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Self sighting with TracFone

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  • Self sighting with TracFone

    So, I'm in my new apartment in a city I've lived in before.

    I called up Tracfone last week and requested a new phone number and they had to send me a new SIM. Luckily I'm in the habit of storing my numbers on the phone instead of the sim!

    New SIM shows up today so I call them up to get the new number...

    All goes well until I give the lady the wrong zip code. BUT then I corrected myself and gave the right one.

    I don't know if she only head the first (wrong) one and not the correct one, but even after repeating the correct one at least 5 times she told me it was invalid.

    ??? WTF Invalid? I lived here before at the same zip code so I know it's valid.

    So I was a bit of a bitch. When she asked me for a different zip I said I didn't have any other... and that "It was good enough for you to send me a fed ex to"

    I did however give her the area code and I guess that worked cos the number finally went through.

    I mean i don't like ahving to be a bitch but if the zip code is valid enough for fed ex and the USPS, it's damn well valid enough for them to update my phone number.

    And on another snarky note... I know they follow scripts but... There's more than one answer to "do you want to keep the old number or get a new one"...

    But the answer of "I'd like the old number but with a new area code" ... Either she didn't understand that meant changing XXX-XXXX-XXXX to YYY-XXX-XXXX or... she just didn't want to hear anything other than "new" or "old"

    but that was before the whole zip code issue.

    anyway i got what i wanted. i'm just feeling a little snarky still

    at least i was polite to her (other than refusing to change my zipcode and the comment about fed ex)

  • #2
    Don't getme started about Tracfone.

    I posted on here some time back about the horrific time I had trying to set up either my mom's phone, or my phone.

    I still get angry thinking about it.
    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

    Oh, and your tool box got out again.


    • #3
      Personally, I liked the Fed Ex comment. Made me laugh.

      On another note..ehh...Tracfone. My brother and grandmother have that, as both of them aren't exactly...errm..responsible with things. So we got them the Tracfones. But ugh, they can be such a hassle. Just calling the company to load more minutes on the phone requires at least a dose of aspirin and coffee.


      • #4
        When I used to do more salesfloor kinda work and had to help people with Tracphones, I always first tried to steer customers elsewhere. "You know, any of the major cell phone providers could probably help you create a plan suitable for your needs and at a reasonable monthly price."

        (Side note: My store briefly sold Sprint cell phones and nationwide plans. We did pretty good selling them, but I guess other stores didn't, and they vanished quickly. This was under the previous management regime, who wanted us to be all things to all people basically.)

        But if they were absolutely certain the Tracphone was what they wanted, I made a point to remind them that they would need to activate a new minutes card every 30 days/month/whatever it was, or else the phone would go dead. So that I didn't have to face some moron barging into the store with a dead phone bellowing at me "MY PHONE IS DEAD FIX IT!!!!!!111!1!"

        I don't use my cell phone that often, so I might be somebody well-suited to a Tracphone, but I refuse to even consider that. With my plan all I have to do is pay the monthly bill and don't have to worry about buying minutes cards and activating them every month.
        Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 01-14-2009, 01:53 AM.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Quoth Nashida View Post
          On another note..ehh...Tracfone. My brother and grandmother have that, as both of them aren't exactly...errm..responsible with things. So we got them the Tracfones. But ugh, they can be such a hassle. Just calling the company to load more minutes on the phone requires at least a dose of aspirin and coffee.
          Why do you have to call them at all? Just use the website or the little button on the phone to add minutes! It's easy!
          I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

          He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

          Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!


          • #6
            Actually other than the issue with the zip code... I like my tracfone.

            And yeah, I buy my minutes on the computer. usually i get the 450 minutes / 90 days cos i have one of those double-minute phones, so for 80 bucks i get 900 minutes, so i guess that's 11 cents a minute... not great but i've had worse.

            I use to have a regular cell phone and plan but ... my calling habits are basically crap, so I would get hit by OMG phone bills. So I like knowing how many minutes I have left... instead of worrying "omg what will my bill be?"

            (besides i sitll have skype and ichat for when i dont wanna run the bill up heh)

