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One liners

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  • One liners

    Just a couple short one liners from the past few weeks and or days. By themselves they didn't warrant a sighting, but added together they do.

    1.) Overheard at the checkout: "I don't see the difference between them all. I mean, ribbed, studded, it just doesn't make a difference to me really. I've never been able to tell one from the other to begin with." Spoken by a woman in her mid sixties.

    2.) Wandering around wal-mart, I see a woman in her seventies dressed thusly: Orange scrubs top, and bottoms, black crocs shoes, and a long sleeve undershirt poking from under the short sleeve scrubs. She's getting a ton of looks, and I have half a mind to tell her why. (she looked like she was in a prison jumpsuit.)

    3.) Woman approaches me as I'm looking at the newest Ozzy CD. She starts on this rant about devil music and asks if I've considered Christ. All said while wearing a Black Sabbath T shirt. I still wonder if she was kidding.

    4.) Came in at the end of this one: While in Dollar General, two customers get in a fight over tampons. Of all the things to fight over around Christmas, why for the love of God fight over tampons? The police officer who responded was fighting not to laugh.

    And the most epic sighting:

    While at Wal-Mart with my mom, the lady in front of us tries to pay with her Discover card. The card looks almost broken in half, and isn't signed. As the woman hands the card over, she gives this odd story (with a somewhat nervous laugh) about how she had decided to cut the card in half since she was getting a new one, but halfway through remembered she hadn't gotten the new one, so she might still need this one (the broken one). The cashier (kudos lady) looks at the card and then the woman before just locking her register and heading over to customer service. While this is going on the woman gets upset, wanting to know why they took her card.

    I answered her thusly:

    R: Cause the card looks stolen.
    W: But, it's MY Card!
    R: Maybe, but broken cards like that could have been taken out of the trash...Did you sign the card?
    W: (snottily) "I NEVER sign the cards!"
    R: Then it really looks stolen. I mean, think about it. Broken card, no signature, customer with a really odd story about it...It looks suspicious.
    W: But, it's my card!
    R: Yeah, but they don't know that.

    After about five minutes, the cashier comes back with a CSM and someone I recognize as an Assistant manager in tow. They approach the woman and very politely inform her that 1.) They can't take the card, and 2.) she really needs to come with them, they want to have a "talk" with her. Meaning they called the cops and she gets to explain her story to them too.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    well..... i cant say i've never used a card that was almost broken in half... put it in the back pocket and sat on it. but it didn't get questioned cos i had a photo on it.

    orange scrubs... hmmm tempting outfit. ... mix & match it with hot pink and i'd be sold on it!


    • #3
      I never used a card broken in half. I HAVE, however, used a card that was bent and warped from repeated accidental washings, because it'll be in my jeans pocket from one thing or another (like tanking up the car) and I'll forget to take it out.

      The cashier usually punches it in manually, so it's still usable, but it's embarrasing to have to explain it.


      • #4
        Quoth repsac View Post

        3.) Woman approaches me as I'm looking at the newest Ozzy CD. She starts on this rant about devil music and asks if I've considered Christ. All said while wearing a Black Sabbath T shirt. I still wonder if she was kidding.
        If she was serious: THAT. IS. EPIC.

        Even if not, still funny.

        (Or maybe it was a Tshirt from the Dio days? Not quite as "satanic". )


        • #5
          Quoth repsac View Post
          2.) Wandering around wal-mart, I see a woman in her seventies dressed thusly: Orange scrubs top, and bottoms, black crocs shoes, and a long sleeve undershirt poking from under the short sleeve scrubs. She's getting a ton of looks, and I have half a mind to tell her why. (she looked like she was in a prison jumpsuit.)

          ....Granny Naruto?

          Now a member of that alien race called Management.

          Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


          • #6
            Quoth repsac View Post
            The cashier (kudos lady) looks at the card and then the woman before just locking her register and heading over to customer service. While this is going on the woman gets upset, wanting to know why they took her card.
            I normally go with a variation of "Well, suppose someone had stolen your card and was racking up huge bills with it. Wouldn't you be glad that we checked it then?"
            Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs

