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The FDR needs to be cleansed.

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  • The FDR needs to be cleansed.

    And I don't mean with sage.

    Driving on it, last night, I was reminded of just how badly I hate that road.

    For those that don't know, the FDR Drive is on the East Side of Manhattan, and hugs the East River all the way down. It's a nightmare to drive. Narrow lanes, no shoulders, barriers, and idiot drivers.

    So last night, I'm driving the FDR. As I pass the Queensboro Bridge, a cab gets on. One of the minivans. The left blinker is on, blink. blink. blink. blink. The cab isn't getting over, and is going incredibly slowly. Then almost sideswipes a car in the middle lane. Ok then, this is going to be fun. Other Half is in the passenger seat, commenting on the wonderful driving one finds when on this hellhole at night. We watch the cab swerve left, swerve right, continue at 25mph (speed limit is 45, most people go 60 on this curvy, awful road) all the way down to 42nd. We're stuck behind him, because we have no clue what he's doing, his off-duty light seems to be on, but there are people in the car. So we just wait it out, like good little safe driving people.

    He picked up speed, and got over into the middle lane. At this point, I started saying that Other Half should call the police, and let them know what's going on so they can grab him. I sped up a bit so we could look at his plate/token. Just about then, his left signal turns off, and he makes a move to go to the far left lane. I peek at his plate, get his number, and start harassing Other Half to call the police (his brain froze a bit, and I had to almost yell at him to do it, but he did). We were closing in on our exit at that point, and saw police and emergency vehicles headed the other way - I really hope the idiot didn't cause an accident.

    I'm not even conveying the panic we felt, or just how moronic the actions of this guy were. It's nighttime, it's very dark, it's a curvy road that tends to be a bit slick and *very* bumpy, and with cars that really don't pay heed to those going slower than themselves. Lots of tailgaters, lots of horns, and one person who was acting like he wanted to be run down by a semi. Great combination.

    Thank Goddess for defensive driving courses.

  • #2
    There was this one time I was driving home on a highway that was two lanes each way. It was late at night and I was the only one on the road -- except for this obviously drunk/drugged/whatever idiot. He/She was swerving all over the road, and driving slower than the speed limit (which I think was 55MPH). Unfortunately, I didn't have a cell phone / car phone to call the cops.

    I stayed far behind so as to not get hit as this jackass swerved around. Until I couldn't stand it any more and just wanted to get home at the speed limit. So I gathered up my courage and got in closer, and picked a time that he/she was over on the right, and floored it and went past as fast as I could, praying the whole time that he/she wouldn't swerve into me just as I was passing. I know it was stupid, but it worked and I got safely past. I just hope that asshole didn't crash into somebody else afterwards.


    • #3
      Quoth tigerlily0 View Post

      I stayed far behind so as to not get hit as this jackass swerved around. Until I couldn't stand it any more and just wanted to get home at the speed limit. So I gathered up my courage and got in closer, and picked a time that he/she was over on the right, and floored it and went past as fast as I could, praying the whole time that he/she wouldn't swerve into me just as I was passing.

      Coming home at the designated bar closing time as often as I do, I can't count the number of times I've had to do this exact thing.
      Let it go... Daisy, let it go... Open up your fist
      This fallen world... Doesn't hold your interest...
      Doesn't hold your soul... Daisy, let it go


      • #4
        Only reason I didn't was because it's the FDR, and it's busy enough without me trying to pass a moron who is holding up traffic.

        And he actually held up traffic in both the right and middle lanes, cause no one wanted to risk him. I just happened to be the one stuck directly behind him in the right lane.


        • #5
          Maybe it was the Cash Cab? I've always wondered how good the driving by the host could be.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            And I don't mean with sage.
            Well..... it might smell better then...


            • #7
              Quoth wagegoth View Post
              Maybe it was the Cash Cab? I've always wondered how good the driving by the host could be.

              Specially with how he looks back at the 'guests' sometimes.


              • #8
                I actually hit someone yesterday because of goddamn shitty Center Point Road.
                I was coming off the Interstate, and waited at the stop sign. The intersection is a fairly high-traffic area, especially in the mornings. I looked both ways, saw it was clear (at least to me), and turned left. Car came OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE going my way and we traded paint. He was hidden from my view by a gigantic SUV who was beside me at the stop sign turning right. The guy I hit also thought that I was turning left into the turning lane, not the one he was in.

