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multiple choice driving quizz

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  • multiple choice driving quizz

    OK, so yesterday driving home I saw a great drivers ed video moment.

    You are driving down a (salted, I should point out) road. You spin out (once again, not sure how that is possible). Do you
    A- regain control, pull off to the side of the road, get out of the car, get down on your knees, and thank God that you had that happen on the one place in the city at that time where you could spin across 5 lanes without hitting anyone.
    B- same as A, minus the thanking God part
    C- regain control, then proceed to drive VERY carefully
    D- regain control, then proceed to drive like an even bigger jackass than before.

    now students, remember what city we are talking about... there is the correct answers (really, A through C are acceptable)... then there is the answer that mr douchewaffle chose.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    You left out "curse yourself for not replacing your tires sooner, for going out in these conditions in the first place, and mother nature for making it so damned cold!"
    Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


    • #3
      Quoth otakuneko View Post
      You left out "curse yourself for not replacing your tires sooner,
      you mean that there are people in this city with enough money for new tires
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        now students, remember what city we are talking about...
        How? You haven't told us and your location isn't much clue ... ?


        • #5
          A and C for me. Actually happened on Christmas. Not snowing, just raining heavily. Road was slick and my car's adjustment went out of line when I tried to correct for a turn.

          That bus stop will never be the same again... (better than the light pole I almost hit.)

          2 trucks stopped to make sure I was okay, too. ^^
          "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


          • #6
            Quoth One-Fang View Post
            your location isn't much clue ... ?
            people living in Utah would understand the location

            but I did fix the location to give a little bit better clue
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              Definitely A and C here, as I found out riding in my dad's Jeep on the way home from a family Christmas party Christmas day. He ran right over this huge patch of ice, swerved into the opposite lane on a two-lane road until he regained control, then moved into his own lane. Thankfully nobody was in the oncoming lane, but if he hadn't moved he would have been in the backseat of an Audi that was in front of us.


              • #8
                Not to harangue the point ... okay actually, I'm gonna go ahead and harangue it. That doesn't help me.

                I'm not "telling off", so much as trying to point out that if you chose to, you could be slightly less vague to those of us not living Stateside, by naming the city or not putting something like "remember what city we're talking about" if you choose not to name it. Mind you, it probably wouldn't matter. Those of us living non Stateside have no clue if your particular city seems to see more than its fair share of bad drivers anyway.

                Judging by the bad driving threads here, I'm wondering if anywhere is really any worse than anywhere else.

                I hear Invers is the worst here.

                .... not very helpful, was that?


                • #9
                  Quoth One-Fang View Post

                  Judging by the bad driving threads here, I'm wondering if anywhere is really any worse than anywhere else.
                  probably no where is worse than anywhere else... just different... it seems like Utah has the worst for me because it's the type of driving that bothers me the most.
                  And I thought that "greatest snow on Earth" was an advertising gimmick used in all English speaking countries
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #10
                    SE, you are dealing with the religious folks mindset that they are always right, that whatever they do is a-okay God-blessed because they are a member of an organized group that thinks themselves better than everyone else.

                    I cringe whenever the area code for your area comes up on my phone dashboard at work because I know at the very least I'll be treated to a screed on the sin of everyone else and their groups righteousness, as in repent or burn in hell sinnah! Or I'll get incredibly snotty treatment for someone insisting that their favor with God entitled them to a hundred dollar order for twenty bucks. Cheap, snotty, and hateful.
                    "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                    • #11
                      Eh, no, sorry to disappoint, never heard the phrase. You get snow in Utah? I thought it was rather dry and deserty, like Nevada. (Geez, I'm gonna get all the Nevada CSers jump on me now).


                      • #12
                        Quoth One-Fang View Post
                        Eh, no, sorry to disappoint, never heard the phrase. You get snow in Utah? I thought it was rather dry and deserty, like Nevada. (Geez, I'm gonna get all the Nevada CSers jump on me now).
                        you're thinking of southern Utah (and Nevada)... northern Utah (and Nevada) are semi arid, not desert... we get an assload of snow each year... the problem being that's about the only precipitation we get. The good thing though is that high desert snow is almost always much more powdery than the lower wetter areas snow, therefor, much better for skiing.
                        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

