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Order early + faster shipping = waiting for delivery!

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  • Order early + faster shipping = waiting for delivery!

    I ordered a photo book from a drugstore chain's website. I did wait longer than I would have liked, but I needed to get digital photos from my sister so I could complete it first. The site clearly (even still) indicates that there is guaranteed delivery by 12/25 (in effect, today) if you order this item by December 18th with 3-5 business day delivery.

    I ordered December 17th and got 2-day delivery. No sweat, right?


    I should have been nearly at my mom's (1.5 hours away) by now. Instead, I'm still waiting for my book - that is her main present from me (my sister and I are sharing a huge one for her too) - that is on a UPS truck that "should" be here sometime before 8pm.

    So I ordered it a day earlier than required, paid for faster shipping than required, and the time I'm going to have with my family tonight - and Christmas Eve is a big deal for us, tradition-wise - has been shortened.

    I've spent 20 minutes on hold, to be told it was on the UPS truck. Thanks, I knew that already seeing as I do know how to use "track order here" feature. She said that there is processing time - I know that. I also know that if that processing time isn't calculated into the ordering deadlines that this company advertises for guaranteed delivery (you better believe I got a screenshot!), that might be considered illegal. Do they put the slower-ship time orders first in processing so they all can go out in time? That's hardly fair!

    I did get upset, made sure to let the worker know I knew it wasn't her fault, but I wanted to talk to a supervisor as to WHY the company can guarantee something if done by X, I did more than that, and I'm STILL WAITING! No supervisors available, I'll have to get a call back. Probably in 5 days, the rate this is going.

    Can you dispute charges on a debit card? I'm trying to get a hold of my sister to find out when she's going to her boyfriend's family's tonight so I know when I absolutely have to leave so we can have our family time (as my mom needs, seeing has her mom died not even a month ago). UPS has another 10 minutes. If they're not here, I better be getting a refund.

  • #2
    The only time I ever paid for 2-day delivery, of course it took more than a week to arrive. Because of that, I've never paid more than standard since then and naturally I seem to have good luck at getting things in about three days. Call me paranoid, but I have my doubts about there being legitimate differences in shipping.

    Sorry you're having to go through this down to the wire.


    • #3
      I was ready to walk out my door when it came!

      I'm still asking for a good explanation as to why it wasn't here 1-2 days ago. And then for some compensation, even if it's the difference in price between 2 day and standard shipping.


      • #4
        Just two weeks ago I had a package from, using ground shipping, get sent from Toronto to Montreal.

        Mind you I live much closer to Toronto then I do Montreal, as I live nowhere near the Ontario/Quebec border, heck I live on the tailend of the Greater Toronto Area.

        Took an entire week, as it arrived in Montreal the day AFTER it was supposed to be here, then had to be shipped back to Toronto, which took another day, then it happened to be a weekend.

        Nice of to update their page however, which they didn't until it was back in Toronto. Imagine explaining to my sister that her package was not only sent to the wrong city, but the wrong province.

        Starting with my nephew's Christmas gift, I'm buckling down and paying the $8 difference to get the faster shipping.


        • #5
          I've had similar issues before with shipping places... I order something from a place using standard shipping (I hate the idea of spending $10-20 for next day or $20-80 for overnight for a package -- that's being shipped out from 2 hours away! [live in the middle of no where, but a few "big" cities/international airports are 2-2.5 hours away]).

          Anyway, I've discovered that sometimes either the shipping company sits on things (a package was sat on for 7 days to make sure it wouldn't arrive any earlier than the estimated ship date) -- other times it's sat on by the shipping company. One time we sent something out overnight delivery to a place that should be there next day even if it's a package -- they got it three weeks later. The time it took an overnight thing to arrive (just a letter with check even!) we were able to send multiple letters back and forth first class.

          Now... I just send everything and ask for things to be shipped standard 7-14 day delivery things -- unless I actually want it earlier. And nothing against the companies and all, but if I pay for second day, or next day, and it's not here the hour it should be (as in, if it's after 5pm, there's not any deliveries in my area, they get a call by 6:30-7) -- they'll getting a call from me. And I always track the packages a few times a day every day until it arrives.


          • #6
            i am not sure where you are, but i'm just wondering which drugstore you ordered from? if it was the communist nation i work for, then it could be because of the snow. the outlab is in quebec, and with all the snow, even our regular weekly deliveries get shoved back with the airport closures.

            Hobby Twitter.


