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Airport Ticket Machine Idiots

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  • Airport Ticket Machine Idiots

    In airports not remodeled since self-service machines became popular, they have just stuck the machines in front of the each service counter. It bugs me to no end when people do not understand that there does not have to be somebody standing behind the counter at that spot for you to use the machine. If you are checking luggage, somebody will indeed walk down to your machine to tag your bag.

    It's really bad at hub airports like the Continental terminal in Newark where there is a very long line of machines. I've waited in line for quite a while before because people are too afraid to use the two dozen empty machines that don't happen to have a service rep right there.

    Terminals remodeled in the last three years or so are better, since they have been putting the ticket machines in "islands" set away from the counter. (That does make maneuvering with luggage interesting though.)


  • #2
    To be fair, some people don't fly very often. For example, the first and so far only time I've flown was in early '04. I'd be one of the idiots staring at the kiosk like it's an alien from Mars
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


    • #3
      I've been in a somewhat similar situation before. I would just walk up to one of the unused machines and start using it. The crowd soon get the idea.

      With all respect to queueing, yes you were here first, and you had ample opportunity to do what I did, first. You didn't. You now wait behind me.


      • #4
        I don't necessarily think it's sucky. I just flew on Monday and I was in an unfamiliar airport. There were a bunch of people at the counter checking in bags and no line. It looked like all of the stations were being used and every employee was helping a passenger, so I waited in line. Then one of the employees looks up and says I can use any station. I didn't even realize that a station was open until they said something.

        Granted once I got there, I figured out how to use the machine on my own. However the bag checking process at this airport was COMPLETELY different from my home airport, where I usually just do curbside bag checking.

        I think you have to give people some freedom to be slow and confused at the airport. All airports are different and not everyone travels a lot. If it's really annoying you, you could politely point out to the person at the front of the line that a terminal is open. They may not even know they can go up there.


        • #5
          I know I sound harsh but I have very limited patience left to use at airports anymore. I generally rush through the crowds avoiding eye contact to avoid being asked a stupid question.

          People really do check their brains in with their luggage.
          No longer a flight atttendant!


          • #6
            Quoth sirwired View Post
            It's really bad at hub airports like the Continental terminal in Newark where there is a very long line of machines. I've waited in line for quite a while before because people are too afraid to use the two dozen empty machines that don't happen to have a service rep right there.
            It's simple - people are afraid of anything "self service" now. My Home Depot (and a couple of other stores) have self checkouts which I use when the store is busy. You can have 5+ people in each cashier line but only one person waiting to use one of the four self checkout lines.

            In the Ft Lauderdale Airport they'll have some attendants moving around behind the line of machines and will call you over when one is available.

            Also, Newark is a very busy airport, period. Plus, the type of people I met when I lived in Jersey wouldn't surprise me that most of them want someone there to spoon feed them a boarding pass.
            Quote Dalesys:
            ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


            • #7
              At the airports I have used (and I fly quite frequently) the self checks are pretty easy to use but they still seem to confuse some people. The reasons this may be can be what previous posters have suggested.

              However, I also have the option of checking in online and printing out my boarding pass myself as well as choosing my seat which I always do. I prefer an aisle seat rather than being squished in at the window or between two people. Also it's easier to get up and use the toilet.

              Anyway, printing my boarding pass myself saves lots of time and all I have to do is hand off my luggage. But this may not be an option for everyone depending on where you're flying out from or which airline you're using.
              It's been a long, long, long, long time...

