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Chocolate Woes

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  • Chocolate Woes

    So, upon request of DataJager asking why this story hadn't been posted yet, I shall now detail a story from mine and EQ's shopping trip before graduation, that was left out of her set of sightings.

    Now, if you recall, we were attempting to find me nice clothes in which to graduate. Alas, some of the stand alone stores disappointed, and so we girded our loins, strengthened our wills and braced our minds for a fierce melee.

    That's right. We went to the mall. A week before Christmas. <shudder>

    During the hunt for clothes and shoes, EQ was blindsided by the wicked, wicked sorcery that was Godiva's Chocolatier. Chocolate, being a personal health hazard of mine, held no sway over me, but I dutifully followed EQ. (Mostly so we wouldn't lose each other in the crush, but I digress). she had made a vow: the next time she was at Godiva's she was going to purchase their infamous ambrosia!!

    So, I'm standing there, waiting while she makes selections and breathing in the heavenly aromas, as that's about the only thing I can intake without grevious self harm. And then, the enemy struck. An awkward looking teenage boy in an employee's apron, who looked like he was in the middle of a growth spurt, and thus all gangly and skinny, and more limbs than anything. But oh, he did try his best to be dutiful and provide good customer service. He approached us. Oh and a brief skirmish ensued!!

    AB (Awkward Boy): Hi, can I help you find anything today?
    Me: (Cheerfully gesturing to EQ) Oh, she's just picking out some truffles. I'm along for the ride, since there isn't anything I can eat in here anyways.
    AB: <Trying very hard and failing to hide that he's looking me up and down with a vaguely judgmental look on his face at my..ahem...overly curvaceous self.>
    AB: Well, we DO have sugar-free chocolates. Miss.
    Me: <Eyebrow twitch: You calling me fat, boy? I respond quite calmly, though>
    Me: Actually, I'm allergic after a fashion. I can't ingest chocolate, it causes problems for me. It's the caffeine
    AB: <Backpedaling fiercely, trying to save his skin. The look on his face was quite amusing, as he tried to find common ground to commiserate> Oh...uh...well, when I have a lot of caffeine, it gives me headaches. Like migraines!
    Me: <Completely deadpan, I swoop in for the killing blow> It gives me seizures. <Proceeds to go into a polite explanation of how and why it affects my brain and watches his eyes go wider. I can also see EQ's reflection in the glass as she tries not to giggle>
    AB: Er...uh...well...if you need any further!! <And yet another opponent defeated as he flees into the sunset>

    Strangely, he didn't seem to be in the store much after that while we were waiting to check out. I think he was sent to the back room to re-stock or something. Now, I KNOW I'm fat. Chunky, rubenesque, big-boned, however you want to call it, I'm it. I gots curves. Big boobs and a big butt. Oh well. It was rather insulting to be eyed like livestock then offered sugar-free chocolate, as though that would cure all my ails.

    I would normally give the benefit of the doubt, and think someone suspecting something like diabetes if it hadn't been for that once-over look. I told EQ later that she may not have caught the look, attempting to explain my bloodless verbal evisceration of the boy, but she interrupted me and said

    EQ: Oh no, I saw it. What a douche!!

    So, thus ends our quest into Godiva. EQ procured her treasure, I fought a rather one sided battle, and we were refreshed enough to continue our epic questing for clothing and shoes.


  • #2
    Verbal smackdown. I love it.

    But what a jackass. You couldve easily gotten him in trouble for a remark like that.


    • #3
      Boy obviously doesn't know much about chocolate Sugar-free chocolate is much higher in fat than regular chocolate. They actually recommend AGAINST eating it if you're diabetic. It also contains a lot of chocolate liquor which can cause diarrhea and anal leaking (I've always loved that term LOL) when consumed in large amounts, or for people who are particularly sensitive to it.
      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


      • #4
        A good chocolatier (esp. at a high end venue) may have gotten away with "Is it the sugar, or the caffeine, or the fat or the cocoa that affects you? We offer many alternatives." but only with continuous eye contact - no curve judging. Nice handling. I bet his future retail career will be far more circumspect.


        • #5
          Sugar-free? Really?

          I'll take two, please!
          Now a member of that alien race called Management.

          Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


          • #6
            Godiva, Belgium's finest
            If anyone likes Godiva, be sure to try other brand such as Côte d'Or, Leonidas, Jaques,......


            • #7
              Well, I think you over-reacted. He was a young naive kid, not well-versed in the ways of social interaction, and he screwed up (not that badly). You almost, almost sucked.

              If you had made trouble for him, as others here suggested, you would have acheived stratospheric levels of suckiness, so kudos to you for not doing that.


