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teaching children to steal

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  • teaching children to steal

    This happened about a year ago(it might have been longer).It still sticks in my head.I was at McDonalds to get a fruit cup thing and a coke.The woman in front of me and myself got our food at the same time. I for some reason noticed she had only one cup and it was her daughter and herself(important later).We are standing there filling our cups,and I notice that the lady fills the one cup and leaves her tray and goes up to the counter. I overhear her telling the person that she dropped her cup and can she have another one and he gives it to her.And so then she comes over and fills that cup too. I probadly turned a bright shade of red,I was so pissed.I walked over to her and said nice one lady you taught your kid to steal a 1.00 drink. She just looked shocked and turned kinda red. I guess I should have talked to the manager,he could have probadly made her at least pay for the 1.00 drink.Hopefully she maybe was so shocked that maybe she won't do that again. That's the bad thing about working in a customer related field,when you are out off the clock,you still notice the stupid thieving crap they do.I don't know why that still sticks in my head,probadly because she didn't make any attempt to hide it,it was just an open scene of thivery
    Last edited by candyshopgirl; 11-21-2008, 12:15 PM.

  • #2
    Teaching children to steal

    In our local paper we have a police report - basically all the stuff that has gone down in the last week. Recently there was a report of one day a 10 year old was caught breaking into a house, then the next day same kid doing the same thing at another house - with the addition of the father being charged with receiving stolen goods. Some F***wit was teaching their kid to steal - at 10.


    • #3
      Sounds like the father was using his kid to get out of jail time. Kid steals and so is the one who gets charged for the theft but he is a minor so will probably only get a slapped wrist. Father wasn't involved in actually stealing so cannot be brought up on charges.
      Bark like a chicken!


      • #4
        Working at Media Play, we used to have managers watching for a few specific families that would come in and load their kids up with DVD sets and CDs. Yeah, we didn't like them much
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Quoth bainsidhe View Post
          Working at Media Play, we used to have managers watching for a few specific families that would come in and load their kids up with DVD sets and CDs. Yeah, we didn't like them much
          Slightly OT, but when Media Play was still open (Milpitas, CA) I was in there one day and they were trying to figure why this guy's bag kept going off. All the merchandise was deactivated and he didn't have anything. Just as he's leaving, the person next to him says something, and he leans down to his pantleg and pulls out a dvd and sets it against the bottom of the counter.

          I mentioned to the clerk what happened. He radios his manager (they were one of the few stores that had those in the ear thingies) and three more employees make their way up to the front just as he's leaving. But he didn't get far before he crashed into mall security. I had to stay and identify him and state what I'd seen. In the end I left with a nice sized gift card for my trouble.
          Random conversation:
          Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
          DDD: Cuz it's cool

          So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

