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Major suckage on the road to work

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  • Major suckage on the road to work

    Wow, just wow. Can't believe the nerve of these people.

    First, we're heading down 114 through Trophy Club going to work. A truck enters the highway and decides to not look while merging into the left lane, almost side swiping us. My mom gives a honk to let him know and he gets back in his lane.

    A few moments later, when the road opens from two to three lanes, we have him riding our butts (literally a foot or less) in the left lane. Apparently he wants past, but the open lane to his right isn't good enough for him. He wants us to get out of his way.

    First off, my mom isn't a pushover and won't get out of anyone's way, even when she's not upset. Today, she was upset. She kept a constant speed of 70-75 mph from Trophy Club all the way to Southlake (really only like 2-3 miles). The entire time, the truck was on our ass.

    We get up to Carroll Rd and this HHR comes up on our right side, in the middle lane, doing 5-10 mph faster than us (so, like 80-90 at this point). She quickly cuts us off, and I'm not exaggerating, by 2 feet.

    2 feet at 80-90 mph? What the hell was this woman's problem?

    She gets in front of us and motions for us to get out of the lane, pointing to her right with her thumb. Obviously, she got a finger in return, from us both, and the horn laid into her. We were not going to move because she wanted us to.

    Since when is it ok to cut people off like that at such high speeds? What a stupid twat (one of the many words I called her).

    Moral of the story? Don't mess with us. We get off at Kimball and she gets stuck in the traffic at the 114/1709/121 merge. What a moron.

    Then, a bit later, close to my building, a two lane road merged into one and everyone was merging just fine, until it was our turn. The lady decided we weren't good enough to get in front of her. Of course, again, my mom forced her way into the spot, pissing the lady off and, in turn, rode our asses until a spot opened for her to speed by us, flicking us off.

    I swear, my mom just welcomes this kinda of shit all the time. And she wonders why I hate riding with her.

  • #2
    I gotta ask: is it allowed to overtake another vehicle on the right side in the US?

    Outside of cities, German traffic law explicitly forbids this (under ordinary circumstances), which means a hefty fine if you get caught doing that. Consequently, all vehicles are required to move to the rightmost lane as soon as possible in order to free the left lanes for faster moving traffic. Any driver coming up behind you is well within his rights to announce (by flashing lights or blinking left) his intention to pass you and to request that you move.

    Of course, that doesn't mean your tailgater wasn't sucky for driving dangerously close at high speed.
    You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


    • #3
      Blocking the passing lane? Fail.
      There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


      • #4
        if theres alane yes sometime, if there isnt then no never.


        • #5
          Quoth Canarr View Post
          I gotta ask: is it allowed to overtake another vehicle on the right side in the US?
          it depends on the state... in Utah it is legal, but in Nevada it isn't... though no state enforces it sense it does vary from state to state.
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            Something almost exactly like that happened to me yesterday. Guy tried to change into my lane without looking, almost hit me, I honked, he got behind me and rode my ass for about five miles (with me doing about 5 over the speed limit; there are speed cameras about every mile on this stretch of freeway, so speeding is not recommended), and when he finally was able to pass and get in front of me, he flips me off. I just looked at my mom and said "He's the one who almost hit me but I'm the asshole. Interesting."

            I did get the pleasure of seeing a speed camera catch him about two minutes later.


            • #7
              In Pennsylvania, the left lane is only used for passing, and you can get ticketed if you ride in it for too long. Not that anyone usually notices.

              But I hate drivers these days. Down where I live (half an hour outside of Philly) NOBODY uses their turn signals. And I live in a town where the streets are narrow and the parking is terrible, so of course people throw on their 4 ways to park and run into shops and all that.

              It makes me so mad.


              • #8
                Quoth Canarr View Post
                I gotta ask: is it allowed to overtake another vehicle on the right side in the US?
                The laws in Texas are pretty lax. You can pretty much drive in whatever lane you want, as slow as you want, for as long as you want (highway). Interstate, I think you have to stay on the right if you're slower.


