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Brother Repsac's Bathroom Reader.

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  • #16
    Quoth Crosshair View Post
    I believe that the human butt is one of the more sterile parts of the body. I need to look around and make sure that is right.
    Penn and Teller did a show on that, once. Ever watch Bullshit! ? They are sort of like mythbusters for whatever sacred cow people love to believe. turns out butt cheeks are suprisingly clean. It's a person's hands that are utterly filthy. You're gonna pick up more nasties on the door handle of the bathroom than you ever will on the toilet seat.


    • #17
      One year, for a senior prank, the class disassembled the partitions in the boys' bathroom (Yes, just 1. It was a small school.) and reassembled them in the middle of the main hall. I remember being surprised at how tame the graffiti was, compared to the girls'.
      Random Doctor Who quote:
      "I'm sorry about your coccyx, too, Miss Grant."

      I has a gallery: deviantART gallery.
      I also has a "funny" blog: Aqu Improves Her Craft


      • #18
        Fortunately for me, my department has its own building which means employees only. Now at the arena, we don't have a problem with bathrooms because they're inside the arena. At the party venue and the college venue we have some whiny customers. The party venue, we have our own bathroom and place to punch in. It is strictly employees only and we reinforce it by having security at the entrance. Now most people when told that we don't have a restroom out in the parking lot will use the woods. No problem with that. However one guy didn't like that at all and decides to relieve himself a load inside our booth. We promptly had him thrown out immediately and people refused to clean it until one of our supervisors did it himself.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #19
          I don't even understand the point of those seat covers.
          neither do i; i now think of them as 'buttplacebo' for idiots. nothing kills like bleach, but we don't always have that available, so... what we see can nearly kill you (from disgust).
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #20
            "Planned Parenthood Center: Grey metallic object which demands quarters be held together and knob turned to aid in planning parenthood. "

            I very nearly spit water all over my monitor. Funniest thing I've read today.
            "Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings"-Dr. Perry Cox


            • #21
              phenoilc will burn, you just have to get it in a pretty good bit of heat. The way I understood it, was the paper (yeah, it was heavilly pressed paper) was compressed so tightly, that the fire couldn't oxidize it for fuel.
              Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


              • #22
                Isn't that Phenolic stuff basically thermosetting Bakelite? Or am I mistaking it for that 'cause it's a brand name?

                *ex-A level Product Design mode*

                EDIT: nope, I've just read it again, it's the paper one. Wow-wee. O.O
                "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                • #23
                  Phenolic is, from what I remember of it, something of a brand name. I do know how it's made though.

                  They start with nothing more than craft paper. Thin sheets of that brown stuff that paper bags are made of.

                  I forget the exact number, but several thousand of these sheets, possibly tens of thousands, are stacked one atop the other and saturated with glue. (Glue first, then stack.)

                  Next, the stuff is put in a huge press, under about one thousand tons pressure, and squeezed to a half inch or so thickness. This produces heat which cures the glue and turns the stuff this odd black/brown color.

                  Lastly, it's cut using special diamond saws, and sent out to companies that in turn cut to shape and ship. The colors are put on in the layering process.

                  Laminate is made the same way, though with less paper.
                  Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                  • #24
                    Oh, I think I know that stuff. They use it for the partions on the newer buses, having been in one of these buses when it was broadsided, I can tell you it's pretty strong. Floorboards all splintered, steel cladding rent in twain, but for some reason these cheap-looking plastic partitions are still intact.
                    You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                    • #25
                      That's the stuff. Suprising just how much damage the stuff can take.
                      Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                      • #26
                        I think that might be the same stuff our counters in the chem lab were made of. Could be wrong, but when you describe the strange black/brown color, that instantly what I thought of. You couldn't hurt those counters with anything.
                        The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                        • #27
                          Quoth DesignFox View Post
                          I have to agree that, usually, the women's room is a worse mess that the men's room (no matter where you are). That's why, since our bathrooms at work are single person bathrooms, I usually use the men's.
                          I don't understand women who pee all over the seat because they feel a need to hover...just sit on the damn seat and the bathroom would be a hell of a lot cleaner!
                          Plus, our bathrooms, like many, do offer those little sanitary toilet seat covers- so if you are that squeamish....use one!!!!!
                          Our toilets at work are DISGUSTING. I avoid going in there as much as possible, but hey, when the hot weather starts up, you need to drink more water, and you're going to need to pee at least once in a 9-hour shift. We have four cubicles, and I have to carefully open the door to each of them and find the cleanest before I can go. Well, I say cleanest, but I really mean the one with the least visible ickyness in it. I don't actually know whose job it is to clean them - from the state of them, probably nobody's.
                          If you really have to lay toilet paper over the seat before you can go, PLEASE, for the love of god, put it in the toilet when you're finished, and flush it! Don't just leave it on the seat for the next person to find. Oh, and when (if) you flush the toilet, make sure everything's GONE before you leave!

                          People disgust me. I would dearly love to place a Bathroom Nazi (TM) inside both the mens and ladies toilets, equipped with a pump-action shotgun.
                          "Didn't wash hands?" *bang*
                          "Didn't flush?" *bang*
                          "Didn't flush EVERYTHING?" *bang*
                          "Did that stupid toilet-paper-over-the-seat thing and didn't dispose of it?" *bang*
                          "Left blood/pee ANYWHERE inside the cubicle (floor, walls, you name it)?" *bang*
                          "Dropped litter on the floor?" *bang*
                          "Graffiti?" *bang*

                          "Thank you for shopping at ___, see you again soon!"

                          Though give the filth that we encounter within the store itself, I think the Bathroom Nazi (TM) may need to upgrade his or her weaponry to tactical nukes. Let's see you make a mess in the bathroom now, matey!
                          God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

                          I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.

