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Sometimes it really is the employees....(warning long)

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  • Sometimes it really is the employees....(warning long)

    As the title says, sometimes it just the employees that bring out the SC in us all.

    I recently moved down from Maryland to Florida with my brother, he's going to school and my job allows me to be wherever I want as long as I have broadband internet access. So, since we were moving we decided to stay with the same apartment complex company since they'd been nothing but helpful to us over the time we'd been there, customer loyalty and all that jazz. In fact I’ve stayed at 3 different complexes that are with this company over the years and I’ve never had any problems with them, even when I’ve had to break leases before they've been totally helpful and made the process easy.

    Now all that being said, this new place we have down here in FL is completely and totally awful. We signed the new lease with them 45 days before we were going to arrive, notarized all the legal stuff and had everything next day delivered to them. I call them up and ask if everything is taken care of and I get "Yep, you're all set see you in 45 days". All good so far.

    And that's where things break down. 5 days before we're supposed to arrive and only 2 days from when we're actually going to be in a truck and driving down I-95 to get to our new place, we get a call saying they're missing some info. Ok no sweat, I have them email what they need signed and I’ll have it next day'd to them. 6 emails later and a dozen forms that are "Critical" labeled by the manager, I finally hear from them "If these aren't signed, notarized, and here before you arrive we can’t give you the keys". I ask if we can just bring them down to them since we'll be there in just a few days, and I hear "You should have sent this earlier".

    ... you had 6 weeks to get this info to me and you waited until the last minute and it's my fault?

    Needless to say several angry phone calls later we all figure it out and get it taken care of.

    Cue 16hours driving a big Budget truck down the interstate, 2 days of miserable sleep and rainy driving and we get to FL finally. We walk into get our keys and lo and behold we're required to pay another $100 bucks for something they "forgot" to mention. *sigh* we’re just tired and just pay the blood money so we can unpack our stuff and go to bed.

    Fast forward a month and oops... it's Dec 4th and we forgot to pay rent on the first. My bro's been working 5 graveyard shifts in a row and I’ve been doing 12 hour days to keep up with work stuff. It slipped our minds ... it happens... No big deal we have till today anyhow to pay rent.

    Or so we thought.

    SE: Stupid Employee
    SM: Stupider Manager
    Bro: My brother
    *I walk up to the office to pay rent*
    SE: with a huge grin on her face “You’re late!    It’s late on the 2nd”
    *gah…. We thought we had a grace period till the 4th…. No sweat… that’s life*
    Me: ……. “Damn….. How much is the late fee”
    SE: “$100”
    Me:” *sigh* ok... Well here’s our check and I’ll put the balance on my debit card”
    SE: “Oh we can’t take checks if it’s late.”
    Me: …… “Ok… then I’ll pay my half on a debit card and my bro will be in to pay his part when he wakes up to go to his night shift, around 4pm.”
    SE: “Oh we can’t process a payment unless all residents are here at the same time”
    Me: “what?? Why does it matter if he’s here when I use my card?”
    SE: *blank look*
    Me: “Are you for f**king kidding me?*sigh* ... fine... I’ll go wake him up and be right back….”

    *I wake him up after only 4hours of sleep and drag his ass over to the office*

    Me: “Ok we’re both here.”
    *starts to fill out the crazy long form for credit card transactions and my brother asks for a copy of the lease since he’s under the impression we were good till today too*
    SM:”It’s late on the 2nd.”
    Bro:”Can I just have a copy of the lease?”
    SM: *Glares and then goes to make a copy*
    Bro: *reads over lease* “If it’s late on the 2nd why does it say in big bold Ariel font that it’s late on the 5th right there on the first page of the community guidelines?? And it’s on the lease too?!”
    Me: *shocked*
    SM: *silence*
    Bro: “This is bullshit; I can’t believe you had Shugo wake me up because you don’t know your own policies. It's always something with you guys...”

    *My brother finishes his credit card form, throws it on the desk and leaves grumbling*
    *I finish and hand SE my form*
    SE: “So how’s your day going?”
    *That was the dumbest question I’ve ever heard up to this point in my life*
    Me: ……………………………… “How does it look like its going??”
    SE: *looks like I just kicked her puppy*

    The end. This is the last time we ever rent with this particular apartment company. How does the manager not know their own late fee date? I could understand the employee but the manager? These folks have murdered 3 previous years of excellent service by every other person I’ve dealt with in this company. And we’ve got to live with these people for 10 more months… *sigh*

  • #2
    If I get this straight, this property management company has been great, except for this one property, which utterly sucks.

    What I would do is write a nice letter to corporate HQ stating clearly and politely that:
    * You've been a loyal customer for quite awhile
    * You chose the complex in Florida based primarily on the fact that it was a property of this company's and your previous experience had been so awesome you felt it was a safe move
    * The employees and site manager of this Florida property ended up costing you $XXX because they failed to follow up on certain issues that should have been resolved much sooner
    * The employees and site manager are not adhering to the terms of the lease contract you signed.

    Give names, dates and details, and state that you've already paid the money, but are now thinking strongly in terms of leaving this company when the lease is up and not renting from this company any more in the future.


    • #3
      Once you give notice, or are in the last month, contact the main office of the management company and spell everything out to them. It sounds like the manager is skimming money.

