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I was a semi-SC

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  • I was a semi-SC

    I didn't handle this situation 100% correctly, but I think there was suck on both sides. I was in line at a sub shop the other day, and after I ordered/received my sub I went to the other counter to order an ice cream. They were not that busy, and there was more than one person working. That being said, what place on earth looks at 2 customers in a line and takes the person SECOND in line first? That's exactly what this woman did. I piped up "what the heck? Is there a reason why you are taking this person before me? I was clearly here first." The next woman took my order and everything, so it might have been a moot point, but why on earth does anyone EVER take the second person in a line before the first? That makes no sense to me.
    I am the commander commando!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    The 2nd customer was an asshole then too.

    A non-SC would have said 'no thanks, this guy was here first'
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


    • #3
      That always seems to happen to me whenever I'm at a deli. I make darned sure when I go up to a deli or restaurant counter, especially a busy one, that I make a mental note of who is ahead of me. Then if an employee asks if I need help, I point out who should be next. You can't entirely blame the person behind you. It's more of a team effort. Unfortunately some EWs never learned that there's no I in team. Damn showboaters.

      Begin hijack:

      Something similar happened to me at Chili's recently. My mom and I walked in. The hostess, was standing there talking to a lady who had walked in shortly before us. Two people walked in behind us and the hostess--when she finished with the other lady, apparently--looked right past my mother and me and asked the newcomers where they would like to be seated. Mom and I had never even sat down in the waiting area, we stood right there in front of the hostess stand.

      I looked at mom, she looked at me, we shrugged and said, "Well, they apparently don't want our business," and left to go the fifty feet down the way to another chain restaurant.

      I can understand if the hostess just assumed we were with the lady who had come in ahead of us, but the least she could have done was ~asked~ us before she took the people behind us. She acted like she knew that couple personally, which was what irritated me enough to call the manager to tell him that he'd lost business because his hostess blatantly ignored us.

      End hijack.


      • #4
        Back when I was working at Walmart, it was lunch time. So I decided to go to a Chinese restaurant. I walk in and wait to be seated. They were taking everyone that came after me. So after a few minutes, they seated me. But hell, I was sucky to them. Did not leave a tip at all
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

