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BK suck all around (somewhat long)

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  • BK suck all around (somewhat long)

    So for those of you that haven't heard, New England pretty much got slammed with a huge ice storm. My partner's area where he lives is one of the few places in MA, NH and ME that still has power. My school, unfortunately, lost power this morning. Pro: I didn't have to go to class and give a 10 minute oral presentation (take THAT central auditory processing disorder!). Con: No electricity means nothing else to distract myself with, plus I have work still due today because it is the last day of classes. My laptop was starting to run low on battery and I still had a ton of work to do, so I decided to trek 2 hours south to my partner's home so I could spend the weekend with real food doing work and studying for finals next week.

    The trip itself was uneventful other than almost getting pulled over by a cop (I tend to go a little faster than is perhaps necessary when there's no traffic on the roads ). However, 2 o'clock rolled around and I found myself absolutely starving. The only thing I'd had to eat all day was half a bowl of cereal with some questionable soymilk that had been sitting in my warm fridge most of the night. A rest area was coming up, so I pulled over and was determined to get myself something quick.

    All there was really was a BK, so I hopped in line after calling my mom to tell her what was happening, and to make sure she had power (she did, no internet, phone or cable though). I ordered myself one of their grilled chicken sammiches. The two women working behind the counter were both working as efficiently as possible, but it was clear english was not their first language. The one who took my order kept asking if she made sure she'd gotten my order right, which made me feel for her and I was incredibly polite. The suck did not start until after I'd ordered though.

    Look, people, it's busy. Not a lot of people have power, so they're migrating to other places that do. The two lines were both at least 6 people deep at the cash registers. They also looked to be horribly understaffed. It's going to take some time to get the food out when they're that backed up. This one woman though was huffing and puffing the entire time. She'd gotten a salad but wanted grilled chicken on it, and for some reason they needed time to make it. I'd seen her order while I was in line, and all her companions had gotten their food. She waited maybe a total of 10 minutes, but apparently by that time they'd managed to finish eating and were trying to get out of there. This woman was NOT happy. She kept yelling at the runner bringing up orders, asking her where her chicken was. The poor runner was practically screaming at everyone else to get that chicken out so she could get the lady out of her hair. Finally a friend comes up to her.

    F = friend
    SC = crazy biatch
    E = employee
    Me =

    F: Come on, lets get out of here.
    SC: FINE! *slams her salad down* I want a refund NOW. You guys are too slow and thanks to you I have to drive <ridiculous amount of hours> without any LUNCH. GIVE ME MY REFUND RIGHT NOW.
    E: *looks so upset that she's getting yelled at, and that others are nodding their heads, tries as quickly as possible to get her her refund*
    SC: HURRY UP. WE HAVE TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW. God, why do you people take so long?!
    E: *stares at the cash register, finally gives her her change*
    SC: *STOMPS OFF, bitching the whole way*

    To make things worse, while she was being crazy about her refund, there was a guy harrassing one of the poor cashiers. He'd said his order somewhat fast, and it was clear she was lagging behind. She typed a few things in, then asked him something (I don't remember what)

    SC2: Oh for f***s sake, I've said it 3 times already. *repeats order loudly, not slowing down any for her* Do you even speak English?

    The cashier looked so unhappy. At that point I had sighed audibly and was looking a bit perturbed. Finally, the employee calling out the meals calls out, "95!" and I hear a woman scream "I want a refund!!!"

    I was about ready to let this woman have a piece of my mind until I turned and saw her wink at me, grinning. She was making fun of the earlier woman. The earlier woman's order number, you ask? 94.

    She gave me a good laugh, and made me feel better. When I got my meal I made sure to tell the employee that she was doing a good job, and I hope she had a good day because I knew it was busy. She looked quite grateful.

    Bonus: As I was walking out to my car, the guy who had yelled at the cashier caught up with me. He told me that after he heard what I said, he thought he'd been a little rude to the poor girl who was trying to take her order, and that he'd apologized to her. Today's just been a roller coaster, but it all ended well.
    It's like the people in Vegas who have sex in video-monitored elevators.. -MoxisPilot
    The elevators are monitored?!!! OH CRAP!!! -Sheldonrs