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Wal-mart...need I say more?

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  • Wal-mart...need I say more?

    I probably should be more specific, so here goes.

    Husband bought me a sewing machine for Christmas from Wal-mart, mainly because I want to start making costumes and such, possibly to head to a renfaire one day. They had 3 models apart from the serger, which I don't need. The cheapie model had a feature I didn't like, and the expensive one was too fancy for my needs, so I settled on the mid-range one. Unfortunately, I didn't think to check product reviews online before asking for that particular model.

    I just got some simple patterns and material this weekend and had finished cutting out my first project. Today was the first day I tried to actually work the machine. I had already taken it out of the box and unfortunately thrown the styrofoam away because I figured, a machine is a machine, right?

    I had holy hell trying to work the thing. First of all I accidentally dissassembled the whole bobbin assembly and had to put it back together. Then actually trying to get the thing threaded and ready to sew took hours. I finally got that part set up and grabbed a scrap of the fabric I was ready to sew, folded it so I had 2 layers, and made some practice stitches. The thing jammed like crazy and didn't seem to want to sew the bottom thread.

    I eventually gave up and called Wal-mart, because my husband is having trouble finding the receipt, to see if they'd be okay with exchanging it for the higher-end machine, because after troubleshooting on the internet I found that particular model seemed to have nothing but bad reviews, all with my identical problem. After being transferred three times I got a very snippy lady who never identified herself. I begin by saying, "I've been transferred a few times, I hope you're the one who can help me. My husband got me a sewing machine for Christmas--" She interrupted and said, "What did you do?" I kinda blinked and said, "I'm getting to that," and explained the rest of the situation. It seemed as if she thought I was a nuisance, even though I was polite (I've lurked on here enough to know how to behave!), snapped, "Just bring it in and we'll see, I can't promise anything." It sounded like she wanted me to show up tonight about it, and while I was trying to say it would be at least Friday before we could do anything, and before I even had the chance to say we were planning on spending more money for the better model, she hung up on me!

    Her words weren't a big deal, because in any other tone, they would have been exactly what I expected to hear. I understand we may be stuck because we weren't responsible enough to keep up with the receipt. I can deal with that and eat the cost if they can't do anything for me, and I expected those words. But that tone just got under my skin...she didn't even give me a chance to be an SC, I guess she just assumed anyone asking about a return like this was gonna throw a bitch fit.

    I will say, if we can't get it exchanged at Wal-mart and are forced to buy another outright, I will probably try to purchase from a specialty sewing goods store that can actually recommend a proper model for me.

    Ugh, and on top of this, I suddenly got a horrible shooting twingy pain in my wrist and am scared to death I'm getting carpal tunnel. I'm hoping it was just the stress of today somehow. Took Aleve and wrapped it up nice and tight and it's feeling a lot better now.

  • #2
    One, which one did you get?

    Two, Bad Monkey! Throwing everything away when something could have been damaged in shipment. I usually keep the whole package till I know the item works the way I want it to.

    Three, Insted of being scared about it to maybe the point you don't want to get anything looked at... My Mom has gotten diagnosed with the startings of carpal tunnel syndrom and was given specific exercises to do along with a hand/wrist/lower arm wrap that made it so after ten years still no sugery and the exercises aren't hard to do. But you need to get it checked NOW and not wait.


    • #3
      The one I got was the Singer Simple 3116 ($100). The one I'm probably going to get instead is the Brother C6000 or whatever it's called (the $200 one).

      About the wrist, I won't be able to make it to a doctor till my next time off, unless the pain becomes excruciating enough. Is it weird to say I hope the pain I'm feeling sticks around till Monday so I actually can be feeling the pain as I'm at the doctor? I'd hate it to go away and try to explain to him what happened five days previous...then it may not be diagnosable. Though, I'm feeling better after looking it up and seeing that what I'm feeling isn't usually a common symptom of CTS. No numbness or weakness, just pain, like a pinched nerve.


      • #4
        That's why I don't like to get anything complex at Wal-Mart. A lot of it seems to be poorly made, and dies on me quickly enough that I'm annoyed to have to get a replacement, but slowly enough that I think everything's fine and I've tossed the packaging.

        Simple stuff like DVDs or jeans are OK, but I've had quite a few appliances die on me way too soon. Although I did get lucky with a TV I bought from there. It lasted 6 years, and still works fine, I just decided to replace it with a 42" LCD.
        Sometimes life is altered.
        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
        Uneasy with confrontation.
        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


        • #5
          May I recommend finding somebody who sells Viking or Huskystar machines? They're a bit more expensive, but the quality is worth it.


          • #6
            Quoth TheSnakeLady View Post
            May I recommend finding somebody who sells Viking or Huskystar machines? They're a bit more expensive, but the quality is worth it.
            Hmm, never heard of either of those. 'Course, I'm a newbie sewer, running off ancient Home Ec knowledge. I'll check them out. The other two machines at Wal-mart are Brothers, but I figured, Singer, y'know, always associated with sewing machines in my head. I hear Brother, I think typewriter. But the higher end one had very good reviews. I'll take a look at those other two brands, thanks!


