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  • Cops

    I hate when cops abuse their power.
    I was on my way to work one day. Came to an intersection of one of the busier streets in town, it was a red light. There are two lanes to go straight, but the one of the far right is also a turning lane.
    The cop was behind a car that turned right. The cop was going straight. There wasn't much cross-traffic on the road that had a green light.
    The cop turned on his lights, and started to go. About 2 seconds later the light to go straight changed, and he turned off his lights and continued to go straight.

    Also, one night I was driving home. It was a two lane road, and there was a car next to me, either a little ahead of me, or a little behind me. Coming up behind us was a car, and it was weaving back and forth in between the lanes as it got closer to us.
    I matched the speed of the car next to me, more or less, and the car behind us was still weaving back and forth.
    Well, we came to a light, and the car that was weaving behind us got into a turning lane. Turned out to be a cop. If he had somewhere to be, he would have his lights on, and I would've gladly stopped so he could get by. He was just driving like a douche.

  • #2
    Quoth Summerfly413 View Post
    I hate when cops abuse their power.

    Quoth Summerfly413 View Post
    Also, one night I was driving home. It was a two lane road, and there was a car next to me, either a little ahead of me, or a little behind me. Coming up behind us was a car, and it was weaving back and forth in between the lanes as it got closer to us.
    I matched the speed of the car next to me, more or less, and the car behind us was still weaving back and forth.
    Well, we came to a light, and the car that was weaving behind us got into a turning lane. Turned out to be a cop. If he had somewhere to be, he would have his lights on, and I would've gladly stopped so he could get by. He was just driving like a douche.
    Something to keep in mind is that sometimes, they can't. Some situations dictate that they are supposed to run without lights or sirens. If he was close enough to the location, he may not have been able to. Of course, he could have just been being a tailgating dick. Who knows. Just thought I'd add that bit of information
    "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


    • #3
      I had a sighting once.
      Was waiting at a red traffic light. The traffic light turned yellow then red on the other intersection road. My traffic light turned green. Before anyone could go, a cop flew thru the red light. Then when he was mostly thru the intersection he turned on his flashing lights then turned them off when he was passed the intersection.
      Just about everyone at the intersection had the same jaw dropping look, pausing to gape at what just happened.
      Dumbass cop could have killed someone as fast as he was going.

      Seduce, Let Loose, The Vision and The Void - Coil

      All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain - Blade Runner


      • #4
        Quoth Shangri-laschild View Post
        Something to keep in mind is that sometimes, they can't. Some situations dictate that they are supposed to run without lights or sirens. If he was close enough to the location, he may not have been able to. Of course, he could have just been being a tailgating dick. Who knows. Just thought I'd add that bit of information
        good to know


        • #5
          When I was a teen, My family and I drove up to NJ (We are from Pennsylvania) going down the street, motorcycle cop passes us in the opposite lane and then turns and pulls my dad over.

          The cop was giving my dad shit b/c our car didnt have a license plate in the front. Well, wow what do you know? PA doesnt require a license plate in the front like NJ does. It wouldnt have been bad, except that this guy wouldnt take that as an answer and kept telling my dad that he was going to give him a ticket if he didnt get a good answer..

          Anyway, after he figured there was nothing to ticket my dad on, he pulls out ahead of us and proceeds to drive between 2 cars on a 2 lane street, basically making his own lane. He does wait at the red light surprisngly and then cuts the car off to the right to get ahead of him...that was one of my first moments that I can


          • #6
            Sometimes a cop car driving through a red light with lights flashing and no siren has a reason to do so. They may have just received a call or suddenly had a place to be, yet not necessarily need a siren blaring away. I'm not excusing potential for suck and accidents here, just saying there are reasons other than just being a douche.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              That happened to my mom recently, kind of like a scene from Superbad. Except she has only had her license for a little over a year and thought she was being pulled over. She nearly wet herself, but after the cop proceeded through, he turned his lights off and kept going.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                Sometimes a cop car driving through a red light with lights flashing and no siren has a reason to do so. They may have just received a call or suddenly had a place to be, yet not necessarily need a siren blaring away. I'm not excusing potential for suck and accidents here, just saying there are reasons other than just being a douche.
                True true.. when my grandfather had to be taken to the hospital from his past place, we (my family) had to call the ambulance and specifically told them slient response as he doesn't want to make too big of a scene.


                • #9
                  OTOH, in the town I grew up in, the cops regularly did the lights-just-through-the-intersection thing, enough that you knew it wasn't an emergency.


                  • #10
                    A friend of mine did police training in a smaller city around here. He told a few stories that cast a bit of doubt on the whole "serve and protect" thing. Yes, apparently switching on the lights and sirens just to avoid stopping at red lights is pretty common. But so is a game called "Fox and Hound".

                    Basically, on occasion cops on third watch spend boring nights chasing each other in their squad cars. One car is declared Fox, one is the Hound, and off you go...
                    You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                    • #11

                      That Fox and Hound game would explain so much down here in Houston....

                      Now I wanna play!
                      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                      • #12
                        I have a sighting as well.

                        I was walking to my former fast-food hell and going about 55 in a 30 is a cop. Not usually a biggie b/c this is a crime-heavy area, but he didn't have his lights on. He get to the intersection 200-300 feet ahead of him which is a red light and he flips on his lights just to run it and shuts them off. Would have only been a dick move if he didn't have to swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid hitting a black Honda Civic that was pulling out of a parking lot immediately after the intersection. The cop simply speeds up to avoid getting his car number read by the people with gaping jaws. I think his car was 122 or something.

                        //I am an excellent witness when the time is needed
                        //slashie goodness
                        //I'll stop now


                        • #13
                          I've heard that in the "good 'ole days" the police used to play snooker.

                          They'd pull a red car, then a colour, then another red...
                          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                          • #14
                            Had a teacher tell me this one:

                            His brother-in-law (cop), brother, father-in-law, and he were going on a fishing trip. FIL had just bought a new van, wanted to make sure it got broke in right. So didn't want them going faster than like 50 mph most of the time. When it was the BIL's turn to drive, FIL was asleep, so BIL floored it to over 100. When asked what would happen if stopped, he said it would be okay because cops don't give other cops tickets. Would get you blackballed in the other cop's state.
                            My NaNo page

                            My author blog


                            • #15
                              One time, my dad had to go to the bathroom really bad, you know, cause he had been out for hours keeping people safe and saving children and making sure that losers don't hurt innocent people, like cops do, so he turned on his lights and hauled ass back to the station.

                              True story.

