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Manners and patience..... you heard of them you misserable old douchebag?

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  • Manners and patience..... you heard of them you misserable old douchebag?

    On the way home I was getting on the bus, when a slight block appeared in front of me, a guy had not properly scratched of the day pass he was using and ended up blocking the way in while he was fixing the problem, so I'm standing there, waiting to get fully on, wedged between the man ahead and the crowd behind, when some old fart knocker starts elbowing me and shoving me trying to get past, I am not small, and he was not strong, but he was determined to get through the non-existent path by me come hell or my head which he eventually smacked, the driver was distracted by the guy he was dealing with, so he didn't see it, but I was ready to wind up and knock his dentures out, thankfully the clog cleared up and I wedged into the bus, Mr. Elbower then squeezed past me as rough as before glaring at me as if the road block was my fault and as if I hadn't done him a favour by not caving his withered old skull in.

    Sigh....... perfect end to a perfectly miserable day......
    "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight."
    James from Pokémon.

  • #2
    I talk the good talk, but in reality I'm not at all confrontational. Still, I probably would have said something. Like telling him to stop it, that hurts and wait your turn. And I probably would have snarled it in a fake-pleasant way. That or, as I'm occasionally prone to fits of drama-queen, squeeled "You're huuuurrrtttiiinnnnggg meeeeee!" Yeah, that'd probably work.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      My reaction would have been to turn myself into a brick wall. That is I would plant myself so firmly and not allow my body to budge the slightest. I'd also start leaning to the side he was trying to push past.

      People do stupid little things like this all the time and the one thing I usually do is stick my arm out in front of them completely blocking their path and holding onto something.

      Sure it's passive aggressive but oh well.

      This also reminds me of sometime last winter. I was at the subway station waiting for the bus with about 35 other people. When the bus finally arrived some kid of about 12 was pushed in the path of people getting off the bus. Totally not his fault.
      Some ass getting off the bus shoves the kid HARD in the chest, knocking him back onto other people and yells, "WAIT FOR PEOPLE TO GET OFF THE FUCKING BUS FIRST, ASSHOLE!'

      My thought was, "Oh HELL no!" and the shoving guy happened to walk right past me. I stuck my foot out and tripped him and he landed quite comically.
      I have no qualms with giving assholes their fair dues.


      • #4
        I tend to stick to a simple, "Ow, shit, what the fuck?" combined with a puzzled glare. Works very well.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          I would just bare my teeth ( very pointy and scary, best part is that they're real ), glare, and growl at him. Or maybe hiss...
          Last edited by Boredom; 01-13-2009, 01:51 AM. Reason: bare, not tarare :P
          I see dumb people...

          "I think I died long ago, and you two are my eternal punishment"
          "You're like a constant downer, huh?"


          • #6
            ooohhhhhhooooohhhhhhhoooohhhhhhhhhh mememememe

            You may not be confrontational but I am....Well my anger issues and other shit caused by depression and other shit are.

            I tend to go with the brick wall effect, followed with possibly a well placed elbow or backstep. Then I like to turn and give them my best I will fucking kill you now dickface look and growl at them "What the fuck asshole"

            But then again I can get away with shit like that....I'm 6'6", coming up on 4bills (gonna be having gastric - may start a thread on that eventually) so people don't wanna fuck with someone that could either eat them or sit on them and crush them

            Yup I hate people.
            My Karma ran over your dogma.


            • #7
              I've noticed that certain seniors, not necessarily all of them, but quite a few, feel that bus line-ups don't apply to them. It's one thing if they're disabled, or have mobility problems, but when they run up to the bus stop, then stand in front of you? Nuh uh. Or like your story, push their way in. Though I can have a slow reaction time to things like this, and I don't like confrontation, so I probably either would have blocked the way, or glared at him, or moved to the opposite way of him to get away from the elbow prodding. Most likely the last one.
              “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

              -Charles Bukowski


              • #8
                Golly gee you young whippersnappers are always gettin in mah way! You young hoodlums are always getting in the way, what with your fancy gangster clothing and your gigantic boomboxes always held up to your ear. You young people are ALL the same. Except for my grandson, of course. He's an ANGEL and so much better than you HOOLIGANS! Of course that's because he was raised right. Why if you were MY child I'd have beat the snot out of you and you'd actually have respect for your elders! WHY I'll have you know BACK DURING THE WAR we actually had respect for OUR elders! Back during the war when we was shootin Jerry all ta hell you didn't see US playing gangster rap and holding giant boomboxes to our ears and spraying graffiti everywhere! Hey painting pinup girls on government property is different from yer fancy gang signs! You couldn't paint a pinup girl anyway because you young fellers just don't know nuttin bout the fine arts. All you know how to do is gang signs. Yeah it's true too and you know it! You need to bow down and respect me because I am so much better than you and we didn't have all this fancy newfangled technological gadgets and we actually had to WORK for a living! You young thugs don't know what work IS! You young folk are all the same. All the same. Everything handed to you. Why, in my day, I remember when I had to work the entire week for a NICKEL! I remember we had to get up at 4 AM and work until sundown milkin the cows and that was before a full day of schoolin'. And another thing, when I was going to school it was so much harder than it is for you youngsters. We didn't have anything handed to us like you, and they taught us more useful information like farming and politics. They didn't teach that silly stuff about us comin from monkeys and such. And then we had to come and herd goats til sundown. And that was all without a day off, mind you. It was 4 AM until Sundown every day except fer Sundee mornin. And all that for a NICKEL. And by gosh dang golly WE LIKED IT!

                You young whippersnappers are all the same. All the same I tell ya. Except for my grandson. He's a saint.

                That's why I shove you young folks outta the way. You oughta have a little more respect and just move fer yer elders instead of talkin on yer fancy portable telephones.
                Think. It's not illegal yet.

