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poor cashier--I made her laugh though

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  • poor cashier--I made her laugh though

    So like I dumbass,I went to the mall today.I swear I really did forget about the after xmas shopping crowd. So I went to Charlotte Rusee to use my giftcards.(yeah I can buy jeans,jeans,and more jeans).So let me tell you people are fucking rude.I had numerous people completely bending over to reach under me to get clothes they wanted.I also had people reaching over my head to get clothes.WTF people.I had people knocking me over and knocking my purse off my shoulder. Anyways I found what I wanted and went to the counter.I had two pairs of sunglasses,jeans and sweater.When the cashier rung up the sunglasses she said kinda shaking "ughh you know these aren't .99 cent right.(there was a .99 sunglasses bin on the counter)And then she backed up and covered her head(I'm really not kidding).I said oh I know,I'm not an sucky idiot customer,I autually look at the price tag.I then said to her Oh let me guess you've been getting yelled at by morons all day.She just said yes you have no idea and just laughed.I felt so bad for her,I can't imagine the stupid crap she has put up with today. One the upside I got two sweaters,two pairs of jeans and two sunglasses all for 37.00.

  • #2
    When a cashier has to resort to "ducking for cover" cause they've been yelled at all day then that speaks volumes about the customers that come in.
    I'm so glad I'm not a cashier anymore.


    • #3
      great sighting.

      i hope you gave her this web page


      • #4
        I went to the mall today too. I had to make up for the shirt that didn't fit my bf, and I needed my mum to come with for moral support (and because she's been after some new clothes, too).

        The stores were all disaster areas. And the tweens and idiot youngsters were out and about. I'm just a freshly baked 21 year old myself but good LORD.......if my mum had caught me ripping clothes off hangers, tossing them on the floor, destroying displays of freshly folded clothes, kicking and screaming that I can't have everything I want......I would probably have been lucky to have had a closed casket funeral!

        Edit to add: We finally just got a Charlotte Russe store here last fall! I wonder how long it will last, as stores tend to come and go so fast....the rent is really high here at our mall. Anyway, whenever my friend Big Sis and I borrow each other's clothes, she always wants to borrow my tanks from AE and Hollister and I always want to borrow her skirts and boots and cute shirts from Charlotte Russe.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Her spirit is broken. Like a beaten puppy. Her first instinct is to cower and hide.


          • #6
            I hope you gave the cashier this webpage. It sounds like she would fit right in.


            • #7
              This is why, today, I am modifying one of my credit cards to have printed on it instead of the fugly design put on by the bank (just a label that has "" printed on it and placed in the centre of the card, nothing permanent or that is major violation of the cardholder agreement)


              • #8
                I went to the mall yesterday (sat). It was relatively busy, but everyone I saw was well behaved. There weren't major lines anywhere I went. I was quite impressed. Maybe we're just better behaved here.

                And I found the most gorgeous top dirt cheap - yay Boxing Day sales!


                • #9
                  Why do I get the feeling people have THROWN those not-99-cent glasses at her before?
                  "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper

