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Do you not know what "Going out of business" means?

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  • Do you not know what "Going out of business" means?

    A local clothing store had a going out of business sale, with their last day a few weeks before Christmas. I was there browsing the slim pickings that remained, when I overheard someone arguing with a cashier.

    She wanted a gift receipt for a blouse she was buying, apparently for her daughter, for Christmas. You know, just in case it didn't fit or she didn't like the color and she wanted to return it.

    Now, this wasn't a chain where some stores were closing but some stores were staying open. This was a stand-alone local store that WOULD NO LONGER EXIST AFTER THIS DAY. There were "All sales final. No refunds or exchanges." signs everywhere.

    The cashier kept trying to explain that a gift receipt would be pointless as the daughter wouldn't be able to return the blouse. She kept saying "We won't be here after today. There won't be anyone to return it to." The woman was actually shocked and indignant that they would "refuse" to accept a return.

    They're not "refusing" it. They won't physically be here anymore! Why is that so hard to understand!

  • #2
    Wanna know what the really great thing about working someplace that's going out of business is?

    You don't have to be nice to ass goblins such as that one! You can literally tell them to go screw if you want to! Isn't that awesome?

    What's management going to do if you tell them, FIRE ME? I'm scared!
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      IPF, I want to laugh at that, I really do. But having worked when Media Play was shutting their doors, liquidation is worse than hell on earth. The worst "jokes" about firing actually came from customers. They'd want something discounted further and I'd tell them no. The customer would respond with "What are they going to do, fire you? Yuk Yuk" Or when I say I wouldn't do it because I'd be fired they'd respond with "It's not like you'll be employed for much longer, Yuk Yuk" And it wasn't just one or two turd-faced assholes that said this. I got these comments daily. So yeah, I maintained the bare minimum of politeness because I did indeed want the paycheck and I cared enough about my fellow coworkers not to screw them over. But damn, the worst of the worst of my retail experiences were during those last two months.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        Plus there is the matter of references. Although the owner decided to close up shop, he or she is probably still fairly well-known around town, and words from the owner will likely carry weight when it comes to you getting a future job.
        Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


        • #5

          Makes you wanna say "What part of we close tomorrow, FOREVER don't you understand?"

          Though... maybe the SC was thinking it was like those furniture stores who seem to have WEEKLY going-out-of-business sales..?


          • #6
            Oh the whole thing of "going-out-of-business" up here in Washington actually prompted a law which pretty much said, you can't declare it if you AREN'T really going out of business.

            reason why The infinitely going out of business head shop in the University District of Seattle (name escapes me) finally went out of business, having to pay fines for nealy 5 years will do that (they started to go out of business in 2001, closed up shop in 2006)

            but yeah, no excuse for being a moron.


            • #7
              One of the few benefits of working for a store that is going out of business is the wonderful feeling of freedom on that last day where you can tell SCs (especially the Vultures) exactly what you think of them... and have no repercussions from the bosses. It's even sweeter when the bosses join in with you.
              "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


              • #8
                My mother brought my brothers grad outfit for him but as his pants were being altered (they had an inshop tailoring service) she left the pants at the store

                She went back when the pants were due back and the shop was gone.... no closing down sale, no sign on the doors just an empty locked shop.

                A sales woman from the shop over came out when she saw my mum standing there and asked her name, apprently the shop owner had skipped out over night so the mall couldnt forclose on her stock (it was one of those overpriced chichi "boutique" stores) but she had given my brothers pants to the employees next door to give to my mother when she came to pick her up.

                they had been looking out for a confused "older" woman with two walking canes for days
                I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                • #9
                  Quoth PepperElf View Post
                  Though... maybe the SC was thinking it was like those furniture stores who seem to have WEEKLY going-out-of-business sales..?
                  Locally, it was Ames who had those sort of sales. It seemed they were "going out of business" every month!
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #10
                    Around here, the furniture stores play musical chairs. There's usually at least one going out of business, one having a grand opening, and one empty store that the going out of business store moves into.

                    I know of only three 'permanent' furniture stores around here, and one of them is having an 'economic crisis save our store' sale. :P
                    It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.

