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Delivery Woes?

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  • Delivery Woes?

    My friend just emailed me about her lunch ‘fiasco’. She prides herself on being a ‘good’ customer but in reality…..she’s just as whiney is everyone else. If not worse. Seriously. She needs a salmon to the cranium.

    According to her the local pizza/sub shop arrived half an hour after they said they would, the food was ‘cold’, and they forgot the chips for one of the other girls’ meals. The delivery person apologized, but my friend was appalled that she (the delivery girl) was going to ‘leave it at that’. My friend refused to tip, saying that the delivery girl would just ‘have to eat it’. She also said that a girl from another department (who wasn’t a part of this at all) called her at her desk to say she was going to ring up the sub shop and ‘chew them out enough’ that they won't spit in her food but [enough] ‘to get a good apology’. My friend said she wasn’t 100% satisfied, but that this would do.

    Ok. Maybe its just me and my incredibly lax outlook on things like this but c’mon. It’s snowing pretty good here. I was late to work because the roads are crappy and people can’t drive. I would assume that’s why they were running late and cut them slack accordingly. As for the ‘food is cold’ gripe, if they were stuck in traffic, fighting the weather and it took longer than usual for them to get to you then yes. The foods prolly going to be cooler than it normally is. It’s not frozen, and most likely its still warm enough you don’t need to reheat it to enjoy it so shut up. Its delivery. What do you want them to do? Cook it on the way over? And forgetting the chips? Meh. It sucks but that happens. That’s one of the downsides to delivery-they can’t just reach under the counter and get another baggie of chips.

    Getting all hot under the collar is going to accomplish what, exactly? Stiffing the driver their tip is heinous. Drivers aren’t making that much-and even if they are who cares? They risked their well being on the crap roads to bring you food today so that you wouldn’t have too. Chances are NONE of this is the drivers ‘fault’, and stiffing them is just wrong. Calling back to rip into the people back at the store is going to do what good? An apology? Oh. I see. That apology is going to make the driver show up early, and the food piping hot and she chips appear? Wait. Its not? Its….the principle?! That’s stupid. What exactly would it take for her to be 100% satisfied? Its easy to bark “IM NOT HAPPY” but it takes a brain cell or two to actually finish that train of thought and figure out what WOULD make you happy.

    Meh. Sorry. That just irked me. But then again, I could just be too lax.


    The driver came all the way back with the chips. In the snow. Did she get her tip back?

    Well fiddle dee dee!!

  • #2
    Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post

    The driver came all the way back with the chips. In the snow. Did she get her tip back?


    And this SC is your friend?
    "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds..."

    Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance.


    • #3
      I agree your friend's attitude about delivery is pretty horrible. Yet I can sympathize. Even in cold weather, one expects a certain level of warmness to hot food - that's why drivers have insulator/heater bags. Should weather and conditions be taken into consideration? You bet. Should it also influence the tip (in a good way) when the weather is piss-poor? Yep. But I'd also be pretty torked that part of my meal was missing. I mean, I paid for that and it isn't there. At the minimum, I would expect the store to try fixing the problem by discounting my meal for the missing item(s). If I'm upset, that will probably influence the tip, but the driver's attitude will also have an affect. If the driver shrugs and says "Oh well. Now pay up". Yeah, that'd piss me off and I doubt I would tip. On the other hand, I can be pretty darn forgiving if the driver seems apologetic, the delay was reasonable (especially due to the bad weather) and someone went through the motions of at least caring about me being upset.

      It boils down to this. Your friend had a right to be upset. But she didn't have to be an ass about it.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post
        The driver came all the way back with the chips. In the snow. Did she get her tip back?

        that is incredibly lame of her, someone who could treat another human being like that

        wouldnt be my friend
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #5
          Quoth bainsidhe View Post
          It boils down to this. Your friend had a right to be upset. But she didn't have to be an ass about it.
          That was m'whole point!

          I can see having the missing item removed from the bill, but you still need to tip something. I'm sorry, thats just good manners.
          Well fiddle dee dee!!


          • #6
            If I was the owner of the shop, depending on how many employees are employed at your friends business, I would refuse to do business with them.


            • #7
              The delivery person apologized, but my friend was appalled that she (the delivery girl) was going to ‘leave it at that’.
              well that part kinda had me boggled... if you forget items and are just going to leave it at that... um, were the items already paid for? (some places let you pay online).

              tho i do agree there's some suck involved when you get food that's cold and extremely late.

              when i've ordered food during bad snow falls the places gave me an accurate (within 15 minutes at least) estimate of when it would be there, and it was hot. i usually pre-paid (credit) and then gave the driver a cash tip for driving in the snow for me. but... they didn't screw up my order either.