                I wish I could explain it better, but believe me, there has been so much bullshit on Center Point that it's not even funny.

                Good news: It was a guy I know, not some psycho who would have kicked my ass.
                Bad news: It was a guy I know, so now I'm embarrassed every time I see him.
                Last edited by Gawdzillers; 12-18-2008, 11:48 AM.
                "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                • #9
                  Quoth Gawdzillers View Post
                  Good news: It was a guy I know, not some psycho who would have kicked my ass.
                  Bad news: It was a guy I know, so now I'm embarrassed every time I see him.
                  I can beat that story... I was in a 3 car pile up back in 05... and all 3 of us happened to be in the same ROTC class... we weren't coming from or to the same place... so it was a true coincidence that we happened to be involved in a pile up. And to add insult to injury... our teacher was a witness... I swear to God, you couldn't make this stuff up.

                  Though on that note... the OP's dislike for FDR is probably as strong as my dislike of the 201, narrow lanes, relatively straight, but you have exits about 100 feet from the entrance before them... it's interchange with the 215 is a cloverfk (seriously, does any respectable engineer design a freeway with a cloverfk interchange anymore). The traffic as it approaches 15/80 is a mess because no matter what lane you are in, you will almost be guaranteed to have to get into another lane to go onto which ever road you are continuing on. Also at least between Bangeter and 15 they like to randomly add and drop lanes. Tis fun indeed... I'm so glad it is no longer part of my normal commute... except when some idiot crashes on Redwood rd blocking 80 and I have to take 215 to 201 to get over to 15 (like yesterday )
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #10
                    Quoth wagegoth View Post
                    Maybe it was the Cash Cab? I've always wondered how good the driving by the host could be.
                    Heh. The driver wasn't that good looking.

                    Quoth PepperElf View Post
                    Well..... it might smell better then...
                    You'd be right about that. So it needs to be cleansed in many ways. Sucks that I have to take it if I want to be able to take the Brooklyn Bridge easily. I've been driving that road on and off for the last 11 years, and I despise it. So do all the drivers in my family.

                    Although I have to say, now that I've driven 76 through Philly, I might have to think long and hard about which thoroughfare I hate more. Add in 90, into Boston, and I have to think *really* hard.

                    I guess every major city has that single road that everyone hates, because it is made of pure evil. I wonder if Crowley had anything to do with all of them...


                    • #11
                      Quoth KiaKat View Post
                      I guess every major city has that single road that everyone hates, because it is made of pure evil. I wonder if Crowley had anything to do with all of them...
                      I love you so much right now.

                      Yep. I'm not in a major city, but even we have roads that you just don't touch. My poor friend insists that my paranoia is irrational, but I swear it's eeeeevil.

                      For me it's less about the specific road and more about the weather conditions. We've got a small blizzard right now, and it's messing things up. I like to take back roads and avoid the scary areas (funny enough all the dangerous roads are right next to the high schools), but not during blizzards.
                      If there’s one thing women love, it’s the guy that just can’t seem to find the line that divides “Ha Ha” and “Stacey, get your purse, we’re leaving before he comes back.”.



                      • #12

                        We're getting nasty weather tomorrow. Thankfully I don't have to take any of the 'highways' to get to work, but I'm sure people will still forget how to drive. I might take the train tomorrow, even though I hate it with a passion usually reserved for scammers.

                        And yes, I just re-read that book for the umpteenth time, while I was waiting for the Sword of Truth books (7-9 set) to get here.


                        • #13
                          My reaction to idiots like that is always to put them behind me. ....or to put someone else between me and them.
                          Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


                          • #14
                            New Haven's got one of those too. Depending on the time of day (most of the time the sun is up), I avoid the 91-95 interchange. Horrible road planning there.
                            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                            • #15
                              Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                              New Haven's got one of those too. Depending on the time of day (most of the time the sun is up), I avoid the 91-95 interchange. Horrible road planning there.
                              And THAT is why I take 15 - 91 when going to New England. 95 is the DEVIL.

