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Yes arsehole, you're the reason I'm limping. Thanks a lot!

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  • Yes arsehole, you're the reason I'm limping. Thanks a lot!

    First time posting, friend just introduced me to this site. She told me that I should relate a story that happened to me about five years ago.

    This happened back in late '04, when I was finishing up my first degree in college. I was living off campus in a condo that I was renting with a few friends and my late-husband at the time. It late November because when we came back from Thanksgiving break, our stupid washer and dryer broke down. It was going to take a week or two for the owner to get the parts needed to fix our machines. We were lucky in the fact that there was a landuary place two minutes away.

    I go during mid-week after school and when I didn't have to work that evening. It was not that late but the sun was setting and I was almost done with my laundry. There is a person you go up to for change, if you need soap, etc. -- just a person to keep an eye on things. The guy was maybe about 32 or 33, about nine years olders than me. He wasn't rude and was pretty nice, usually reading a book the few times I come in.

    In comes in the arse-wipe.

    Me: Lead role.
    AG: Arsehole Guy.
    NCG: Nice Change Guy.

    AG comes into the laundry mat and gets change from NCG, snaps at him when NCG says good afternoon. AG snaps that if it was that he wouldn't have to be doing this f**king s**t. Okayyyyy, someone needs a chill-pile. I blink over to NCG as the AG starts to get ready to do his clothes, he shrugs and then I do. I go back to my clothes. We were the only three in at the time.

    Not more than maybe five seconds later, AG starts swearing up a storm because the machine at his money. Instead of trying to get NCG to help, he starts to punch the living crap out of the poor machine. Leaving dents here and there, evening going as far as to crack the glass part of the washer. NCG comes quickly over and asks the guy to calm down. AG goes livid and starts swearing at NCG.

    AG: This bleep of bleep just at my bleeping change! Fix it you bleep, bleep, son of a bleeping bleep!
    NCG: Sir, I can see what I can do, but a refund for things like this can usually take a week. I have to write up a report and send it --
    AG: >cuts him off< What the bleep!?! I have to wait for MY money that your bleeping machine bleeping ate!
    Me: YES! >I didn't like this guy's attitude, so I spoke up. Should have just kept my mouth shut.< He is trying to explain to you how YOU can get your stupid 1.25 back. Listen to him for Christ's sake.

    I have a temper and when it flares, it flares. I held my tongue on saying the words he was using. I kept telling myself to be the better person and I thought I was. AG just told me off, grabbed his stuff, and spit on NCG's feet. Told NCG that he can shove that report where he mother sucked his you-know-who and, for me as a women, I should learn my bleeping place.

    I let it go if it meant getting his butt out of the door. So he goes out to his car and I turn back to get my clothes. NCG asks if I can make him a statement, I said yes, then he goes back to his area to call his boss. I hear NCG start talking to his boss but it fades out when I start focusing on my clothes, thinking about what I am going to be doing for my art final. I nor NCG saw the door open again or AG come in again.

    I just heard NCG yell and then pain shooting through my knee, I go down, and I felt it in my lower back the second time.

    The fucking AG came back in with a baseball bat from his car to put me and NCG in our places?! The hell?!

    NCG tackles him when he was about to bring up the bat again. NCG was not as tall as AG but he seemed to know the self-defense to keep the asshole down. Two other people park in at this time and when they get inside, NCG yells at one of them to call the cops. I don't remember much after this because I was in a crap load of pain.

    It's a miracle to push myself to walk sometimes. I've gotten use to a cane.

    I know that speaking up on someone's defense should be done, but sometimes I wonder what the consequences are when it comes back to hit you in the face or in this case, your leg.

  • #2 I the only one who is really saddened now?
    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


    • #3
      Can we say LAWSUIT? That's Assault, brudda. Two counts.

      Team up and get his ass thrown in jail. No baseball bats available in his cell. Even if he were to find a stick or something, it wouldn't compare to the nearest guy with a shiv waiting for him.
      Think. It's not illegal yet.


      • #4
        No...that was deplorable and I hope that the OP pressed charges against the bastard.


        • #5
          Quoth TravisRB69 View Post
          Can we say LAWSUIT? That's Assault, brudda. Two counts.
          Actually, that was Battery.

          Erm, no pun intended.

