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God Bless you, Old Navy people

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  • God Bless you, Old Navy people

    Geez. I had to go into an Old Navy today to buy three shirts. Old Navy was having a sale - aren't they always having one?

    Anyway, the store was mobbed and half the customers seemed to be imitating a feline's anal opening with their mouths. The neat, folded displays of the sale items were mere memories replaced with piles of wadded up clothing. Three employees were folding and reassembling the displays only to have someone come over and rifle through the stacks as they were being put back together. I watched one woman yank a shirt out of a freshly assembled pile causing the rest of the shirts to fall over onto the floor. The woman just looked at the shirts. Then she looked over at the employee. Then she snorted and said that at least she was giving the employee job security. Then she walked off. The poor employee looked as if she was going to cry or kill someone.

    I found the two green shirts and the one red that I needed and got in line to pay. Each customer in front of me seemed either to want to yak her/his head off to the cashier about what and who the purchases were for and what a mess the store was and how long the wait had been and anything else gripe worthy that came to mind OR they ignored the cashier and babbled on their cell phones. Then the woman just in front of me had her twenty or so items rung up, but saw the charge for the gloves she had selected was $9.95 rather than what she thought they should be. What happened next was a page right off this board as she emphatically stated that she got them off a table that had a sign showing things on that table were $5.00. The cashier got the manager who took the gloves back to their display and returned stating the gloves were $9.95 and that someone must have dropped them on the table rather than putting them back on their rack. The woman found that “unacceptable” and demanded that she get them for $5.00 as it was not her fault the store’s employees were so lazy about putting things back where they belonged. I started to say something, but the manager beat me to it when she said she was sorry a customer did that, but the woman had the choice of paying the correct price or leaving the gloves at the register. The woman started to go into a full SC tantrum, but the manager just said that the gloves no longer were for sale and took them away. The woman then threw all her purchases on the floor and said she never was coming back there again, and huffed out. The cashier had to get the sale voided.

    I tried to be my nicest and friendliest when it was my turn, but it was obvious the cashier had gone into her non-emotional defense mode and was not allowing herself to get involved with anything but her job of scanning the items and announcing the final price at that point. Her smile looked pasted on.

    Are all Old Navy stores going through this? I sure hope not.
    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman

  • #2
    I love it the manager didn't even let her have the gloves. That kicks ass.


    • #3
      Had something like that with a pricecheck.

      I brought it up, but as we didn't have anymore of that particular clothing, I had brought a comperable one (not of the same brand, we were completely out). I announce the price and the lady goes into a rant into how she could get it cheaper (riiight). So I about-faced (thanks, ROTC) and headed back.

      My door agent is like, "Didn't want it?" and I proclaim...maybe too loudly, "Nah, but I don't give a f***!" I hope I was loud enough for the cow to hear...


      • #4
        Yep - a classic toddler-discipline tactic, used on an adult who was behaving like one.


        • #5
          Quoth South Texan View Post
          .... said she never was coming back there again, and huffed out.
          "From your lips to God's ears, ma'am, from your lips to God's ears."

          She comes in and throws a childish temper tantrum, and then when she doesn't get her way, throws everything on the floor and storms out shouting "I'm never coming here again!"

          That's a threat? Really?
          I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

          -- Steven Wright


          • #6
            I *hate* table displays. I hate what even average customers do to them.

            Goddamn, people, they're (item) since I have them all on the table folded, they all look freaking alike (or like the display. The size is labeled on the fold or a the neck so you can file them nicely to find it. You do NOT need to unfold one of each to see what they look, and NO the colors don't have different textures! Blargle.


            • #7

              Quoth South Texan View Post
              The woman then threw all her purchases on the floor and said she never was coming back there again, and huffed out.
              If this is in Canada, my response is to burst out in laughter and say "See you on Boxing day!".


              • #8
                Quoth South Texan View Post
                Are all Old Navy stores going through this? I sure hope not.
                Old Navy, Dollar General, Macy's....

                These are people who have NEVER worked a customer service job in their lives that pull this sort of stuff. When I shop, I generally don't touch anything unless I am interested in buying it. Even if I change my mind, I put the product back or hand it to someone who can.
                "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper

