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Fitting room =/= playground

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  • Fitting room =/= playground

    Yesterday my mom and I were out doing some Christmas shopping for me. The bulk of what we were buying was clothes so I needed to be there to try them on.
    The store I love for jeans always has them on sale for two for $60 so obviously we were going there.

    Now the fitting room area is small. It's about five stalls arranged in a tight semi-circle with a mirror in the centre.

    I needed a different size, and as I left the fitting room a woman swooped in and said, "I'll be taking this now!" meaning the fitting room.
    Um... ok, the store was not busy at ALL and you could have waited the three seconds for the employee to open one for you, but ok.

    When I came back with my new sizes I entered a different stall one to the right of the one this woman was in.

    Now, remember how I said it was a tight semi-circle? Well this woman had her 10 year old son in one of those mall strollers and he was spinning around all over the place directly in front of the mirror.
    When I came out to look at the jeans I could not get anywhere near the mirror so I tried walking over to my mom to get her opinion.

    Yeah, no dice. This woman also had her sister with her who stood directly in the way of the small opening for leaving the fitting rooms.

    Me: "Excuse me."
    Woman: nothing...
    Me: "Excuse me."
    Woman: nothing...
    Me: "Excuse me!"
    Woman: nothing...
    Me: "Move, please!"

    Yeah I was a dick, but this woman was obviously deliberately ignoring me because I saw her give her sister a "look" that said, "Pfft, she can go around."

    When I walked back to the stall I said, "Maybe your son would be better off finding somewhere else to play."

    She rolled her eyes.

    When I came out to check out the second pair of jeans the boy, who was WAAAAAAAY too old to be in a stroller, was in the way of the mirror again.

    To the boy:
    Me: "Excuse me, bud, I just wanna get at the mirror."
    Boy: "I'm playing!"
    Me: "That's ok, but can I just squish in?"
    Boy: "NO!"

    This where I figured, "Fine, we're gonna play that game, eh?" So I pushed the stroller he was in towards the woman and said, "I believe this is yours," and walked back to the mirror.

    As we were leaving my mom said to me, "Man, that woman really didn't like you!" to which I responded, "Why? Cuz I wouldn't put up with her acting like a child? Oh well."

    Honestly, how are people THIS rude allowed out of the house?
    I know what I did could very well be construed as rude as well, but both these women were the "I'll stand wherever I damn well please and you can deal with it" types, and clearly they were teaching this boy to behave the same way.

    You know, I could have almost let it go if the store was busy and people were crammed in like sardines, but the store had about 10 people in it and is quite the fair size. There was MORE than enough room for them to hang out outside the fitting rooms and instead they chose to monopolize every inch they could.


  • #2

    Well played.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Yeah, I've had similar Don't Play There experiences before. Mostly very young children playing behind arcade games where there are cables and electric doohickies.

      My phrase of choice was "Who belongs to this child?"
      "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


      • #4
        This is why I try to make it a point to leave my son at home if I'm going clothes shopping of any kind. If I absolutely must take him I make due and drag him into the stall with me, stroller and all.
        "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


        • #5
          Rerant, you're such a badass--you handled that amazingly.


          • #6
            Quoth rerant View Post
            "I believe this is yours,"

            I just had a good laugh picturing that happening. Very well played.


            • #7
              and ... call me crazy but... there's a better place to put a boy... instead of in a woman's changing room.


              • #8
                I can't get over the fact that there was a ten year old boy in a freaking STROLLER.
                The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                • #9
                  ... i missed that... TEN?
                  he's too old to be in the woman's changing room. he's getting close enough to puberty and his first hormones that he does *not* need to be around female strangers trying on clothes or getting in their way.


                  • #10
                    I agree. I don't understand why so many parents keep their kids in strollers even when they are almost (or are!) school aged. And some of those strollers compete for size with the average compact car or small sedan!
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      ... i missed that... TEN?
                      he's too old to be in the woman's changing room. he's getting close enough to puberty and his first hormones that he does *not* need to be around female strangers trying on clothes or getting in their way.
                      Yeah, no shit. And some of the locks on the stalls could use some fixing. Hell, the one I was in before I switched stalls didn't lock at all!
                      Luckily I have enough broken bathroom stall door experience from bars and the like to know how to function perfectly well in such a situation but still, even though I could keep it shut that wouldn't stop it from swinging open if that little punk pushed on it.


                      • #12
                        Quoth blas87 View Post
                        I agree. I don't understand why so many parents keep their kids in strollers even when they are almost (or are!) school aged.
                        Unless the kid had some kind of mental problems, I can't understand why he'd be in a stroller at his age either.

                        And if there was some kind of problem with him, wouldn't you think mommy should be watching him like a hawk? Oops, there I go, expecting lousy parents to, you know, parent again...
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

