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My family is full of SCs!!/SG makes a confession

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  • My family is full of SCs!!/SG makes a confession

    I have a confession to make. Forgive me CSers for I have sinned. We ate at a donut shop on Christmas day! I know I know, but I was hungry and we were running late.

    What's worse, is this convo that happened once we got our food.

    Me: "I feel sorry for them."
    Me: "They're working on Christmas!"
    "Oh. They probably don't celebrate it anyway."
    "SG, They're chineese. They don't celebrate Christmas!"
    "Most of them aren't Christians so why would they celebrate Christmas."

    bl.....I.......wh.....................gah......... huh? That's you're justification for purchasing a product at a business establishment on Christmas!! You just assume they don't celebrate xmas. Or maybe because they're Chineese and they aren't all christians therefore they don't celebrate 'our' holiday.

    It's official everyone, I live with a family of SCs. I already knew my dad was one, but now I finally realise they all are. My mom is a barley a minor SC but the rest now that I look back on other 'signs', are regular SCs. Well so much for a Merry Christmas cause I sure ain't Merry anymore.

    P.S. Please stay out of Fratching territory please. Lets keep the discussion on the subject at hand. Thanks!
    Last edited by SG15Z; 12-26-2008, 07:54 AM.

  • #2
    I'm not really sure why they were sucky. Yeah I feel sorry when people have to work a Holiday they celebrate, but if they aren't celebrating it why shouldn't they work?


    • #3
      That's not the issue. The issue is the family assumed they didn't celebrate Christmas just because they look Chinese.
      "But I don't want to be among mad people."
      You can't help that. We're all mad here. Every fucking one of us.


      • #4
        I think that would be a stupid thing to say, how do you know their religion, were they wearing a cross necklace with the little circle with the line through it? NO?... hm... yeah family = SC
        Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
        pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


        • #5
          People wouldn't need to work on Christmas and other big holidays if others didn't INSIST on being out and about and shopping on those days! I can see if you were at a donut shop or a gas station, I'm mostly talking about places like big stores and shopping centers.

          The gas station I worked at was open on Christmas.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            i was told the same thing about 711 owners, explaining why they're still open on christmas

            i don't know if that was true or just propaganda, but i won't bitch at them for it...

            on my last christmas in virginia, i spent christmas in a hotel room and suddenly realized i didn't have anything for breakfast or dinner and almost everything was closed. So... 711 for breakfast and chinese food for dinner... so, hell no i'm not going to complain about them!

            actually that's one thing i liked about japan. they have christians there, but the prevalent religions there are Buddhism and Shintoism. So for them Christmas is just regular day, celebrated more by couples... the big holiday is New Years (most stuff shuts down for that). So on Christmas day, it's easy to go out and find food and have fun.


            • #7
              I'm caucasian, I'm NOT Christian, and I celebrate Christmas. I cannot tell you why, but I have every justification for doing so.

              And so does ANYONE.


              • #8
                My family is also filled with SCs

                And my mom was a FSM at Woolco so she should know what is sucky.


                • #9
                  Maybe they just figured they'd make a killing by being one of the few businesses open.

                  My granddad used to run a convenience store type place. One year, he decided he had nothing better to do (away from family, and all), so he went and opened up his store on Christmas. Made a fair bit of profit for his trouble, too.

                  Doesn't really excuse the comments though, but fits, if it was one of those oriental-owned donut shops that seem to be on half the street corners around here.
                  Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


                  • #10
                    I had to work on Christmas the past few because I signed up to deliver priority parcels and during December we can and will work every day up to Christmas including Christmas.

                    I was once told that I must not celebrate Christmas because I had been having fun delivering those last few presents...I have decided I am NEVER doing that again.


                    • #11
                      Quoth otakuneko View Post
                      My granddad used to run a convenience store type place. One year, he decided he had nothing better to do (away from family, and all), so he went and opened up his store on Christmas. Made a fair bit of profit for his trouble, too.
                      My aunt worked for years as head cashier at a grocery store that was the only one in the area to stayed open on Christmas day, and she loved it.

                      As she and my uncle had no kids, she volunteered every year to work on Christmas, they adjusted their celebrations around her hours, and she happily worked for triple her normal hourly wage (they were union).

                      I don't have a problem with companies staying open on holidays IF workers are on a volunteer basis and are well compensated - but I know that isn't always the case, unfortunately.


                      Madness takes it's toll....
                      Please have exact change ready.


                      • #12
                        I worked Christmas day and no one commented about me possibly not being Christian.

                        The one thing that did amuse me though, were the people that called us (the EMERGENCY travel line, stated about 10 times in the hold area) and said something like 'oh you poor thing, working on christmas'. Then they proceeded to attempt to ask stupid questions about their cruise in March.

                        You feel sorry for me, huh? But that sure didn't stop you from abusing the emergency line on Christmas day, tying it up for people who were stranded at various airports with weather issues.

                        And SG, I feel your pain. My mom has become a borderline SC in recent years. I always want to when I'm out with her.
                        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                        • #13
                          Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                          'oh you poor thing, working on christmas'. Then they proceeded to attempt to ask stupid questions about their cruise in March.

                          You feel sorry for me, huh? But that sure didn't stop you from abusing the emergency line on Christmas day, tying it up for people who were stranded at various airports with weather issues.
                          oh, how I know your pain... I hated that at the call center, the people who would call in on (insert day they felt sorry for people working) then tell us how sorry they felt... well obviously you don't feel that sorry or you wouldn't be calling in making it so we had to work.

                          I also wonder at why people think that we hate being there... by working on Christmas and New Years I've gotten enough good will with the bosses to be able to take an entire week off in January... and considering that 2 days isn't enough time to visit family when the closest relative is 500 miles away... I'd rather have the entire week off than those two days a week apart.
                          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                          • #14
                            Quoth draftermatt View Post
                            I'm not really sure why they were sucky. Yeah I feel sorry when people have to work a Holiday they celebrate, but if they aren't celebrating it why shouldn't they work?
                            SG's family was being sucky (and mildly racist) for assuming that just because the employees were Asian, they aren't Christian.
                            Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


                            • #15
                              Yeah.. that's a bit sucky.. racist.. Religion.. ist??

                              Truth to tell, it's just a little uncharitable, but hardly the worst I've heard.

