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7+7+7+3+1.50 = $32.47

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  • 7+7+7+3+1.50 = $32.47

    Yep, that's the math I was just given when trying to order a pizza with a coupon at a place I rarely order from.

    Now I remember why.

    To back up, I told my 18 year old and his gf I'd treat for pizza last night. He really likes a place called Donatos, which is not my normal place that I order from.

    I happened to have a coupon for 3 one-topping medium pizzas for 7 dollars each. The coupons says 'additional toppings extra'. I thought this would be great for them. I'll order the first two as plain pepperoni, which is what they like, and the 3rd for me as mushroom, onion and sausage and just pay the extra for the toppings. I figured I could eat a couple of pieces last night, then nosh on it the next few days for lunches.

    I called and, like a good little customer, advised right away that I have a coupon. She asked for the code on the front of it. Ok, that's a new I put on my old lady readers and advise her of the code. She then verified that its 3 medium one-toppings for 7 dollars each. I agreed and proceeded with my order. Again:

    2 medium pepperoni
    1 sausage-mushroom-onion

    She totals it up and advises me that with delivery, my total would be 32.47.

    Now, keep in mind, I'm not a cheap person. At all. The economy, however, has forced most of us to watch our money closely. Unless their delivery fee was 5 or 6 dollars, or their toppings were 3 or 4 a piece, I couldn't figure out how they reached this figure.

    Me - "Um, is that with the coupon?"

    Her - "Yes, with the coupon, it takes 3.86 off the total order"

    Me - (still confused) "Okay, 7 x 3 = 21. How much is the delivery charge and the extra toppings"

    Her - (to her credit, she was polite the entire time) "The toppings are 1.50 each and the delivery charge is 1.50 also."

    Me - "Okay, so that should total 25.50"

    Her - "Well, the coupon gives you 3.86 off the entire order."

    Me - ....

    Her - ....

    Me - "Okay, could you please cancel the order, I've changed my mind"

    Her - "No problem"

    Normally, I would have pressed further in order to figure out this mathematical mystery. But I'm just getting over illness and I really wasn't in the mood.

    I'm still baffled by it

    In the end, I ordered from my normal place. Spent about 25.00 and the kid picked up the tip.
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

  • #2
    Just great
    Peppergirl, I'm sending you the bill for my brain being fixed after exploding from your post!

    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      Just to give the cashier the benefit of the doubt: Normally pizza is subject to tax (as a prepared food) and if the cashier misspoke, i.e. total is $22.47, not $32.47. 22.47 + 3.86 (coupon savings) would be $26.33. I don't know the tax in your area but $25.xx plus tax could easily be $26.33 in my area.

      So, maybe you had a simple miscommunication and she didn't realize she had said the wrong total?


      • #4

        I thought the same thing, but I distinctly remember her saying the total twice as we discussed the coupons and the math. I even wrote it down because I was doodling on the coupon as I listened.
        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


        • #5
          Quoth iradney View Post
          Just great
          Peppergirl, I'm sending you the bill for my brain being fixed after exploding from your post!

          I'm STILL BAFFLED!!!

          Seriously. If I hadn't been sick, I might have been tempted to ferret out the info, but I just didn't have it in me.
          "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


          • #6
            I may be able to help with the exploding brain part. I bet the computer charged full price for the 3rd medium as it had more than one topping. I've seen it do that online when I have ordered with a coupon, had to see what was going on.

            "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


            • #7
              I've had this happen before also. Though at the time I just sucked it up and decided I'd never get delivery from that place again. I even asked about the total over the phone and it still wasn't clear how it came about. That and many delivery places no longer provide receipts with a breakdown of prices. This is also a pet peeve. That and I *hate* delivery charges. I mean, I can understand them, but I feel they should be disclosed when ordering. I still don't know how my total came out 5-6 dollars higher, I can only surmise that I was charged a delivery fee for each separate item. Not all places charge delivery fees, so it feels like companies sneak it in, which in turn pisses me off. I still tip the driver, it's not their fault, but I really don't want to because I'm upset about it. That's one reason I love our local Pizza Hut with order-online option. All prices are disclosed upsfront including delivery fee.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                That and I *hate* delivery charges. I mean, I can understand them, but I feel they should be disclosed when ordering. I still don't know how my total came out 5-6 dollars higher, I can only surmise that I was charged a delivery fee for each separate item. Not all places charge delivery fees, so it feels like companies sneak it in, which in turn pisses me off. I still tip the driver, it's not their fault, but I really don't want to because I'm upset about it.