      I rented from a management company one time that totally failed to do repairs. Everyone in our building ended up having to move out because, despite notifying the management company, they failed to do repairs and dry rot had developed as a result. The apartments had been sold and when they were inspected by the new owners, the management company was fired. The icing on the cake? The management company filed with a collection agency to try to collect money from me (and probably the other tenants) they said we owed for the damage to the apartments. I figured the new owners probably billed them for all the repairs that needed to be done. Thankfully, my sister and I both had copies of our complaints and my sister even prepared an affidavit that she had notarized (she had moved out of state). After sending everything to the collections agency they left us alone. I wonder how many of the other tenants paid up?
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #4
        Quoth reimero View Post
        If I get this straight, this property management company has been great, except for this one property, which utterly sucks.

        What I would do is write a nice letter to corporate HQ stating clearly and politely that:
        * You've been a loyal customer for quite awhile
        * You chose the complex in Florida based primarily on the fact that it was a property of this company's and your previous experience had been so awesome you felt it was a safe move
        * The employees and site manager of this Florida property ended up costing you $XXX because they failed to follow up on certain issues that should have been resolved much sooner
        * The employees and site manager are not adhering to the terms of the lease contract you signed.

        Give names, dates and details, and state that you've already paid the money, but are now thinking strongly in terms of leaving this company when the lease is up and not renting from this company any more in the future.

        That is an excellent idea. I'll send that out today. I appreciate the suggestion.


        • #5
          Quoth ShugoAC View Post
          That is an excellent idea. I'll send that out today. I appreciate the suggestion.
          Not to act all paranoid, but just how big is this particular division of the company in your area? You still have 10 months and I'd be worried that they'll make your life a living hell. I know it's not right, but take all necessary steps to protect yoursef. Document document document. Keep running notes of times/dates/names/suckiness and photos if necessary. Do you have your copy of the lease? If not, get a copy now. Do you know your neighbors? What's their impression of the place and management? What experiences have they had? I mention this only because knowledge is power.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Quoth bainsidhe View Post
            Not to act all paranoid, but just how big is this particular division of the company in your area? You still have 10 months and I'd be worried that they'll make your life a living hell. I know it's not right, but take all necessary steps to protect yoursef. Document document document. Keep running notes of times/dates/names/suckiness and photos if necessary. Do you have your copy of the lease? If not, get a copy now. Do you know your neighbors? What's their impression of the place and management? What experiences have they had? I mention this only because knowledge is power.
            They might try, but by sending the letter you have a paper trail. More importantly, if you don't speak up, they'll know they can try pulling that sort of stunt again and get away with it. As far as they're concerned, right now, they see an easy mark.


            • #7
              Quoth ShugoAC View Post

              I recently moved down from Maryland to Florida with my brother
              Well, that was mistake #1. I'm out of here permanently in a few weeks.. and I can tell you, the sunshine state is SC/SEmployee/SPEOPLE capital of the world. And don't get me started on real estate nightmares down here. This is the RE Fraud and b.s. capital of the universe. I gauren-damn-tee you they KNEW the rent policy and it was a weak-ass attempt at extorting $100 out of you guys. Sucky apartment managemnt sucks, but renting a place from an individual can be a whole other nightmare that I will tell you all about one day.. My advice.. get the hell out of FL as soon as you can.
              I will never go to school!


              • #8
                There's a reason there are all those 'Flori-duh' stories on Like Ohio (sorry, Ohions) seems to be a concentration of lawlessness/weirdness in one small state.

                Can you break the lease and move elsewhere after complaining?
                "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                • #9
                  Quoth calulu View Post
                  There's a reason there are all those 'Flori-duh' stories on Like Ohio (sorry, Ohions) seems to be a concentration of lawlessness/weirdness in one small state.

                  Can you break the lease and move elsewhere after complaining?
                  Unlikely. Most leases down here basically cut off your nuts if you dare break the lease even a day early. And renters have zero, zip, NADA as far as any tangiable rights down here. The suck is off the scale. In fact, the state legislature is trying rush through some emergency laws to try to protect thousands of renters who have been caught up in the foreclosure crisis and are being evicted for doing nothing more that being good, rent-paying tenants who happened to sing a lease with an individual or company whose property now belongs to the bank. It doesn't speak to the OP's particular issue, but it all eminates from the same cornucopia of suck for those poor SOB's (like me) who can't afford to buy, and of course now banks aren't lending anyway.

                  Again.. I urge you. Leave FL as soon as humanly possible.
                  I will never go to school!


                  • #10
                    Don't forget

                    Quoth ShugoAC View Post
                    That is an excellent idea. I'll send that out today. I appreciate the suggestion.
                    Don't forget to send copies of the receipts too.

                    This does sound like the manager is skimming to me too. If he handles the payments (banking) locally and only sends lump sums to the main office they will see all the proper money arriving on time while he collects 'late' payments.

                    Just make sure you make all required payments on time and accept NO excuses for not get receipts that show the full amount. Also get photocopies of your checks if the bank does not send them back.

                    I smell scam.
                    Last edited by earl colby pottinger; 12-05-2008, 04:06 PM.


                    • #11
                      Moved to Sightings, since it happened at home.
                      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


