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Epic Refrigerator Woes

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  • Epic Refrigerator Woes

    I'm typing this before the whole ordeal is even over, but as usual I'm optimistic that it's all taken care of and will be smooth sailing from this point on.

    Before I begin: all voices and attitudes on everybody's part were always kept polite and patient.

    My Mother, in a moment of holiday generosity, decided to buy a new refrigerator for my Boyfriend (now fiance!) and I for Christmas. She did the same thing last year with a washer and dryer that Boyfriend (BF) and she completely surprised me with, so I wanted to do the same to BF.

    So to Sears we went because my Mom is from a small town where Sears is a retail god and because they price match. I had spent a few minutes glancing over the Consumer Reports she had shoved in my hand to pick the features and brand I wanted to lean toward. I had settled on a Counter Depth Dual Drawer Bottom Freezer with In-Door Ice and Water Dispenser by LG (seen here). I was stoked.

    We get to Sears and are led to a very sweet sales girl I will call Jeanette (Because it rhymes with her name and three people in this story have the first initial of D). Mom tells her that we are in the market for 2 refrigerators, one for my and one for Mom's rental property. Jeanette sits down at the computer and pulls up the LG I wanted (they have it, but not on the floor) while Mom picks out her other fridge. Sadly, it turns out that the LG I want isn't available until Feb 27! So I ask Jeanette if she can help me find another brand with all the features that were important to me: In-Door Ice, Bottom Freezer Dual Drawers and Counter Depth. We find a GE Profile that is also in the warehouse, but not on the floor. She assures me it has In-Door Ice. (BF and I entertain a lot, so the ice dispenser is easier for our guests)

    We order my fridge, but not Mom's as she's in less of a rush and they couldn't give her a price break for buying 2. The date is December 15th. The GE is delivered on the 21st and to my chagrin, has no In-Door Ice. Nor does it have enough room in the door shelves for all of BF's various Wasabi condiments.

    So I try to call Jeanette. The phone just rings and rings. I wait a few hours and try again and am given the transfer-around. So Mom calls and gets through (WTF?) and speaks with Jeanette. Jeanette seems understanding and tells Mom that the LG is now available on Jan 9! So we say great, what do we do with the GE? Jeanette says to use it until the LG comes in. This process takes 2 days, all during which I get messages from Jeanette to the effect of "The delivery notes show the same model number of the fridge we ordered, so I don't understand what you're not happy about."

    So we go in on the Sunday (Dec 28) after Christmas to get the LG ordered and start the return process for the GE. Jeanette is with another customer, so another sales woman helped us. She was nice, but seemed scattered. We order the LG for me, a Kenmore for Mom and start the return on the GE. All is well and good in the world.

    If that were true, I wouldn't be here. A very dear friend of mine is SM at a new Best Buy in the area and has been bugging me to come see his new 'test store' (seems after a TON of research, they reorganized the store and pictures and in-store ads to be more geared to women and families. Even had a sales guy in TVs really explain what I needed to update my house for the digital conversion in Feb and he was really talking TO me, not above me. WEE! Anyway...) Dear friend shall be called Wayne as it also rhymes with his name. As does name. And drain. And blame...I digress. Wayne listens to me vent a little about the fridge mix ups and looks up the LG while I'm rambling (as you can see I'm wont to do) and it turns out he has one, in the box, right as we were speaking. He took me back to confirm it was the one I wanted.

    So I called Sears to see if I could cancel my LG order and schedule a pick-up of the GE sooner than Feb. The automated service one goes through before getting a person told me that a pick-up was already scheduled for the 31st (Wednesday). I panicked a little, I admit. I couldn't figure out what Sears thought I was going to do for 2 months without a fridge, but I took a breath and ordered the fridge from Wayne who pushed through the delivery for Wednesday. On the way home, I call Sears and cancel the LG order.

    Today (Dec 30) I get a confused call from Jeanette asking why I've cancelled the LG. I explain I found one at Best Buy that would be delivered tomorrow, that someone had scheduled me for a pick-up well before Feb 27th (and yes, I mentioned how that would leave me without refrigeration for 2 months) and that Mom still wants her Kenmore (being delivered on Friday). She seems to understand, thanks me and we hang up. Now I'm here.

    I know Wayne won't let me down (we're going to his New Year's party tomorrow night, so he'll be the first to know if I'm thrilled or in need of a stiff drink), but the part of me that visits this site daily is afraid of encountering more cock ups and that turn me into an SC toward Sears (I'm worried the scheduled pick-up will be canceled and I'll have 2 fridges in my house). So thank you, dear reader, for following my ramblings for this long. I needed a good vent.

  • #2
    Aaaaahhhh....Sears. Retail-speak for Epic Fail. It's funny, as Consumerist has only two companies on deathwatch (Circuit City and Sears.) And I'm jealous, I used to live near a Best Buy test store (in Ft. Walton Beach, FL) and they are always awesome. First to get every new product, always has full support, blows regular Best Buy's away.


    • #3
      Don't know what you paid, but this may have been easier in the end.


