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Order! Now!!

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  • Order! Now!!

    Alright, so I stopped by <local chain of coffee shops> to get a tasty coffee before going to work. I left my house with plenty of time to run my errands and get coffee, so I wasn't concerned when I first walked in the door.
    Now, when first arriving at said coffee shop, the parking lot was pretty full and there was only one spot left (which I of course took). As I get in line there are these 2 ladies in line who were chatting with the barista. Based on the "hurry the hell up before I throw hot coffee on you!!" expression on his face, he didn't even know them. So after chit-chatting about what coffees have what point-reward value, one of them (We'll call her Stupid #1) orders and pays... slowly. Then the next one (Stupid #2, waited during this conversation and her friend ordering without even once glancing at the menu?!) looks up at the menu board and says, "Well, hmmm.... What do I want?" NightWatch is now resisting the urge to slap/strangle this woman AND/OR pulling her own hair out.

    The barista even shifted about noticably, as his colleague is falling dearly behind on her orders and he can't help her because these 2 idjits can't just order and move out of the way. But wait, there's more!!

    Stupid #2 decides what she wants (finally!!) and is about to tell the nice man trying not to just hit her when Stupid #1 shouts to #2, "Hey lookee at how cute these little coffee cups are!!! They even have a spooooooon!" As she proceeds to show everyone exactly what you would do with said spoon if there were actually coffee in that cup... for humanity. Stupid #1 also had to ask AGAIN how many reward-points her particular beverage was worth after Stupid #2 ordered and paid.

    I was quite frustrated by the time I got to order and left the poor Barista a decent tip. But I think I broke something important in my brain when I saw that to make the drink I wanted, they just needed to add milk, flavor shots, and pre-blended coffee mix and swirl it around a bit. All that damn waiting for these chatty cows to move, and it takes all of 4 seconds to make my drink.

    Is this story over yet? No!
    When I got to my car and tried to leave, the parking lot had turned into a cluster fuck. All the spots had been taken, including the spots that are NOT spots. The driveway is wide enough that 3 cars can sit side-by-side with little room to spare, so 2 jack asses PARKED on either side of the DRIVEway so there was only room for one car to move through at a time. So that means as I was trying to leave, it caused a traffic jam and nearly an accident because the hordes of cars trying to get into the lot didn't realize that people were PARKED in the DRIVEway. Also this coffee shop is right on the corner of a fairly busy intersection, so people were backed up into the intersection.

    Stupid #1 and Stupid #2, I sentence thee to 200 hours community service working with crazed, starving Polar Bears... In Nunavut... You will only wear clothes that are at least 70% pink camo. If you survive (chuckle), Iradney, Blas87, EvilQueen (share, woman!) and SmileyEagle will be disecting you, with nail clippers. Clip... Clip... Clip...
    The 2 morons who PARKED in the DRIVEway, you will be sent to warm, humid tropical place where parasites abound in the soil. They will infest every orifice until you start dragging your ass on the floor like an infected dog. Then because that's just icky and no one would wanna risk the contamination, we'll just throw you on pyre or something.
    And for the 2 cops who just hung out in the parking lot watching this vehicular disaster, I hope you somehow manage to get handcuffed to each other and can't reach your delicious coffee beverages.
    Oh, and I was late for work because of all of this. Die in a fire.
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...

  • #2
    Thats one of the bad parts of how friendly everyone is in this town

    cashiers are cousins or friends or coworkers or know your uncles sisters brother blah blah blah

    Im from a city, I dont tend to talk to people I dont know..... I still get startled when a cashier askes what Im making for dinner or tells me she likes my coat (not in a fake way either) or asks where I get my nails done.... I always smile, Im always outwardly polite but inside Im screaming because the customers talk and talk and talk and talk.

    espeically K's mother, she works at the supermarket and sometimes we go through her line and she talks to EVERYONE for at least 2 mintues.... so do all the other cashiers because everyone knows everyone... all the while Im dying inside.

    Yes Im a big impatient city bitch, but damn it I do not want to hear the recipie for chicken pineapple casserole or how jimmys hockey is going for the upteenth time!!!!
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      I live in a metropolitan city, so I know how you feel. I'm thinking I shouldn't bother getting coffee before work anymore. Starbuck is the only shop on the way to my work, so I used to go there, but everytime I went in, the same 2 girls were there and one would be working her butt off and they other one would be wandering around making conversation and doing nothing. She could have been on break I guess, but I would think she'd sit in the lobby or hide in the back or be out smoking instead of getting in the other girl's way. The McDonald's iced coffees are ok, but everytime I go they give me the wrong flavor (it will say Vanilla on the receipt and taste like caramel). So I tried this out of the way place today... I just can't win.
      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

      ...Beware the voice without a face...


      • #4
        geez! It's amazing how people act over a cup of coffee lol So sorry Nightwatch!
        When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


        • #5
          YAY, I get to torture the idiots at the coffee place... btw, that doesn't happen to be the one right across from the SLCC Taylorsville-Redwood campus is it? I've never actually been in there but the parking lot sounds a lot like what you described.
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            This. Is. My. LIFE! Only I'm the one on the other side of the counter wanting desperately to bludgeon these people with whatever I can grab first.

            You would be amazed (or probably not) at how many times this EXACT scenario plays out for me in a day. People stand there slack-jawed staring at the menu board or not even looking at the damn thing and just hemming and hawing at nothing at all.
            It makes me INSANE and I just want to tell them to get the hell out of line and rejoin the back of the line when they can finally make a damn decision.
            UGH! And then they order the most calorie-soaked drink we have and have the stones to repeat themselves over and over again, "I need LOW FAT milk - I'm on a diet!"

            No low fat milk in the world is going to save you from the 390 calorie, 11 grams of fat drink you just ordered, stupid!


            • #7
              no, rerant, i also want to club them with the nearest object, blunt or not; i can understand if they were actually trying to decide (although, five minutes to make a non life changing decision is asinine), but for chit chatting? um, no; order or move your ass so others who KNOW what they want can take care of business as usual.

              indecision? not usually a problem; stupidity? huge problem.
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                Quoth rerant View Post
                It makes me INSANE and I just want to tell them to get the hell out of line and rejoin the back of the line when they can finally make a damn decision.
                UGH! And then they order the most calorie-soaked drink we have and have the stones to repeat themselves over and over again, "I need LOW FAT milk - I'm on a diet!"

                No low fat milk in the world is going to save you from the 390 calorie, 11 grams of fat drink you just ordered, stupid!
                They're the same people I'd encounter when I worked at Mickey D's as a teen who would order two double quarter-pounders, super size fries, cookies, ice cream sundae, and "diet coke please - I'm on a diet."
                The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


                • #9
                  The classic one has "...and a slimming salad."