              • #8
                Quoth valhar2000 View Post
                Well, I think you over-reacted. He was a young naive kid, not well-versed in the ways of social interaction, and he screwed up (not that badly). You almost, almost sucked.

                If you had made trouble for him, as others here suggested, you would have acheived stratospheric levels of suckiness, so kudos to you for not doing that.
                Some anvils must be dropped.

                Meaning that some people won't...or DON'T...learn unless the lesson is mauled into them hard. Teenage boys usually fall into this category, as they're often too shallow/inexperienced/stoned on television "reality" to come to a conclusion that there's any reason other than fat for a woman turning down chocolate. Be certain that it's a mistake he'll probably never make again.
                "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                • #9
                  Quoth Carolaaine View Post
                  Godiva, Belgium's finest
                  If anyone likes Godiva, be sure to try other brand such as Côte d'Or, Leonidas, Jaques,......
                  Or if you are in Canada, Bernard Callebaut. Yum! (I used to live 1/4 mile from their main chocolaterie. When the wind was right I could smell it... mmmm....)

                  That said, for day to day chocolate needs, I prefer Cadbury or some of the Swiss and Dutch chocolate bars. The Belgian style is too rich for anything but Christmas and birthdays . I had a little 1/2 pound box of Bernard Callebaut in my stocking this Christmas and I just ate the last piece yesterday!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Carolaaine View Post
                    Oh man... When I went to Belgium, we bought quite a few of their two-pound boxes. We had their chocolate for at least six months after coming back. It was exquisite. I've not tasted the like since coming back to North America. Not even Bernard Callebaut measures up to it, though they're a close second. Mmm...


                    • #11
                      Well, most people I know eat a "mignonette" by côte d'or practically every day (I try to eat some every week, otherwise I wouldn't be able to restrain myself from eating the whole package).

                      Not too far from my house, there's a tiny chocolatier who composes his own pralines (I hope everyone knows what this means) and he puts the strangest flavours into them.
                      They're better than any chocolate I've ever tasted (and every EVERY holiday we get something made out of chocolate so I know chocolate )

                      Do the US have any (wellknown) brands of chocolate?

                      (sorry for the threadjack )


                      • #12
                        I'm sorta with the kid on this one. Regardless of how, um, curvaceous a person is, if someone is in a chocolate store and tells me they can't eat anything in there, my first thought would be due to sugar - i.e. that person is diabetic.


                        • #13
                          Yeah, I concur with above.

                          Plus, I am SO over worrying if someone thinks I'm fat. Of course I'm fat. It took a lot of time for me to get over feeling humiliated if someone barely almost looked like they might mention I'm fat, but now, I am almost but not totally over it. I'm pretty sure I know if someone is actually insuting me, but sometimes I falter and judge someone's motives wrongly. Not everyone hates fat people anymore. There are just too many of us out there. We might fight back.


                          • #14
                            When you're allergic to something, sometimes it just gets tiring to explain why you can't eat something.

                            I'm allergic to coffee. The first response, even when people see me making tea or eating chocolate, is to ask, "Is it the caffeine?" No, no, it's not. Thank goodness. I don't need much caffeine, but I use it. I don't know what it is, but it's genetic, because my sisters and mother are the same way, and it involves nausea and vomiting after ingestion.

                            I'm also gluten intolerant. Luckily, I don't have celiac disease, but sometimes it just gets old having to explain it. Like Lupo, I'm a round girl. Fact of life, especially right now with my back problems. I order In 'n' Out Burgers protein-style, I peel tortillas and wraps open and eat the contents, I order off the Atkins part of the menu, and all the time I know damn well that a lot of the waitstaff are thinking that Atkins sure as hell hasn't done much for me.

                            You do get sensitive when you're heavy, especially with the clueless numbnuts who say things like, "You know, if you lost some weight, you'd be really pretty."

                            My first response is, "You know, if you weren't so amazingly clueless and stupid, I might actually give a f**k what you think." Besides, in some ways, it's been easier for me since I've gotten fat. I am attractive (thanks for the bone structure, Mom), a natural redhead (well, I used to be), tall and quite slim for most of my life. And I was frikkin' miserable a lot of the time because of all the unwanted, wouldn't go away, stalker attention I got. I don't handle crowds or parties well, and tossing in all the creepy attention would send me right over the edge. I still hate parties, but going to the movies or the mall has gotten a lot easier since I don't have to worry if some freak is going to be following me around all the time. Ecch!
                            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                            HR believes the first person in the door
                            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                            Document everything
                            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                            • #15
                              to hell with the cluebat. we need a clue-x-4 STAT!