          I hope he got tossed in jail right quick. For a good, long cooling-off period.
          "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


          • #6
            Good on you for defending your coworker. Did the police catch the guy?
            "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


            • #7
              If you're *still* limping four years later, that would be GBH (Grievous Bodily Harm) in the UK, I believe. I do hope he got time for it.


              • #8
                Firstly, Sakura, welcome to our little corner of the web. Take care to step over the gutter, a lot of us keep our minds there.

                Second, I am sorry for what you went through. Thank you for standing up to that ass. All to often, those of us who deal with the public must accept abuse without anyone stepping in and saying, "Hey, that's going too far." I am sorry your couragous effort was met with violence, and I hope you are recovering. I also hope the fellow who did that to you got the full wieght of the law dropped on him.

                Yours is a cautionary tale, to be sure, but I hope we won't stop defending the fellow manning the counter who doesn't deserve the abuse the customer in front of you is heaping on them. Best of luck to you Sakura. You have friends here.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.


                • #9
                  I hate to do this, but I call shenanigans. If this happened in '04, surely you would be able to share information such as court cases, the dude getting arrested etc. Especially since there was a witness as well...
                  The report button - not just for decoration


                  • #10
                    Quoth Sakura - Drops
                    NCG tackles him when he was about to bring up the bat again. NCG was not as tall as AG but he seemed to know the self-defense to keep the asshole down. Two other people park in at this time and when they get inside, NCG yells at one of them to call the cops. I don't remember much after this because I was in a crap load of pain.
                    Were you still in so much pain that you couldn't remember when the guy went on trial? Or what he went on trial for? Or what his sentence was?

                    Because bashing somebody with a baseball bat is battery, if not attempted homicide, and I sincerely hope you assailant was put away for a long long time.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      im going to play the devils advocate for a minute. im not saying i fully believe it, but im not saying i don't believe it.

                      i was wondering, if when the OP said they couldn't remember much after, if they meant, those moments when the cops came and arrested the guy, was when they couldn't remember. if the OPs leg still bothers them, i would assume the blow to the leg would have been extremely sever, or just a hit in the right spot to cripple, but either way, it would have been painful, and maybe the OP couldn't focus on anything but the pain.

                      but, i also am curious as to what happened afterwards. maybe, since we are asking for more information, the OP will come back and give us a few more details?


                      • #12
                        Quoth iradney View Post
                        I hate to do this, but I call shenanigans.
                        I agree, I believe our posters 99% of the time

                        but this one is a little out there even for me.
                        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                        • #13
                          OK, before we start attacking the OP...let's consider a few things.

                          1. Immense pain can blur details a bit. My grandmother, who was in a serious auto accident in '94, knows all about that. She was left with serious injuries (two broken shoulders, burns, massive gouges, etc.), and was left in a daze after the wreck. She didn't wake up for a week later...and had no memory of what had happened. The only thing she knew, is that she somehow got hurt, and was in the hospital.

                          2. It was back in 2004. We all forget things as time passes on. Sometimes, it's because we *want* to. After her accident, Grandma simply chose to forget many of the details. Even though the guy who caused it was an asshole...and who *harassed* her via telephone for a *year* afterwards (hoping we'd drop the suit...), she chose to forget all about him. My family had already taken the bastard to the I guess she didn't want to hold a grudge.

                          3. Maybe that even though the guy got arrested, he somehow 'disappeared' before trial? Unfortunate, but it does happen.
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            Quoth iradney View Post
                            I hate to do this, but I call shenanigans. If this happened in '04, surely you would be able to share information such as court cases, the dude getting arrested etc. Especially since there was a witness as well...
                            Not disagreeing, but she was only sharing the story of that day. I think the "I don't remember" part was for what happened immediately after. Details following up what happened would be helpful though, I'm sure.

                            But, still, it's something that could happen, so take with a grain of salt and realize to always be aware of your surroundings?
                            My NaNo page

                            My author blog


                            • #15
                              Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                              Actually, that was Battery.

                              Erm, no pun intended.

                              I hope he got tossed in jail right quick. For a good, long cooling-off period.
                              Depends on the state. In some states, battery is listed as a higher felony assault.
                              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                              HR believes the first person in the door
                              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                              Document everything
                              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