                • #9
                  Blocking the passing lane?
                  That depends on the road and the posted speed.

                  Some roads - even some highways - have unusual exits on the left side, so staying on the left isn't too weird. In fact on the highway i use to take to get to work, the 3 lanes turn into 4 lanes, and then split off into two different roads... so it was actually easier (and safer) to stay in the left "passing" lane, as opposed to keeping to the right and then trying to cut over 3 lanes of heavy traffic.

                  And... what's the posted speed? Just because you're in the passing lane it doesn't mean you have to move over for every jerk who wants to speed. The OP said the car was going at 70-75 and in most states that's not normally the "slow" traffic... except to people who feel they should have the right to go 81+ at all times.

                  (i mention 81, cos at least back when i was in VA, going 81 or faster is an automatic "reckless driving" citation... not sure about the other states tho)


                  • #10
                    Besides the fact in Australia we drive on the left so I had to remember the change of sides for the States.

                    My theory is that if you are doing the speed limit you can be in the fast lane/ overtake lane which ever you want to call it. Due to the fact NO ONE should be going over the speed limit that's fine.

                    If not you should be riding in the slow lane or the left lane in Australia (right in the states). Just as you are blocking traffic by not going the speed limit and thats annoying (and a pet peeve).

                    However tailgating is NEVER acceptable, and people are idiots on the road (was it raining? People tend be worse drivers in the rain for some reason!!)

                    However in Australia it is not illegal to pass on the gutter lane however it should be, mainly because its dangerous, but again sometimes you have little choice!
                    every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.... for every person I can stand being around there is and eqaul and opposite idiot....... -_- damn stupid people


                    • #11
                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      Some roads - even some highways - have unusual exits on the left side, so staying on the left isn't too weird.
                      I-26 does it in Asheville. It was a royal pain learning that one to get to Johnson City when you're half asleep, have no coffee, and couldn't get to the Cracker Barrel on exit 44 because you forgot what exit number it was.

                      Can you guess what I did?
                      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                      • #12
                        Simple rule of safe driving in North America:

                        Drive right and pass left.

                        I love it when the local cops write a ticket for a left-lane turtle.

                        "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
                        I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


                        • #13
                          Quoth PepperElf View Post

                          Some roads - even some highways - have unusual exits on the left side, so staying on the left isn't too weird.
                          Utah is in love with those... we have a left exit off of 15 southbound in Davis county to go to highway 89. In Salt Lake county the 400 south exit is a left exit for carpool only, Legacy highway splits off of 215 from the center... and we even have left hand merges going from 15 to 215 at the southern interchange.

                          So yeah, left lane for passing only doesn't mean shit.
                          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                          • #14
                            Quoth Bandit View Post
                            I love it when the local cops write a ticket for a left-lane turtle.
                            Saw that happen just last week....

                            I was in the right lane, clear day, visibility for several miles, no one in front of me for about 1/4 to 1/2 mile, when a guy passes me going a little faster, figure 72-75mph based on my speed (speed limit of 65 on this strectch of road, and no left exits) and stays in the left lane. A few minutes later a NYS Trooper passes me and gets right up to the guy in the left lane. Follows him for about a mile or two, while every so often he moves a little left and right to try to get the guy to move over. When he doesn't, lights come on and he pulls him over.


                            • #15
                              On the Jersey Turnpike, you ride the right lane and the left is only for passing.

                              On I-95 in Northern Virginia, you go slow in the left/middle lanes (I-95 is 3 lanes) at your own peril, and it could be your own funeral. Right lane is for the "going the speed limit" people. But even then, you get your variety of "going under the limit" or "going over the limit" in that lane also.

                              I think it's I-495 that has a few left lane turn off exits. Plus the HOV lanes exits are on the left hand side mainly. (There's at least one that has a right hand side exit).

                              Yeah, I just avoid the interstate when I can. I love back roads. And I love to read maps. So I never get lost.

                              And if I do? I enjoy the scenery and know I will eventually make it to wherever I'm supposed to be going.

