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I was the SC, but it was worth it.

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  • I was the SC, but it was worth it.

    You ever have one of those days where everything goes wrong? Your car doesn't start, then after it does, you get a flat. Then, you discovert the spare is flat? THEN, when you finally get to work you find out you're off that day? My day was like that. EVERYTHING that could go wrong did. This, happened at wal-mart (not my regular store mind).

    Little background:

    I was painting some doors around the house. Our idiot painter had tried putting latex on oil. This does not work unless it's in a degas painting or similar. Suffice to say I had my work cut out for me. Adding insult to injury, the sander I had chosen crapped out on me, becoming something of a nuiscance.

    This sander worked, but only when I held it at arm's length with the cord exactly parallel to the door. It worked fine like that, until it then began to make a funny thog thog sound. There after, It only worked when held above my head, and then only intermittantly. However, should I remove it from my person to do something, the sander worked fine. I suspect, I may have been the problem, but this will remain untested as thog thog was promptly thrown into the middle of the back yard, much to the suprise and dismay of the gardener.

    Returning to my work, I finally get most of the first door. Yes, you read that right. the FIRST door sanded cleanly. Oooo. Now I can...wait a minute. Where's the paint? I bought paint, but I don't see it. Heading into the garage, I find a veritable bermuda's triangle. The paint has vanished, gone the way of may left socks and the last lawnmower belt I purchased. I frantically searched through the garage, only to find a coffee maker I had lost a year ago. This distracted me long enough to forget the paint for the moment. I suspect some grand power was messing with my head. Having said that I decided that yes, I must make a run to Wal-mart and Home depot. The first for paint, and the second for a sander.

    But reps, I hear you saying. "Why didn't you get the paint at Home Depot." I tried, once. The color was off. I was hoping for a nice simple white. Nothing special there. How it came out snot yellow is beyond me. Wal-mart earned my business then. So, off I went, dressed in my work clothing. A beat up old T shirt with sander splatters and bits of things stuck to it. There's also a blood stain on the shirt, from an earlier argument with a fanbelt that I lost. (Not the belt, but the argument.) My shorts were faded jeans types, frayed in numerous places, and I wore a pair of beat up old New Ballance Tennis shoes without socks. (I never wear them anyway). This was capped off by a faded pink (it was red at one time) Tommy Hilfiger hat.

    Home Depot was cool. I got the sander, and an appology for the funky snot colored paint. Heading over to Wal-Mart, I stashed everything in the car, and bounded in. Here's where the real story begins:

    Walking back to the paint counter, I wait a few moments for a guy to come. "I need some Kilz, and snow white paint. Four Gallons please." yeah, it's a lot, but I may repaint a few rooms too. The guy nods, gives me a funny look all the while, and then turns to get the paint. "I'll be right back." I said, and headed over to electronics.

    While there, I meandered through some of the computer supplies, pausing to pick up a particular camera I was looking for. Taking a moment to look through the viewfinder, check the price and number, I suddenly found that my hand was sticky. Something was on this camera, and it wasn't coming off my hand. Groaning, I put the camera back, walked over to the electronics counter and told the girl what was up. Of course,I was stared at like I was crazy. Oh well, she'll figure it out. Walking off, I took the tail of my shirt, wiped off my hand and went back to paint.

    After picking my stuff up, I took my time looking at some brushes, and a few other things before deciding to make my departure. After paying (Cash) for the paint, I started out. That's when things turned interesting.

    Two gentlemen, I'm guessing LP and a manager, reached out and took me by the arm. WTF? Naturally I snatched my arm back . "What?" I almost yelled. "What?"

    "We need you to come with us."



    "look, do you want us to do this here? The police have been called."


    "We know you stuck something under your shirt. Now come with us. "

    Staring at this guy, And I'm not sure why I did this, I grabbed my T shirt and snatched the shirt off over my head, leaving me shirtless.

    "See anything sport?" I asked.

    This shocked them. About that time the police came in the store and pulled me aside as the asm started talking to them. "See if he has a reciept for any of that." I hear, to which I produce one. Things are going downhill for manager boy and LP fast. Ultimately, I was asked politely (by the PD) to put my shirt on and requested not to return to that store.

    I had my revenge in the parkinglot. I called his district manager. We had words.

    I was a total SC. Oh yes, I went total lawsuit threat on them and entitlement bitch.

    I also hung around, talking to the PD the whole time. (It was their idea for me to call.) About ten minutes after the call, maybe less, out comes the ASM and the LP that stopped me. They were very ticked. Why?

    Oh here's the fun part.

    After getting off the phone with the DM, he (the DM) had called the SM. The orders were rather simple. "Fire those two idiots, and appologize to the customer. He's still outside or said he would be." LP and ASM were called on the carpet, ripped some new ones and sent packing. The ASM had been with the company 15 years I'm told, the LP was new. And me, well I got a nice shiny new fifty dollar gift card for all my troubles. Oh, and called an A$$hole by the ASM and LP as they left.