            • #7
              I have always used bernina and brother machines and found them really good. I have also heard that singers are good machines

              If you are going to start sewing on a regular basis, you are better to get a decent machine, it will last longer and be cheaper in the long run

              oh and welcome to the wonderful world of crafts where you get a special kind of bitchy sucky people
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


              • #8
                I got a Brother sewing machine at Wal-Mart but had a hellish time getting the bobbin to cooperate. Then again, I could never get a bobbin to work on any sewing machine even my mom's costly one. I gave it to my sister and she got it to work beautifully so I figure it's just my "intelligence" on that one. I do have a sewing machine that cooperates now. yay! I made some blankets for the kids for christmas.
                "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                • #9
                  I had a Brother from Wally that worked great.

                  Singer is not what it used to be. In the 90's another company bought them out and they aren't the same anymore.

                  I have heard good things about Vicking and I also own a Bernina. (the kind that can be hooked up to a computer, you thread it up . . .place the fabric . . .push a button and away it goes)

                  As for Renn clothing. I have made my own for quite a while let me know if I can help. I also know of other sources to get info if you like.. .pm me.


                  • #10
                    A word of advice:

                    Walmart is allowing returns over $50 without a receipt until the 9th, or 15 days after x-mas.

                    But anyway, if you're exchanging for the upgrade, they usually allow you to do that, because you're paying for the difference.

                    At least, that's how my store does it.

                    I should know, *waves*, I'm at the customer service desk all day.

                    But she was quite rude on the phone, when I do pick up the phone (It's rare, we have another department for that, but I usually ignore it because I'm busy), I try to be -polite, no matter how busy I am.


                    • #11
                      wow and i thought singer was suppose to be good
                      maybe one of the antique ones would be better


                      • #12
                        The new Singer machines are, unfortunately, crap. The name was sold about 10-15 years ago and the quality went straight downhill. Brothers are OK machines for the most part, though they have the odd lemon.

                        I bought my machine from Sears a few years ago. The Kenmore brand is contracted out to different manufacturers every year, almost always top name brands (Whirlpool was making Kenmore fridges for a while, for example). My machine was made by Janome; I believe the current models are being made by Pfaff, another very good brand. So I highly recommend the Kenmore 17 or 18 stitch model as it will do just about anything including sew through 12 layers of denim (I miscalculated the folds, heh) and makes a REALLY nice buttonhole.

                        Other brands to look at that start in the $200 range are Janome, Pfaff, Husqvarna (though the computerized ones are disappointingly wimpy), White, and Babylock. Look for one that makes good even stitches on a variety of fabric weights, and test the buttonhole function. You want it to make nice even stitches on the buttonhole edges and to have the threads close together. You shouldn't be able to see fabric between the buttonhole edging stitches. A lot of the one-step buttonhole machines fail on this one. The four-step buttonhole is still the best and easiest in my opinion.

                        Bernina, Elna, and older Singers can often be found secondhand and they are TANKS. They never, ever quit. My mom's Elna Supermatic, bought brand new in 1971 and used 8 hours a day EVERY day since then, is only now wearing out; by this I mean that it makes more noise than it used to. It still does the best topstitching of any machine I have ever used. I made some handbags over Christmas and that machine happily stitched through 8 layers of interfaced fabric without a pause. The Husqvarna machine stalled and died at 4 layers.... That machine is only 5 years old and has only been used about 8 hours a WEEK, and only on lighter weight cotton fabrics.

                        As far as stitch options - I have been sewing for 20 years and I still don't feel the need for a serger or an embroidery machine. I use:

                        - straight stitch,
                        - offset straight stitch (where the needle moves over to one side and lets you stitch closer to the edge of the fabric - this is nice for things like bag straps),
                        - zig zag (which also lets you do a satin stitch when you set the zigzag length really short),
                        - buttonhole setting
                        - very occasionally a decorative feather stitch.

                        Oh, and a multi-step zigzag or a serpentine stitch is great for seam finishing. But that's it. I never use anything else.

                        You can find all of these functions on any machine from about 1970 on, so secondhand machines are a great way to get more bang for your buck (a used Bernina 730 is basically like buying a secondhand Mercedes for the price of a new Kia).

                        Have fun sewing, and if you need help, the forums have some great people to respond to any questions whatsoever!


                        • #13
                          My sewing machine is a Sears Kenmore. Nothing fancy nor particularly exciting about it except for the fact that it is over 33 years old and still runs beautifully. It was the first Christmas present my hubby gave me after we were married (1975).
                          Retail Haiku:
                          Depression sets in.
                          The hellhole is calling me ~
                          I don't want to go.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Aethian View Post
                            Two, Bad Monkey! Throwing everything away when something could have been damaged in shipment. I usually keep the whole package till I know the item works the way I want it to.
                            I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this! I've still got the box that my computer came in. I bought it almost a month ago. (Got a little jumpy since the hard drive on my old computer just went pear-shaped all of a sudden.)
                            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                            • #15
                              How is the service at your local store, normally I mean? I ask because area stores in my city have vastly different customer interactions. Where I work, they tend to have very forgiving return policies. Other stores, not so much. I'd try to find a friendlier store (unless this woman was NOT the norm) and go from there. However, if you can't find the receipt, make sure the store you return this to offers the machine in question.
                              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