      • #4
        Holy buckets! 3 grand for a fridge! Will your mother adopt me? :-) I'll tell you my little Sears experience. Had a microwave from Sears that malfunctioned, so out comes the repair guy. Now the order originally had two techs coming, but brillant boy decided he didn't need the other tech so he came by himself. In the process of repairing the microwave (vented over the stove type), he DROPS it onto the glass top range below and then to the floor. Range is trashed as is microwave. Now getting the stove fixed wasn't an issue but they wanted to also repair the microwave. This thing is no longer square (as in no longer a rectangle, more of a trapazoid). I demand a new one and the bastards would only give me $300.00 toward te new one. We got one, wife hated it, so we returned it and got a better one, but I had to pay the extra. Now in the end it did work out in our favor as the original we got was $400 (the store ate the $100) and the new one was $650, but Sears in their infinite wisdom installed one, then sent another to the house. So I sold it to friends at a discount and made $250 on the deal. The repair guy lied and said the microwave "tipped over". Really? Then just how did it break the glass top stove? The store treated us well, the reapair department were a bunch of lying bastards.
        If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
        --Woodrow Willson


        • #5
          Friends don't let friends shop at Sears


          • #6
            Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this but way to go Best Buy! and for friends saving the day.

            Shopping for appliances can suck and I feel for you but thats no excuse for trying to rhyme name and drain....


            • #7
              Minor update:

              I called Sears last night to see if they could push my pickup time back from 9 AM to closer to the 3 PM delivery of the second fridge (Y'know, to save on spoilage worries). Well, the person I spoke with let slip that not only were delivery men coming out to take the GE, but they were bringing me another of the EXACT SAME THING! So now, after much hair pulling on my end while I tried to calmly explain all of this to yet another person, the GE will be gone on Sunday.

              Then I called the store to see if I could get a manager to be my one point of contact on this to save on all the confusion, and the manager I spoke with expressed confusion why I bought a fridge from Best Buy when I was getting one from them in February. So it turns out the LG from Sears hadn't been cancelled afterall. So that's taken care of, they are mailing me a copy of the return receipt, and the Best Buy delivery guys were GREAT.


              • #8
       returned the GE, were having them come pick it up and they were BRINGING YOU A REPLACEMENT? What part of "return" reads "exchange" to them?

                I've never bought anything from Sears, but this is making me VERY wary of them! Hope you have space for both fridges until the Sears one is picked up!
                I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

                He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

                Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!


                • #9
                  Quoth persephone View Post
                  What part of "return" reads "exchange" to them?
                  Oh don't get me started. It is practically impossible to get money back from them. My mom spent 4 months just trying to get a check for $15 that was a credit on her card. (A note: credits are supposed to be arrive 1 week after request) The concept of refund not existing for them does not surprise me in the slightest.
                  I AM the evil bastard!
                  A+ Certified IT Technician


                  • #10
                    Sears = devil!!!! When I had my first car at 16, my dad always insisted on taking it to Sears when I needed new tires. I had that car for a year and a half and had to get 6 new SETS of tires on it in that time. The belts kept slipping on the damn things so a giant chunk of rubber would disappear and cause the tire to go *THUMP!!* on every rotation... Or cause a not so pleasant vibration if on the freeway. Sears seemed to think this was always my fault and always refused to fix the problem. The rubber must have been made from tender baby flesh too because I was constantly picking up nails. I still drive in the same places and haven't picked up a single nail since I stopped getting tires from Sears.
                    Last edited by NightWatch; 01-01-2009, 10:41 PM. Reason: Hit the enter button by mistake!
                    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                    ...Beware the voice without a face...


                    • #11
                      sorry there's been so much trouble with Sears, but honestly, congratulations on getting your unit from Best Buy, and good luck to your mother if she ever has a repair issue within the warranty period.
                      Sears is notorious (at least around here) for sending repair techs who don't know what they're doing, and on a more complicated type of unit (namely your lovely new LG) a lot of times I hear about people whose Sears warranty techs give them that dead-fish stare like oh my god what the hell is that thing I dunno how to fix that.
                      "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


                      • #12
                        Update: Sears came to get the fridge today. The pick-up men were rather surprised that we hadn't trashed the fridge, it still had it's blue protective sticker on it, and I had cleaned it out and let it sit with the doors cracked open (I learned a long time ago that powered down fridges with doors shut = gross smells). He was polite, but seemedvery confused that there wasn't anything wrong with it.


                        • #13
                          Stopped shopping Sears in 1998

                          I was returning a fairly new faucet for a warranty replacement (it was leaking a steady stream of water). An identical item was on the shelf, so I could read the Sears promise on the box. I was refused a replacement, and told I would have to go to Parts & Service for an O-ring kit. So I went. Nearly an hour later, it was clear that that the O-ring was not going to found, and would have to be ordered. I returned to the manager with this information and asked again for him to honor the warranty.

                          (After much discussion)
                          Me: "But they will have to order the O-ring kit. The guarantee on the box says you will replace the item if it is defective. "
                          Manager: "The O-rings are what is defective, and we will replace that. They should be here in 5-7 days."
                          Me: Currently, I have the water shut off in my kitchen. I need to resolve this today."
                          Manager: "Then you will have to purchase a replacement and wait for these parts."
                          Me: Are you suggesting that I buy another faucet, install it, then replace it with this one next week after I rebuild it?"
                          He took a new one, the one I had come in for about an hour and half ago and shoved it at me.
                          Manager: Ok, here. just take it and leave. If this one fails, don't expect me to replace it again."

                          I took it, went home and installed it. It failed, as I half expected it to, about two years later. I replaced with one from Lowe's, which is still in the kitchen ten years later. Lowe's has a great warranty/return policy, and the few times I have needed to take something back, the clerk has be courteous and the process easy.

                          Sears lost a regular customer. If they go bankrupt, I won't miss them.