                I used to be irratated by delivery charges also untill I started working at a pizza place a couple months ago as a driver. Our company charges a $3.25 delivery fee. I asked why because some place don't charge one. The owner said it was because it pays for the insurance to cover the drivers for the store. Some companies eat the cost if they are bigger companies and/or can afford it(ie. your Pizza Hutt...ours here is franchise and charges a $3 fee). In a lot of cases the stores are franchised out and do not have the money to eat the cost. But as a driver myself I thank you for not taking it out on us and still tipping.

                Back to the original post though. At my store adding your order, our sales tax and delivery it would've come out to $30.28 but i'm not sure how much their delivery fee is or your state tax is. I'm sorry it was such a bad experience for you.


                • #9
                  Oh yes, like I said I do understand the purpose of delivery fees. I just wish they'd be disclosed upfront, otherwise it feels like a money grab. I like Pizza Hut because I order online and all fees (including their delivery fee and taxes) are clearly listed. There's no second guessing or trying to figure out why a total is so high. I can also see right off if something isn't discounting properly.

                  In the OP's case, I would surmise that one of the discounts wasn't being properly applied, or something with the delivery fee was screwed up. I think it was a good call to take your business elsewhere.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    Quoth traylk View Post
                    I used to be irratated by delivery charges also untill I started working at a pizza place a couple months ago as a driver. Our company charges a $3.25 delivery fee. I asked why because some place don't charge one. The owner said it was because it pays for the insurance to cover the drivers for the store. Some companies eat the cost if they are bigger companies and/or can afford it(ie. your Pizza Hutt...ours here is franchise and charges a $3 fee). In a lot of cases the stores are franchised out and do not have the money to eat the cost. But as a driver myself I thank you for not taking it out on us and still tipping.

                    Back to the original post though. At my store adding your order, our sales tax and delivery it would've come out to $30.28 but i'm not sure how much their delivery fee is or your state tax is. I'm sorry it was such a bad experience for you.
                    i never worried about delivery charge, i always expect to pay it.
                    Of course some of us read ads and (really not so) fine print and read the things that say there may be a delivery charge, how much the delivery driver carry.
                    of course that does require reading


                    • #11
                      Anyone else reminded of the PFB letter where there was the asshole upset that he had to pay the delivery fee on a free pizza... which btw he only got for his kid because that company just wasn't good enough for him, oh yeah, he never used his kid's name or even called him his son, just called him "the boy". I was just thinking, if he stumbled upon this thread and heard people saying they understand the reasons for delivery charges and don't mind paying them I'm sure he'd have a ehart attack.
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                      • #12
                        Isn't it funny how they instituted delivery fees because of the gas prices, yet, with gas 3x less expensive when they were put in place, the fee is still around.

                        Another way to rip us off. Good thing I live only 4 miles from our closest Pizza Hut. I just go and pick it up half the time. Saves $2.50 delivery and a tip... so, around $5-6 per order.


                        • #13
                          Quoth traylk View Post
                          Our company charges a $3.25 delivery fee. I asked why because some place don't charge one. The owner said it was because it pays for the insurance to cover the drivers for the store. Some companies eat the cost if they are bigger companies and/or can afford it(ie. your Pizza Hutt...ours here is franchise and charges a $3 fee). In a lot of cases the stores are franchised out and do not have the money to eat the cost.
                          traylk, you must work for a Mom-n-Pop. Almost all corporate (and franchise) stores DO charge a delivery fee, and it is NOT to defray insurance costs for the drivers. Drivers generally have to pay ALL their own expenses including but not limited to insurance, gasoline, and maintenance. In general, the drivers do not see a penny of the delivery fee.

                          Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                          Oh yes, like I said I do understand the purpose of delivery fees. I just wish they'd be disclosed upfront, otherwise it feels like a money grab.
                          It IS a money grab. It subsidises the store's overhead and other operating costs. Again, it does NOT go to the drivers.

                          Quoth Jbball View Post
                          Isn't it funny how they instituted delivery fees because of the gas prices,
                          That's what they wanted you to believe.

                          More info can be found here.
                          Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

