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Car, Plow. Plow, Car.

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  • Car, Plow. Plow, Car.

    So we got hit with a bad storm today. About 10" inches of snow. As I am driving home from work it is still snowing, but lightly. The road I am on has about 2-3 inches on it in the middle and maybe a foot on the edge.

    IN form of me is a car, in front of them is a snow plow in the midle of the road plowing. They are going about 25-30. The speed limit is 45. With all the snow and ice on the road it is in no way safe to pass the plow.

    One idiot driver comes flying up behind me, and can be no further than a few feet behind me. He decides to pass two cars and a plow.

    As he is passing a chorus of horns is heard. About 15-20 feet in front of the plow all you see is a white cloud of snow. As I pass I see Mr. Asshole in a small 4 door sedan about 25 feet off the road down a gentle slope in someone's front lawn. No way he is driving out of that.

  • #2
    Ah yes, the quintessential idiot driver.


    • #3
      Ah, classic. Did you all slow down and wave at the idiot?


      • #4
        Hah! You've got to love instant karma


        • #5
          Quoth mattm04 View Post
          As he is passing a chorus of horns is heard. About 15-20 feet in front of the plow all you see is a white cloud of snow. As I pass I see Mr. Asshole in a small 4 door sedan about 25 feet off the road down a gentle slope in someone's front lawn. No way he is driving out of that.

          This sounds like an accurate descriptor of the jerkface driver.
          Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


          • #6
            When I see something like that happen I honk and wave!!!
            The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.


            • #7
              Quoth neecy View Post
              When I see something like that happen I honk and wave!!!
              That's what I did. The idiot was till trying to drive out of the snow. No way a 4 door sedan was going to drive through a foot of snow and up grassy hill. Hope he enjoys waiting for two truck.


              • #8
                I saw something like that recently.

                Roads are covered with ice, car driving slow (a little too slow granted but still) and a minivan filled with kids, and with a Christmas tree on the roof, passes 3 cars on a double yellow, over a railroad crossing to get in front of the slow car, and get stopped 200 feet later by a red light.


                • #9
                  Quoth draftermatt View Post
                  I saw something like that recently.

                  Roads are covered with ice, car driving slow (a little too slow granted but still) and a minivan filled with kids, and with a Christmas tree on the roof, passes 3 cars on a double yellow, over a railroad crossing to get in front of the slow car, and get stopped 200 feet later by a red light.
                  That happens here on an almost daily basis even in GOOD weather. I always have to laugh at those "inahurrysauruses" when they get caught by that inevitable red light.

                  I mean, really, did you get any further any quicker?
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    Oh SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    "You're perfect yes it's true, but without meeeee you're only you!"


                    • #11
                      What IS it about winter that turns peoples' brains off? I was driving home with my mother-in-law last week and we came to the end of the two-lane part of the highway where it merges into one lane. The guy behind us decided THAT was the moment he needed to try and pass us. Too bad he didn't see the patch of frozen snow/ice we'd been carefully navigating, and nearly spun out behind us. He finally passed us at the next passing lane, and then I explained to my MIL that he's related to the insecure males that drive their 1-ton, extended-cab, V-8, penis extension pickup trucks around here.

                      Except THIS brainwave was driving a yuppie short bus, or SUV as they're technically called. Mums though that was pretty funny and was no longer quite as pissed off.
                      What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        Maybe people should only be able to get their licences in snow months? The DMV just doesn't issue them the rest of the year - wait your turn.


                        • #13
                          I've decided that people in the UK don't know how to drive in anything vaugly approaching wintery conditions.

                          We've been having some nights recently when the roads haven't been gritted and as a result are slippy with ice.

                          Idiot yesterday decided that the best place to be driving in the aforementioned conditions was approx 3 feet off my back bumper.

                          To say I wasn't amused is a little bit of an understatement.
                          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                          • #14
                            Oh please.....just because someone is from a Mini Siberia type of place doesn't mean that they can drive in it. There are Wisconsinites who have lived here and driven in this shit year after year after year before I was even born, and even if there's a trace of snow, there are accidents galore.

                            One of my theories is that from about 2001 or 2002 until this last winter, 2007, we had some very mild winters with very few snow storms. Until last winter, we weren't familiar with it snowing almost every other day, and 2-5 inches every time....I think people truly forgot how to drive in it.

                            The weirdest thing lately, is there have been more accidents the day AFTER the snowstorms than when it's occuring. Because it's been snowing every other day or at least every 3 days, during the one or two day break, that precious time is spent cleaning the heck out of the roads. So we get a small break and one or two good driving days a week. But it's been THOSE days that people have been going off the road and getting into accidents!

                            For instance, not two days ago Saturday, but the Saturday before, we got a huge storm. It was done snowing by Sunday morning. All day Sunday was spent cleaning up. By the time I left for work Sunday night, the roads were clear. There were some icy spots, but the majority of the roads were fair to good....and yet that idiot Mustang spun out, the next morning there was a major accident on the accidents reported on Saturday night DURING the storm!
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
                              That happens here on an almost daily basis even in GOOD weather. I always have to laugh at those "inahurrysauruses" when they get caught by that inevitable red light.
                              I always laugh at those fools, especially the ones in a hurry. I've seen too many people roar past me, or pull away at multiple times the speed limit...only for me to catch up with them at the next light. Just yesterday, I'm behind some idiot in an Audi, when she decided she was late for something. Speed limit is only 35mph, but she's doing at least twice that. On a twisty, two-laned road lined with houses, and multiple deer crossings. Oh, and the cops just *love* to nail people through there. Needless to say, Audi-bitch soon because a dot in the distance....only to get caught at the long-as-hell red light near South Park. I'm sure it annoyed the hell of her, as she had to wait. I didn't--as soon as I came over the hill, the light had changed, and traffic started moving
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

