as well. So now there are three cops: the one questioning me, one questioning the clerk, and the original officer with my gun now under his arm and taking notes.

    I show the officer questioning me my CCW, my driver's license, and even my security guard card and explain to him what had happened. He takes notes and keeps asking me the same questions over and over again. I must have talked to him for over twenty minutes, in which he found a way to ask me five questions ten different ways each.

    Finally the three officers converge and discuss what they've learned. They also ask the clerk if she can bring up the footage from the security camera that thankfully was pointed right at me during the incident. She is able to do so, and the three officers see that there was no pause as I pulled back my coat, and that I really was just reaching for my wallet.

    With all this they finally decide that I have done nothing wrong and that the clerk overreacted. I am given back my weapon and magazines, but am told not to load it until I get home. At this point I finally get to pay for my items and leave. The clerk did not apologize or even say anything at all. In fact she gave me a death glare the entire time she rang me up. The cops stuck around as I was leaving, and one of them gave me a piece of advice as I got into my car: put your wallet in the pocket opposite your gun, that way situations like this can be avoided in the future. Good advice, but so far I've still found myself putting my wallet in that same pocket. It's going to take me a while to break myself of this old habit.

    I am not going to lie: that was the absolute scariest hour of my entire life. I'm not going to be macho and say that I stared down the barrel of that cop's gun and didn't flinch. Hell, if there had been anything in my bladder at that point I probably would have pissed myself(thank God I used the restroom before leaving that hangout!). When I got home I put my gun and the magazines in my gun safe and sat in my bed. For over an hour I did nothing but stare at the wall, trying to calm myself down. I am so glad that cop didn't have a twitchy trigger finger.

    One final little tidbit: Shortly after I was given my weapon back I found out from one of the cops that the clerk is from California and had only very recently moved to Arizona. California has some very strict gun laws, and Arizona has some of the laxest gun laws in the country. I've heard Arizona referred to as a 'Cowboy State' because a lot of people open carry. Apparently the clerk just wasn't used to seeing someone carrying a weapon and panicked.

    Oh, and if anyone is wondering, I did remember to go and pick up the bullet that the cop ejected from the chamber of my gun.
    Last edited by TheRedHawk; 10-19-2008, 11:16 PM.

  • #2
    Holy crap!! I can kind of see where the clerk is coming from...but, have a Dom need it *hugs*
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      How stupid and ignorant can some people be when they stick their noses where it dont belong! And to think you were almost murdered by ignorance: LITERALLY!

      I've walked by people down here openly carrying and it didn't bother me at all. Why would it? It didn't affect me.


      • #4
        Excuse me, but why the heck was your gun even loaded?! You should unload your gun anytime you get off your security job. Otherwise, you're just asking for trouble.

        If you're also having that hard a problem with your wallet being on the same side as your gun, maybe you should move the gun to a different position.
        Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

        Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

        Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


        • #5
          Quoth Evil Queen View Post
          If you're also having that hard a problem with your wallet being on the same side as your gun, maybe you should move the gun to a different position.
          ditto... a shoulder harness would solve that problem... the clerk would still see the gun but in that case it is really obvious (well should be really obvious, more so than with it on the hip) that you are making no move for it.
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            It was the seeing of the gun that caused the clerk to panic in the first place. Clerk had no idea whether it was loaded. Even if it was a revolver she probably couldn't have seen the bullets nor would she probably have even thought of that. She probably would've freaked even if it were in a shoulder holster. Thus the officer's advice of keeping the wallet in the opposite pocket. I always keep mine in my left front pocket, never did like sitting on the damn thing.
            Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


            • #7
              Quoth ditchdj View Post
              How stupid and ignorant can some people be when they stick their noses where it dont belong! And to think you were almost murdered by ignorance: LITERALLY!

              I've walked by people down here openly carrying and it didn't bother me at all. Why would it? It didn't affect me.
              You're a clerk, you see someone reaching down to where they have their gun holstered, and you call the police inside, and that makes you stupid and ignorant? Interesting.


              • #8

                I'll admit being from Canada, the sight of a possibly live weapon would be unnerving the first time. But we live and learn.. or in the case of the beyotch clerk, not. She should have apologized.
                Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                • #9
                  Quoth Anriana View Post
                  You're a clerk, you see someone reaching down to where they have their gun holstered, and you call the police inside, and that makes you stupid and ignorant? Interesting.
                  Yeah well how do you know he's not an undercover cop???? They dont have to announce to every single person they interact with, "Hey lady, I'm a police officer. That's why I'm packing heat." He shouldn't have to. He could have been on duty and on a lunch break. Just to automatically assume he's a nut case ready to snap and then screaming for the cops like he's already got his gun pointed at her head ready to pull the trigger is just ignorant. Sounds to me like she's been watching too many TV shows.
                  Last edited by ditchdj; 10-19-2008, 07:52 PM.


                  • #10
                    also she didnt call anyone in, she just screamed.
                    Hell if she had ran, grabbed the phone, started throwing stuff she would be smart.
                    She was just asking to be shot...


                    • #11
                      Stupid clerk. Screaming like a banshee is a great way to get shot if it had been an actual robbery. Those are very high stress situations for all involved (the clerk, customers, criminal(s), and police) and a person screaming like that only increases the stress levels for everyone.

                      In case of a robbery, be calm and do exactly what the person with the gun wants you to do. Money and property can be replaced, lives cannot.


                      • #12
                        If, God forbid, you are ever in this situation again, I would, screw that, I will BEG you....don't talk to the cops.

                        Please, please, please, please. Don't talk to the cops. Be polite, be courteous, and for God's sake cooperate in every other way. But that business where he kept asking you the same questions over and over again? He was waiting for a contadiction to pop up so he could later say, in court, "he kept changing his story."

                        Just ask if you are under arrest. They either have to arrest you or let you go. Even if it looks like they are going to arrest you, fine. Let them. Just don't talk to them without a lawyer present.

                        You were in terrible, terrible peril and you got really lucky. Don't temp fate again. I'm glad you're okay.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                          Excuse me, but why the heck was your gun even loaded?! You should unload your gun anytime you get off your security job. Otherwise, you're just asking for trouble.

                          If you're also having that hard a problem with your wallet being on the same side as your gun, maybe you should move the gun to a different position.


                          I'm sorry, but there's a couple things you apparently didn't catch:

                          1) This was MY personal weapon. What the hell is the point of carrying a gun if it isn't loaded?
                          2) I was not on duty before this incident happened. I have weekends off. Besides, I'm not an armed security guard, and as such do not even have a duty weapon. I only showed the cop my guard card because I mentioned being a security guard and he asked to see it.
                          3) Did you not read the part where the cops suggested that I move my wallet as well? This had not been an issue before, and I've always put my wallet in that pocket. So far it's been proving difficult to break this habit, even after this insane event. It would also be far more annoying to move my gun to a different position, and I don't like shoulder holsters either.
                          Last edited by Ree; 10-20-2008, 01:09 AM. Reason: Removed insulting remarks


                          • #14
                            Quoth ditchdj View Post
                            Sounds to me like she's been watching too many TV shows.
                            Yeah, that's a real problem. Too many people watch far too much TV and assume what they see is real.
                            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                            • #15
                              What a bitch the clerk was, when she realized that there was nothing done wrong the least she could have done was apologize.

                              I can't imagine going through anything as scary as that!

