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Which Part Of "We're Not Your Customer" Did You Not Understand?

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  • Which Part Of "We're Not Your Customer" Did You Not Understand?

    Posting this in sightings because, well, I saw my wife make the call

    Saturday, we started getting recorded phone calls from some sort of mortgage company. You know, one of those messages that say "call 800 whatever for an important update regarding your mortgage." First call comes through at about 9, I answer, and hang up pretty much straight away. We've gotten pretty used to getting these types of calls thanks to some moron who continuously gives out our number when applying to things and running up bills. Ignoring these things, or telling the folks on the other end that no, such and such doesn't live here usually makes them go away.

    But this one was different. Every hour, on the hour this damn phone message kept calling up and being played for us. Irritating, certainly, but not the end of the world. My wife was pissed, though. I was playing Persona 4, and she enjoy watching (I'd make a crass joke about her being a voyeur, but as she doesn't read these boards it'd go wasted ). So, she calls up the number that was given, and starts to explain that we're not a customer, that we don't want to be a customer, and that these calls have to stop.

    And we do get them stopped - the second time we call. Because the first time, the guy who answered the phone just couldn't be bothered to deal with the issue presented to him. When she explained the situation, his first response was "if the calls aren't for you, just ignore them." This pissed her off more, but, being the wonderfully level headed individual she is, she doesn't overreact to assholes the same way I do. She just started, calmly saying that as they were coming in so often, we needed to get our number off the list. Mid-sentence, he says "hold on, I'll transfer you." And he did. To nowhere.

    What pisses me off about this is, if I tried something like this, I'd be out on my damn ass faster than you could say something that doesn't take very long to say. And I can understand not wanting to be at work, but can you really give that little of a damn about someone calling in who's being incorrectly targetted for (probably) owing money?

    Then I realize that I really shouldn't be so naive at this point in my life, sigh, and go back to saving Kanji. Least it got sorted in the end.

  • #2
    I've received quite a few collection-related calls for people with the same last name as your truly. As my reply is usually "Who?", that stops the calls. However last summer we got a collection-related call every other day for my wife's ex. It took me several calls to get it into their heads that this was a dry hole. She has had no contact with him at all since the divorce 8 years ago.
    I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

    Who is John Galt?
    -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


    • #3
      A lot of those calls are scams and can be reported to the FCC.
      "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


      • #4
        I get collection calls for my brother in law who HAS NEVER lived with us ever. I guess they just look up all relatives and give them all a ring?


        • #5
          Quoth Amina516 View Post
          I get collection calls for my brother in law who HAS NEVER lived with us ever. I guess they just look up all relatives and give them all a ring?
          And apparently anyone with the same last name. I get a lot of collection calls for people with the same last name. The calls stop when my reply is "Who?"
          I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

          Who is John Galt?
          -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


          • #6
            Quoth Amina516 View Post
            I get collection calls for my brother in law who HAS NEVER lived with us ever. I guess they just look up all relatives and give them all a ring?
            the less reputable firms do this, im sure the collections people on the board will agree with that assessment,
            This is a drama-free zone; violators will be slapped. -Irving Patrick Freleigh
            my blog:


            • #7
              I still get collection calls for bills run up by my stepmother in my long dead father's name. Usually the only thing that stops them is faxing over a copy of the certified death certificate.

              Her scam is opening credit cards or revolving credit in his name/social security number, paying for a while and then the second things get tight she tells them he's moved in with me. No amount of writing letters and placing death certificates with the credit bureaus seems to slow her down. I'm still waiting for the police to arrest her for this shit.
              "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


              • #8
                Quoth calulu View Post
                I'm still waiting for the police to arrest her for this shit.
                How long have the police known that this has been going on?

                I wonder if it would be possible to sue her/have her arrested for the aggrivation she's been putting you through.
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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