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an open letter to Reno Tahoe International

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  • an open letter to Reno Tahoe International

    AKA, why I'm not sorry about being an SC.

    Let me be honest up front, your airport is a joke. The check-in area is in a tent, your baggage service is extremely slow, even on a slow day there aren't enough toilets, and your customer service skills suck.
    First off, when someone is pulling in to pick up a passenger at the passenger pick-up, it is appreciated if you don't berate the driver for having the audacity to be kind enough to pick up their relative... oh, I'm sorry, you're upset that they are taking too long... my bad that I'm not willing to sprint half way down the terminal because the closest place to pull in was that far away... maybe if you didn't have half of your drop off area taken up by the tent that is your check in area we wouldn't be in this situation, now back the fuck off and let me load my luggage in my mother's car in peace.
    Second, update your fucking signs... I meant to go down Plumb lane upon exiting the airport to get something to eat... sadly the lanes out of the airport were changed and the signs weren't updated... thank God it put me going south on the freeway I eventually needed to go south on anyway.
    Third, I know you are operating out of a tent, but please either get some working equipment, or at least be kind enough to put up signs indicating what is wrong with equipment. And to the CSR who told me when I started freaking out that the scanner wouldn't read the barcode on my email print out that they didn't think to put up a sign saying the barcode reader was broken because any calm rational person would easily figure out they can type in the number manually... FUCK YOU. You get no sympathy at all from the verbal barrage I hurled your way. People who are afraid of flying (which by the way, if you work for an airline and you can't tell when someone is on edge because they don't want to get on your flying death trap, you need a different career) are NOT calm and rational. Asking me to calm down doesn't help either... as I said, I'm about to get on a flying death trap, what the FUCK is there to be calm about. Here's an idea, get off your lazy ass and put up either an out of order sign on the machine or a sign saying that the barcode reader isn't working and you need to type in a confirmation number manually, because trust me, there are other people who are afraid of flying who will be flying today too, and they will freak out just as much as I did if not more... and I'll feel even less sorry for you then as I do now.
    Fourth, while I must give props to your security personnel, they are a very professional and polite bunch, competent too, your security area is a disaster. It is way too crowded... there isn't even place to put your shoes back on without going about 50 yards away. Sense you are so intent on rebuilding the terminal very year, why not rip out your admin offices to expand security so it isn't such a mess... then you can share overpriced offices with the tourism board in that nearly abandoned mall they bought out. You get extra space for security, they don't go bankrupt now that someone is splitting costs... everyone wins.
    Fifth, I know you meant well Mr. gate attendant, but no, I will not enjoy my flight. While I said "thank you" I was thinking "go to hell"... I've been through security so you know my jitters aren't because I've got a bomb that I'm likely to set off... it's because I'm *gasp* afraid of flying and would much rather be ANYWHERE other than right there boarding the plane.
    Sixth, to the planners who originally built the airport... why the hell did you build it in the part of the valley MOST prone to cross winds... are you trying to prove me right that I'm about to board a death trap. I've never had a smooth landing at your airport, and last week had the gust of cross wind hit us any later than it did we wouldn't have had an aborted landing but a crashed landing... how about next time your fucktards design an airport actually LOOK at the weather data to see where problems like that will arise so you... I don't know, BUILD IT SOMEWHERE ELSE.

    Thank you for reading Smiley's rant... we hope in the future you will use Smiley's for you ranting needs
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post

    Thank you for reading Smiley's rant... we hope in the future you will use Smiley's for you ranting needs

    Don't forget having the option to pay $10 for a stale sandwich and a 1/2 can of Coke on the flight.

    While I'm not afraid of flying, I totally despise it. Hate it with all the passion I can muster.

    I take the train when I can. Used to spend 3 days to get to Dallas on a train rather than the hassle of 3-4 hours flying. Sadly, it does not run to a lot of places any more.

    My sympathies, Smiley.

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
    I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


    • #3
      Smiley, I you. Will you be my GBGF?
      I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

      Oh, and your tool box got out again.


      • #4
        Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
        I'm not sure what that is... but I'll tentatively say sure
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          i think (dont know) GBGF means gay boy girlfriend
          second, would you like a cookie for your seething poision spittal or a hand gernade?


          • #6
            Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
            second, would you like a cookie for your seething poision spittal or a hand gernade?
            would it be possible to have both
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              Exploding cookies! Woot!
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                I hate flying too, Smiley.

                That's why if I'm flying I'm one of two places:

                Either A: On the Plane, passed out.

                or B: At the bar, getting prepared for the plane

                You meet some nice people at airport bars too, one guy even bought like 3 of us a beer.

                Awesome guy, very down to earth, but apparently he's also ridiculously rich. Seriously, he has like 10 cars, and only flies business class, on his own dime!
                (Either that or he just likes to throw money around, either way, I ain't gonna complain about FREE BEER!)

                Spent an hour and a half talking with that guy.


                I did have one flight attendant ask me if I was okay once though, we hit some turbulence at one point during the flight (a little over 2 hours into the flight) and she saw me grab the seat. I had been completely spaced out before this, and she was sitting in the jump-seat directly in front of me (I had the emergency exit seat).

                FA: *concerned* "You okay?"
                Me: "Yeah, I just don't like flying, and the Tequila is wearing off."
                *Reaches for wallet*
                Me: "Can I get a rum and coke please?"
                FA: *Chuckle/Laugh* "Sure! No Problem! "

                She was nice too.
                Last edited by Lingering Grin; 01-10-2009, 08:27 PM.
                <Insert clever signature here>


                • #9
                  Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                  Thank you for reading Smiley's rant... we hope in the future you will use Smiley's for your ranting needs
                  Absolutely! You know how to make words work well. I just take forever to say nothing.

                  I can completely understand the barrages you gave to those people. You'd think they'd know better if they'd been there for any amount of time about what the fear of flying does to people - it's common enough. Just glad you've made it back safely!
                  "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington


                  • #10
                    Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                    I'm not sure what that is... but I'll tentatively say sure
                    I'd tell you on here but...

                    if you really want to know, I'll PM you.
                    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                    Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                    • #11
                      ...I used to looove flying. It meant vacations, and pretty views, and flight attendants doting on the two cute little sisters that look like twins.

                      Now it means 20+ hour trips (from Japan to Florida, USA), and rude airport staff, and dizziness and jet lag and..... ugh.

                      I think my most hated airport would be O'Hare (Chicago). Hate hate haaate... though I will admit the staff was pretty polite last time I was there (as opposed to the usual snapping), even though they led me to the wrong terminal twice and my flight was delayed for over 4 hours, causing me to miss my connecting flight in Tokyo....

                      ..../digression. Ahaha, sorry.


                      • #12
                        I used to hate flying. Used to...
                        Then I discovered, through my furry lifestyle, that I wasn't meant to be a ground-dweller, basically, and most of it went away...
                        I still can't take it when I'm seated on a window and the plane banks sharply to my side... if I can see the ground by staring right out my window... Oh crap! World's ending!
                        "I call murder on that!"


                        • #13
                          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                          would it be possible to have both
                          *gets a plate of yummy gingerbread cookies, a platter of choice projectile explosives and a bag of fun torturific goodies*


                          • #14
                            For me, the worst airport was the san juan one. just...Hell.

                            O'hare= home for me, and I love it. As much as one can love an airport.
                   Pirate Faeries!!

