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A couple from the all-night grocery store

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  • A couple from the all-night grocery store

    After the CS get-together, I needed to get some groceries, and there was a 24 hour grocery store at the other side of the mall. Couple incidents I saw:

    - A woman manouvering back and forth to get into a parking space, and winding up over the line fouling the next space. Of course, with most of the mall closed, there were a lot of empty spaces including the one nose-to-tail with where she parked, nose-in. Why wouldn't she pull through into the other space, so that she wouldn't have to back out?

    - I can't stand people who leave their carts in the parking spaces. Close to where I parked, there was a "double" (2 carts nested), and a few spaces away there was a third cart. I nested that one into the others, and was heading toward the store (to drop them off at the corral at the entrance). Another customer had finished shopping, and after loading his purchases into his car put his empty cart on the front of the string I was pushing. Was I wearing a nametag? No. Was I wearing a uniform with the store name? No. Was I wearing a safety vest? No. Why did he think I was the cart guy?
    Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

  • #2
    Because you were pushing carts?

    Seriously, while it's nice of you to have done so, it's extremely rare that someone doing so is NOT the cart guy. He wouldn't have even looked for a name tag or uniform - you're pushing carts, so here you go.


    • #3
      I'm not sure where you live, but if it was "jacket" weather or below, and you were wearing one...well, a lot of places that have "cart guys" let those pour souls wear their jackets/hoodies/parkas/whatever over their uniform (and name tag) before venturing out on their sacred charge of wrangling the steel-and-rubber herd. If you had a jacket on, the person may have assumed you were wearing a uniform underneath.

      If you weren't wearing one, then as One-Fang said, it's one-in-a-million that someone's hauling carts through a parking lot towards the store of their source and isn't getting paid to do so.

      And all in all, try not to be too hard, he was just trying to make your "job" easier.