    Don't you just LOVE bad days?
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    LOL! I'm sorry but I don't think you were a SC at all, and I loved your story. Basically you were falsely accused, then banned from the store for daring to be mad at being falsely accused, then the two idiots (who seemed to be judging you by appearance only) got canned. You weren't a SC, that's called poetic justice!



    • #3
      Quoth repsac View Post

      Staring at this guy, And I'm not sure why I did this, I grabbed my T shirt and snatched the shirt off over my head, leaving me shirtless.

      "See anything sport?" I asked.'re male, right? Because that mighta been otherwise haha.

      And you definitely were not an SC - the manager and LP guy were super sucky employees. Guess they learned that the hard way!
      Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

      Proverbs 22:6


      • #4
        I don't think you were sucky at all. I'd have been livid at being treated like that.

        I can't believe these two idiots had the berries to insult you as they were leaving! It's not like you started it. Seems like the correct response would have been "Sir, we're really sorry!"



        • #5
          Agreed. They could have handled it more discreetly. They should have apologised and let you go on your way without a banning when it was clear you didn't steal anything.

          I'm sure that, being a regular at CS, if you were simply suspected of shoplifting, found to be innocent, and let go, there wouldn't be a problem. False accusations do happen. Part of the job, and all that. It's their reaction afterwards that pissed you off, no? Banning over one suspected shoplifting nab that turned out not to be.


          • #6
            I think this calls for a little pic that I made awhile back for a special occasion. Now's as good a time as any to unveil it.

            Oh, BTW,


            • #7
              owned yes but just a touch of 'poor workers' here. well poor manager at least.

              Sayu the LPO came to him saying he was certain that he saw you put something under your shirt he of course is going to believe him since LPO's only say this when they are CERTAIN they saw something happen as they will lose their job if they dont.

              Of course the :LPO should lose his job as he falsely accused you but i do feel a bit for the other guy

              O well least one guy who shouldnt be doin that job is out of there
              Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


              • #8
                No, I've got no sympathy for the manager. Of course he believed his LP guy, but he didn't have to ban repsac when it was clear he hadn't stolen anything.


                • #9
                  Exactly. An apology was in order. A big one. Maybe some butt kissing. So they made a mistake, but they didn't have to compound it by treating him like that afterwards.


                  • #10
                    Doesn't sound like you were a sucky customer to me. Sounds like you were justifiably angry at being falsely accused without reason.

                    Oh, and I have to say, you really know how to tell a story. I was laughing my ass off, at least up to the point where you got in trouble.
                    Sometimes life is altered.
                    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                    Uneasy with confrontation.
                    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                    • #11
                      Now you get it. THAT is EXACTLY one of the reasons why I do NOT believe in giving up MY freedom and liberty for PERCEIVED safety and security. Just keep in mind that it's also possible to hide weapons and goods in your rectum (prisoners do it all the time). So what's next at the stores and airports? Involuntary full body cavity searches by someone that's only qualified to run a cash register??? Yeah just try it....


                      • #12
                        You know, the thread is supposed to be about repasac and his experience with a store, not about potential hot topics. Please stick to the original topic.
                        "I live in Los Angeles, and I was on the walk of fame. I was drunk, and I got a henna tattoo that says, 'Forever.'" -Zack Galifianakis

                        Call Sophia Moore or Kent E. Ryder for a good time!


                        • #13
                          Same type of thing happened to my cousin. He wore a new coat to the same store he bought it at the year before. He bought it in summer and kept it in his closet until that day. They accused him of stealing the coat. He had to have my Dad break into his house and get the tags he tore off that morning.

                          He did think of a lawsuit, but I don't know what ever happened there. I'll have to ask my dad.

                          And Res, you just seem to attract attention man. I don't think you were sucky at all, that was beautiful.


                          • #14
                            Quoth repsac View Post
                            Ultimately, I was asked politely (by the PD) to put my shirt on and requested not to return to that store.

                            eeep imma dolt. this is what i get for reading posts after being up for 20 hours. missed the PD banning yah part. very much so over the top and obviously his downfall.

                            note to self: read story, sleep on it, then post
                            Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


                            • #15
                              Wow! That was not being a sucky customer that was being a victim of profiling gone way wrong! I'm glad to see that the idiots got what they deserved. But they should most definately have been quit a bit more apologetic.

                              Originally Posted by repsac
                              Ultimately, I was asked politely (by the PD) to put my shirt on and requested not to return to that store.
                              Uh. I had to check your profile to mmake sure if you where male or not as that would definately have changed things had you not.
                              Last edited by KuzcoLlama; 10-18-2006, 11:19 PM.

