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Not even a full day back home...

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  • Not even a full day back home...

    ...and I have a bruise on my ass cheek!!

    So, I got back to my hometown late last night with my parents after driving for a little over 12 hours, and today, I spent some time with my mom, just the two of us running around town and doing stuff. As we were getting ready to come back home, I asked to stop at a grocery store, because I buy my own food while I'm home, at least the stuff that only I eat, because it doesn't make sense to have them stack up on stuff that's just for me.

    anyways, I'm heading through the frozen food aisles, just trying to get my stuff and get out of there, because damn, I'm really hating being in stores and around people right around the holidays. I'm pushing my cart down the aisle, and as I reach the end, I pause. There are people coming acorss and I don't want to run into them. Makes sense, yes?

    Not to the huge family behind me. Because suddenly, <WHAM>, I get slammed into with a cart. Right in the butt.

    Do I get an apology? No

    I get glared at, as the matriarch of the family of twatpumpkins hustles past, and informs her kids that THAT is the reason why you shouldn't get in people's ways, and it's best to just keep moving no matter what.


    I have a bruise on my ass cheek, and it was only because my mom tapped me on the shoulder and had me go lift some stuff she couldn't manage that I didn't say something really snarky and pithy...

    <sigh> Not even back for 24 hours and injured. My mom's amused at the size of the bruise. Apparently you can see it blooming over my hipbone above my jeans. Thanks mom.

    I think I'm not going into a store again until February. When all the Christmas melee and return frenzies are done with. Sure, I'll have to deal with Valentine's idiots, but hopefully my ass will be safe.

  • #2
    Well, you're a much nicer person than I am. I wouldn't have let anything distract me from verbally ripping that woman a new one. And then, if no apology was forthcoming, I'd call the police, charge her with assault, and explain 'See, children, this is what happens when Mommy is an asshat.'

    But then I'm not really a nice person. Especially when I get hit unexpectedly from behind. Or unexpectedly in the behind in this case.


    • #3
      I will admit, I once did something, cruel, mean, and.. well jackass like: someone rammed me with their cart while I was attempting to get something off a shelve, and out of defensive instinct. i kinda.. turned the cart over.. blasted...uh.. uncontrollable reactions

      **note not recommended for everyone, and the recourse thereafter is to: FLEE!
      Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
      pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


      • #4
        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
        THAT is the reason why you shouldn't get in people's ways, and it's best to just keep moving no matter what.
        "Okay, Mom, do you not stop at Stop lights, too? There's cross traffic, you ungrateful Harridan!
        You'd rather someone rammed into your car?"
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          Nice bit of parenting there. Bet ten years from now, her kids are going to be in the slammer for aggrivated assault and she's going to wonder why. Stupid hag.

          Sorry about your injury, Lupo.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            Too bad Mom had to intervene. If anyone deserved some Lu-pwnage it's that douchewaffle.
            Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


            • #7
              Quoth otakuneko View Post
              Too bad Mom had to intervene. If anyone deserved some Lu-pwnage it's that douchewaffle.
              Where do you think I get it from, though?

              Mama Lupo's pretty tough in her own right, but she'd just finished working a 10 hour shift as FES at K-Mart's service desk, so she just didn't want to put up with shit, and wanted to go home. <Sigh>

              It would've been nice to report my mom dishing out some pwnage...

              Although the bruising's almost gone!! It's that pale sickly yellow, now, and should be gone in a few days, tops yippee...