            • #7
              Quoth Reyneth View Post
              Can you dispute charges on a debit card?
              I'm not sure. If it's a debit visa and the order was processed as credit, you might be able to. Otherwise, you might be stuck with requesting a refund from the company and seeing what they do.

              Yeah, your situation sucks. Shipping is a general fiasco.


              • #8
                Quoth Reyneth View Post
                Can you dispute charges on a debit card?
                Call your bank about it. I know that some banks will let you file a dispute and try to get back a charge on a debit that either was not authorized or that wad somehow fraudulent (paying for something you never received from E-Bay, ect). However, I would also try to talk to the company. If you're nice and calm you might be able to get some headway.
                I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

                He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

                Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!


                • #9
                  Quoth deafcat24 View Post
                  Just two weeks ago I had a package from, using ground shipping, get sent from Toronto to Montreal.
                  For the last year or so, my family has been using Canpar, with very good results. I guess not many people know about them, because their congestion around this time of year seems very light. We sent something from Barrie, Ontario to Toronto and Fredericton, NB on Monday morning, first thing. The Toronto one got there Tuesday, and the Fredericton one got there yesterday. Too bad you can't pick and choose which company is used for shipping
                  "If you find yourself fantasizing about throwing actual users into a blender, please get help... they're heavy." - Tom Dickson


                  • #10
                    UPS, grrr. I ordered an item online from a small business. They shipped it within the stated two-day window. UPS picks up the package in Oklahoma. Then, despite the storms and airport closures, UPS decides that the best way to route it to me in California is to send it first to Seattle, Washington, then to Portland, Oregon. Of course, it didn't get here in time.

                    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                    HR believes the first person in the door
                    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                    Document everything
                    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                    • #11
             defense of UPS, I don't think you can blame them totally, at least right now. The three days (not including today), they've been late due to weather. Our driver even told me that they haven't been allowed to leave the depot until at least 1-2 hours after their start times due to the planes being late. And that in turn has to do with the weather.

                      However, if you're going to want to get a refund, the company is the one that will have to pursue it with UPS. UPS will not do anything unless you were the original shipper, since the shipper is the one footing the bill. They are simply passing along the cost of business to you.

                      And I'm pretty sure there's some sort of disclaimer on UPS' website saying that they will make every reasonable attempt to get your package to you.
                      Random conversation:
                      Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                      DDD: Cuz it's cool

                      So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, but the thing is, OP ordered on the 17th - and when she ordered, she was told "Two day delivery".
                        Would it have killed em to at least send an email?

                        "Dear blahblah

                        Due to extreme weather conditions, we are unable to deliver ITEM within TIME. The new delivery time is XX days.

                        Lots of love and fluffy huggles

                        The report button - not just for decoration


                        • #13
                          Quoth iradney View Post
                          Yeah, but the thing is, OP ordered on the 17th - and when she ordered, she was told "Two day delivery".
                          Would it have killed em to at least send an email?

                          "Dear blahblah

                          Due to extreme weather conditions, we are unable to deliver ITEM within TIME. The new delivery time is XX days.

                          Lots of love and fluffy huggles

                          It would be UPS's job and responsibility to inform the SHIPPER (the original company) that there was a delay and my guess is they did. When we shipped with UPS if there was ever a problem -- even the POSSIBILITY of a problem -- we got an e-mail or phone call.

                          It was then OUR responsibility to inform the receiving customer.

                          My guess is original company WAS informed of the delay but never informed Original Poster, like they should have.

                          OP: Your best bet would be to talk to the original company, not UPS. My guess is UPS will tell you you have to talk to the shipper.
                          I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

                          He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

                          Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!


                          • #14
                            In this day and age, and businesses wanting computers used for everything, I'm shocked they don't have a computer monitoring the weather so they can divert packages not going to a weather-trouble spot to another location in almost real-time.


                            • #15
                              Granted, I think the problem comes from the company bought from, not the shipper themselves. I suspect that they had too many orders to handle and didn't want to admit the fault, so why not pass the blame onto UPS. There's a very easy way to tell. Check when the billing info was received by UPS. If it was received several days before it was supposed to go out, it probably means they printed up the label and let it sit.

                              I've had many discussions with people at my work NOT to do this, because it makes us look bad, especially when we're sending out contracts. But, no one listens to me, so I let them crash and burn when the deal falls through because they printed the labels before they were ready to send out.
                              Random conversation:
                              Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                              DDD: Cuz it's cool

                              So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

